While the reader may pronounce the names in the story as he likes, and while the sounds of the speech of the natives of Kukulcan (koo-KOOL-kan, named by its human discoverers after an Aztec god) are not much like those of any human language, here are suggested pronunciations for some of the more difficult names.

Biitso (BEET-so)

boshiya (bo-shee-yah)

Chensoö (chen-SAW)

Feënzun (FEH-en-zoon)

Feënzuo (FEH-en-zwaw)

Frappot (fra-PO)

Gakki (gahk-kee)

Gariko (gah-ree-ko)

Gueilin (gway-lin)

Hjalmar (YAHL-mar)

Kampai (kahm-PIGH)

Kange (kahng-eh)

Kinyobi (kin-yo-bee)

Kovacs (KAW-vahtch)

kudzai (kood-ZIGH)

kyuumei (kew-may)

Miyage (mee-yah-geh)

Mozii (mo-ZEE)

Neruu (neh-ROO)

onnifa (awn-nee-fah)

Pokrovskii (paw-KROFF-skee)

poosho (PAW-sho)

Sambyaku (sahm-byah-koo)

Sappari (sahp-pah-ree)

Sensao (sen-SOW)

tisai (tee-SIGH)

Tsugaa (tsoo-GAH)

Tuui (TOO-ee)

Uwangi (oo-wahng-ee)

Yukke (yook-keh)
