ormarin to klorathy.

My information is that you are on Volyendesta. I received this news with considerable lightening of my spirits. It is no use disguising from you that I am deeply perturbed by certain rumours of which I am sure you must have cognizance. I refer, of course, to those concerning a possible invasion of this planet. I acknowledge freely that you have been warning me of this eventuality, and I and my colleagues have been taking every step within our power to make our defences viable. But recendy our agents have been sending in reports of advance formations of skyborne troops which have been seen more than once over the Inland Desert Area. That is to say, formations of individual soldiers who, if the reports can be credited, arrive by sky-freighter and subsequently are released to become airborne under their own power. I would very much value your galactic advice. I was under the impression I knew all the different species under the Sirian hegemony – which I understand in any case is not what it was? – yet neither I nor any of my colleagues have heard of a species with wings.
