"Mistress," the Kook said to Alexis. "I have concluded that your arguments are sound enough to overbear those against them. So command us, and we shall obey."
"Then grab that man!" Alexis commanded, pointing straight at Salazar.
The Kook bodyguards approached Salazar, who gripped his knife and aimed an underhand thrust at the nearer Kook with a lunge that would have disemboweled a Terran opponent. But before Salazar's thrust sank home, the Kook's scaly hand gripped his wrist and stopped his attack. Another Kook seized his other arm, while the first assailant twisted the knife out of Salazar's grip.
Then the Kooks were dragging Salazar toward the crater to throw him into the volcano. Salazar could hear Alexis calling to him.
"Good-by, Salazar! No hard feelings!"
L. Sprague de Camp
A Del Rey Book
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A Del Rey Book
Published by Ballantine Books
Copyright © 1992 by L. Sprague de Camp
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 92-90617
ISBN 0-345-37551-3
Manufactured in the United States of America
First Edition: November 1992
Cover Art by Darrell K. Sweet
To Caleb B. Laning,
Rear Admiral, USN (Retired)