Chapter 36

"No, damnit, Miss Tiemerovna—"

"Natalia," she nodded.

"All right—then no, damnit, Natalia," Gundersen shouted. "I'm not takin' a woman KGB major wearing a bathrobe and an arctic parka into a rubber boat for a shore party to investigate what sounds like a battle royal—got it?"

"Damn you," she shouted.

"Thank you very much for the good wishes—you can stay in the sail if you like—come on, O'Neal—let's launch," and Gundersen started across the missile deck and over the railing side cleats toward the rubber boat.

Natalia screamed after him. "Nyehvozmohznoh!"

Gundersen looked up as he took the ladder. "And what the hell does that mean, lady?" "It is Russian—you are impossible!"

"Thanks again," and Gundersen's head disappeared from sight.

She shivered—she wore a hospital gown under the robe and the arctic parka only covered the upper half of her body, the wind blowing up under the robe.

Almost as if Gundersen could read her mind, she heard him shout, "And get that damn woman a blanket to wrap around herself before her legs freeze!"

"Aye, sir," a voice called back.

"A^e," she snarled.
