“All other delegations have been summoned,” said Julian. “I do not care for this.”

“One delegation must be last,” said Otto.

“Where is Rurik?” asked Tuvo Ausonius, uneasily.

“He must be soon about,” said Julian. “Surely he must be aware of the imminence of the summoning.”

“He must be here,” said Tuvo Ausonius. “He is taken to be first in our group. He is the only member of the Farnichi family in our delegation. We are seen as agents, at best. He is the only one properly informed of the value of our goods. The rest of us might error in our representations. I, personally, cannot tell a false stone from a true stone, or the silk of Talis IV from that of Talis III. Let him appear swiftly! All may otherwise be undone!”

“We must speak boldly, and appear knowledgeable,” said Julian.

“Rurik would not have brought inferior goods,” said Otto.

“And what would be the intelligent asking price for a square foot of prime Sorbian slipper leather?” asked Tuvo.

“Surely Rurik will be here presently,” said Julian.

“And if he is not?”’ asked Tuvo Ausonius.

“In the false bottom of the red jewel case is a pistol with four charges,” said Julian.

“Perhaps these concerns will be for naught,” said Otto. “We may meet with the princesses privately.”

“Let us hope so,” said Tuvo.

“Where is Rurik?” asked Julian.

“Woe,” said Tuvo Ausonius, “I fear it is too late.”

“How so?” said Julian.

“A servitor approaches,” whispered Tuvo Ausonius.

“Gentlemen,” said the servitor, bowing slightly.

“Sir,” said Julian, rising.

“You are the Farnichi delegation,” said the servitor.

“Yes,” said Julian. “How is that we have not been summoned until now? Do you know with whom you deal? Do you not know the weight of a Farnichi delegation? Are you unfamiliar with suitable priorities?”

“Ten thousand pardons, noble sir,” said the servitor. “No slight, but rather great honor, was intended. Is not the king the last to enter the feasting hall? Is not the finest wine the last served, the most exquisite slave the last to dance before the Master’s table? The glory of the Farnichi is well known. Whose goods could compare with those of the Farnichi? All else, until now, is naught but preface and prologue.”

“Nonetheless, the delay grew tiresome for our leader, the high merchant, Rurik, scion of the high Farnichi,” said Julian.

“He must be about,” said Tuvo. “I am sure he will soon be present.”

“I do not understand,” said the servitor. “He is already present. He is in the selling chamber, the reception chamber, awaiting you.”

“Of course,” said Julian.

“Please be so kind as to gather up your goods,” said the servitor.

The goods were gathered up by Julian, Otto, and Tuvo Ausonius. Julian made it a point to carry one of them himself, a red jewel case.

“We are to be conducted into the presence of the daughters of the kings,” said Julian.

“How could it be otherwise?” said the servitor. “Please, follow me.”
