June 9

Temperature: +16° C, cloud cover: 5, a slight rain. The swelling has completely vanished; however, as Achilles predicted, the whole area around the eye has taken on a hideous greenish tinge. I can't show myself on the street: you wouldn't hear anything but stupid jokes. This morning I phoned the mayor's office, but Mr. Nicostratus was pleased to be in a humorous mood and did not communicate anything new to me regarding my pension. Of course, I became very upset, tried to calm myself with my stamps, but even the stamps did not console me. Then I sent Hermione to the drugstore for tranquilizers, but she returned with empty hands. It turned out that Achilles had received a special notice instructing him to distribute tranquilizers only by prescription of the city physician. I flew into a fury and phoned Achilles, started up an argument, but to tell the truth - what could I expect from him? All medicines containing narcotics are under the strict supervision of the police and specially appointed people from the mayor's office. What can you do: if you cut down a forest, the chips will fly. I got my cognac and took a drink, right in front of Hermione.

It helped. I even feel better. And Hermione didn't let out a peep.

This morning Myrtilus's family returned, even though he is still living in his tent. To be honest, I was glad. This was the first sign that the situation in the country was becoming stable. But then suddenly after lunch I saw Myrtilus putting them all on the bus again. What was the matter?

"Sure, sure," Myrtilus answered me in his usual manner. "You're all such wise guys, and I'm a fool...."

It seems he had gone to The Five Spot and learned that the Martians intended to call the comptroller and architect to account for their machinations and squandering of funds; supposedly they had already summoned them somewhere. I tried to explain to Myrtilus that this was a good thing, it was fair. But where would it lead!

"Sure, sure," he answered. "It's fair.... Today the comptroller and architect, tomorrow the mayor, and the day after tomorrow I don't know who, maybe me. Nothing doing. Look at you - they hung a black eye on you, was that fair?"

I can't talk with him, he can go .. .

A Mr. Corybantus phoned. It turns out he is replacing Charon at the newspaper. A pitiful, trembling voice; the paper must be having difficulties with the authorities. He begged me to tell him if Charon would be returning soon. I spoke very sympathetically with him, of course, but I didn't say a word about Charon having already returned once. Intuitively I feel it isn't worth spreading around. God knows where Charon is now and what he's doing. That's all I need: unpleasantries over politics. I don't talk to anyone about him, and I've forbidden Artemis and Hermione as well. Hermione understood me at once, but Artemis had to make a scene.
