The halls of the castle at Xenos were decorated with boughs of evergreen. Everywhere one looked, there were arrangements of bright scarlet crystals carved in the likeness of kingfisher feathers and tiny golden crowns. Red winter roses filled vases, and logs burned in every fireplace, spreading light and cheer to every room and chamber. The Knights as they walked their watches on the cold snowy battlements were served steaming mugs of nog or warm mulled wine. Many wore roses in their belts and wreaths of holly around their helms, all to celebrate the festivities. For tomorrow was Yule, and a fine Yule it promised to be. Not for many a year had the people felt such a sense of hope and gladness.

However, despite the foot-thick covering of freshly fallen snow, evidence of recent events offered a stark reminder of how dearly this Yuletide was bought. Here was a wall battered to rubble, there the charred skeleton of a building. In the courtyard, masons were busy erecting a pedestal for a monument. The names of many, including Quintayne, would be inscribed there. Never would the siege of Xenos be forgotten.

Even so, in the chapel of the castle, they remembered a different occasion, a Yule tragedy long past. Tomorrow was the anniversary of the Cataclysm, so the Knights commemorated the event by raising the chant of the thirteen days, of the time when the gods sent warnings of disasters to come, warnings ignored at the time.

As the service ended and the Knights filed out of the chapel, Sir Liam Ehrling found a young lady still sitting in a quiet corner. He approached her quietly, smiling.

"Lady Jessica," he said.

She looked up, her face pale. "So much pain," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"The Cataclysm?" he asked. "Yes, it was a dark time, but hope renews. Evil turns upon itself, good redeems its own."

"I sometimes wonder why we fight. It seems, no matter what we do, nothing changes," Jessica said.

"That is exactly why we fight," Liam said.

"My Lord Ehrling, I have made a difficult decision. I wish to leave the Knighthood," Jessica whispered. "I want to serve Lady Crysania."

"That is a noble desire, Lady Jessica, but I cannot grant your request. I need you here," Liam said.

"You need me?" she asked, blinking up at him. "Why?"

"I will tell you, if you will accompany me to my chamber. I believe Sir Valian is waiting for us there," Liam said.

"Valian?" Jessica asked as she rose.

"Yes, I've asked him to share a midnight toast with us," Liam said as they walked from the chapel. Two Knights shut the doors behind them, bowing as Sir Liam passed.

When they reached the door to Liam's private study, it opened and Seamus Gavin stuck his red wizened face into the hall. Seeing Liam, his eyes widened.

"Ah, there you are! Seems I'm not the late one this time," said Gunthar's old friend from Palanthas.

Jessica and Liam entered the study and found a fire blazing on the hearth. Sir Valian sat near it, absently rolling a pewter mug between the palms of his hands as he stared into the flames. On a side table, a crystal decanter half-filled with pale yellow wine gleamed in a bowl.

Liam poured four glasses and passed them to those gathered. Seamus, his lap full of various papers and documents, accepted his with a smile. Without moving from his chair, the dark elf took the glass offered him and returned his gaze to the fire.

Liam walked behind his desk. It lay bare, the only thing on it a single bound volume as thick as a man's wrist. He looked at it and placed his fingertips on its cover.

"Here is the Revised Measure," he said. "I regret that Ellinghad and Meredith-" he choked, then sighed "-and Quintayne, who succumbed to the wounds he suffered here at Xenos will not be here for the unveiling. I wanted you three to know something. I trust in your judgment to keep it a secret. In his last days, torn by grief and worry for the future of the Knighthood, Lord Gunthar's mind threatened to leave him. The burden was almost too great for him. His work on the Measure suffered greatly as a result.

"This past month, I've labored long and hard to finalize his work, and I have done it, I think. The Measure is complete. My one desire is that no one else know of my, let us say, collaboration. This is Lord Gunthar's last accomplishment, his Revised Measure, not mine."

Valian nodded. "Yes, milord." Jessica also nodded, although she didn't understand why she was being trusted with this secret, especially since Liam knew her desire to leave the Knighthood.

"You know, of course, that you can trust to my discretion," Seamus said.

Liam walked to the fireplace and turned to face the dark elf.

"Sir Valian, I want to extend to you an invitation, to join the Knights of Solamnia. Your honor and your courage are beyond question. As for your past deeds, that is something you and your maker will have to deal with, when that time comes," Liam said.

"Lord Ehrling, you know as well as I do, that if you accept me into your Knighthood, you will lose the support of the elven nations. I am a dark elf, and nothing can change that," Valian said. He blinked, then turned his gaze to the fire. "I won't destroy the delicate alliance between the Knighthood and the elves. One person's feelings cannot outweigh the common good."

Liam sighed. "I thought you'd refuse, but I wanted to make the gesture."

"Thank you, sir. Your offer touches my heart," Valian softly answered.

A knock on the door interrupted them. It opened and a Knight stuck his head in the door. "He is here," he said.

"Send him in," Liam said.

The door opened wider, and Uhoh strode into the chamber. He looked about in some confusion at those gathered. For the most part, his wounds had healed, leaving no obvious scars, but something about him was different. There was an air of caution about him and even a haunted look.

"Uhoh Ragnap, I want you to meet your legal counsel, Seamus Gavin of Palanthas," Liam said.

Uhoh turned to the elderly man, staring curiously at him. Seamus shifted uncomfortably, spilling a few papers from his lap.

"Ahem… Yes. Master Uhoh. How do you do? I've waited a long time to meet you."

"Hello," Uhoh said.

Seamus turned to Liam. "Well?"

Liam looked at the ceiling, as if seeking guidance from the heavens. "Go ahead, Master Uhoh. Seamus has something to tell you about Papa Gunthar," he sighed.

Seamus smiled and nodded appreciatively to Liam.

"Master Uhoh, Lord Gunthar made you one of his rightful heirs."

Uhoh's face sank. Tears sprang to his eyes. "Papa," he sniffled."Papa gave me hair?"

"He has made you master of Castle Kalstan," the barrister added, " You are Uhoh Ragnap uth Kalstan now."

"Under one condition," Liam interrupted.

"What's that?" Seamus asked.

"That Lady Jessica serve as his seneschal, liaison between the new lord of my family castle and the Knights of Solamnia," Liam said.

"Lady Jessica?" Seamus asked. "Do you accept?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"So, Master Uhoh Ragnap uth Kalstan, as Lord of Castle Kalstan and honored guest of the people of Xenos and all the Knights of Solamnia, what is your first desire? Would you like a feast for all your gully dwarf friends?" Seamus asked. "How about a nice big bed?"

Uhoh set his candle on the floor. The echoes of the door still reverberated down the empty stairs and low dusty hall. He climbed atop the crate which Jessica had brought for him to stand on, and steeling himself, looked down.

Hesitantly, he touched Gunthar's hand. "Poor Papa," he cried as he buried his face in the old man's beard.
