Okay, just in case you’re really busy or tired because you stayed up late finishing, I want to thank you first for reading my book. For reals, I love you. Thanks.

Now, to the people who made this happen. Well, actually, let’s go back a bit more.

As always, I thank God for words. I’m so glad I don’t have to try to communicate this story to you with my antennae or something. Words are so delicious, and I’ll be forever happy they exist.

Callaway: Oat bananas! Thanks for supporting me and being generally awesome.

Guyden: Thank you for sharing Mommy with the friends in her head.

Loads of love to my mom, dad, and little brother for encouraging me to be strange. Also, hugs and love to my mom, dad, and little brother-in-law for being such incredible cheerleaders. Between the six of you, I’ve been engulfed in excitement, and I’m so grateful for all of you.

Thank you to the gang at [nlcf] and to the FTW Crew for celebrating with me along the way. Hugs!

Thanks to Mary—the first person to read The Selection ever—for thinking it was cool, and to Liz and Michelle for being the thoughtful, rational, in-depth readers that I am not. The book is better because of you guys. Also, I think you are awesome.

Thank you to Ashley Brouillette for making a great video and earning her name a spot in the book. Bravo, miss! I also have to say thanks to Elizabeth O’Brien, Emily Arnold, and Kayleigh Poulin for hanging out with me when I was a nerd. Thanks for letting me use your names as well.

Other names I borrowed: Jenna, Elise, Mary, Lucy, Gerad, Amy, etc. Thanks for popping into my mind when I had no idea what to type. Yay!

Elana Roth: You are a rock goddess of an agent, and I cannot thank you enough for taking a chance on me even though I’m really, really awful on the phone. Still can’t figure out what possessed you. Also, thanks for letting me hug you. Love!

To Caren and Colleen at JLA, thanks for being there and generally rocking.

Erica Sussman: You are so dang cool. For realzies. It’s kind of amazing how well you get America and how fun you are to work with. I adore you and your purple pen. Thank you for never making this feel like work.

Tyler, you sassy girl, I feel your energy in everything. Thanks for all your work.

Dear Everyone at HarperTeen: Umm, THANK YOU! You were a dream I didn’t dare speak aloud, and I’m honored to be one of your authors and appreciate all of your work for me. From cover art to marketing to just the way you communicate with me, everything has been better than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you. Truly.

Jeannette, Catherine, Kati, Ciara, Christina, the ladies at Guy’s daycare, and anyone I might have missed: Thank you for watching Guyden at various times so I could work. It meant so much to me to know I wasn’t alone in this.

And, if you made it all the way through this, thanks again to you! Some of you have been with me from the first time I sat in front of a camera and said “Hello Interwebs.” Some of you read The Siren or found me on Twitter. Some of you just saw the pretty girl on the cover of the book and decided to pick it up. However and whenever you found me, thank you for reading my book. I hope it made you all kinds of happy.
