SPIRO RELAXED; Quicksilver noted that for this argument, at least, the little scholar had come prepared.

"That we could hardly display a stolen artifact, ah, openly, it is true enough ... however, the Museum will see to it that, ah, unofficial word of our major new, er, aquisition circulates throughout the field of archeology. Boghazy-the-Great will therefore gain higher status among comparable institutions and a more notable prestige in the minds of archeological scholars and leading historians. Our celebrated Monograph Series—particularly those issues relating to the study of Thothic archeology and prehistory and the aesthetics of the Laceridaen Cavern Kings—will attract a more respectful attention due to our newly found and unique authority in the field."

"Umm," said Hautley.

Pawel Spiro glibly continued: "And, moreover, upon the completion of that fifteen-year period demanded by the Carina-Cygnus Quadrant Criminal Code, Section V, Paragraph 12, Sub-paragraph b, 'Statute of Limitations'—we may then openly and without fear of legalistic reprisal display the cult object in fullest legality."

Quicksilver reached a decision.

He stood up, terminating the interview.

"Where may I contact you, Learned Spiro?"

The little man gaped, then grinned. "Imperial House, Chitterling, on Vassily II. I have reserved a suite under the assumed identity of 'Dr. Smothly.' Does this, ah, mean you accept our commission?"

"Before we can print a contract, I must investigate the means by which the Crown is guarded and watched. You will appreciate, I sure, that I owe it to my reputation as a craftsman not to bungle a job. I must therefore ascertain the probable degree of success I may enjoy if I undertake your interesting assignment."

"But, ah, we feel that time is of the—" Pawel began, tentatively.

"Quite," Hautley snapped. "You will hear from me within twenty-seven hours, I promise you!"
