ATLANTIS Glossary of Characters and Terms

Alyssa—half-vampire, half-demon, second-in-command of the vampire army

Amazon—Atlantean race of female warrioresses known for their thirst for war

Apollo—god of the sun

Ares—god of war

Artemis—goddess of the hunt

Atlantis—a hidden city under the sea, populated by creatures mistakenly created as the gods attempted to form man

Brand—second-in-command of the dragon army

Brenna—human; mate of Joachim

Broderick—elite nymph warrior

Cassandra—siren formerly enslaved by the demons

Centaur—Atlantean race defined by half-man, half-horse features

Darius—king of the dragons

Delilah—Amazon warrioress

Demon—Atlantean race of horned, scaled flesh-eaters; most reviled of the creatures

Dorian—nymph warrior

Dragon—Atlantean race of men able to shift into fire-breathers

Forest of Dragons—land surrounding the Inner City; property of the dragon king

Formorian—Atlantean race with one arm and one leg; wings are their great strength

Gorgon—Atlantean race with snakes for hair, able to turn men to stone with a glance

Grace—human; queen of the dragons

Hestia—goddess of hearth and home

Inner City—center of Atlantean commerce

Irren—formorian warrior

Jada—female nymph warrior

Joachim—elite nymph warrior

Kreja—queen of the Amazons

Layel—king of the vampires

Lily—Amazon child; daughter of Kreja

Marina—slain queen of the demons

Minotaur—Atlantean race with the head of a bull and the body of a human

Mists—portals from the surface world to Atlantis

Nola—Amazon warrioress

Nymph—Atlantean race so sensual, no one can resist them; they need sex to survive

Outer City—home to Atlantis's criminals and assorted unwanted races

Poseidon—god of the sea

Renard—dragon warrior

Shaye—human; queen of the nymphs

Shivawn—elite nymph warrior

Susan—slain human mate to Layel

Tagart—dragon warrior

Valerian—king of the nymphs

Vampire—Atlantean race of blood-drinkers; most can fly and teleport

Vorik—dragon warrior

Zane—vampire warrior
