(* = historical figure)

Twenty-first-century Cambridge, MA (or DC)

Tristan Lyons, Major (later Lieutenant Colonel) in the U.S. Army; founder of DODO

Dr. Melisande Stokes, initially lecturer in Harvard’s Department of Ancient and Classical Linguistics, then Tristan’s first recruit to DODO

Dr. Frank Oda, retired MIT physicist, husband of Rebecca East-Oda

Rebecca East-Oda, his wife; a witch

Erszebet Karpathy, a Hungarian witch

Dr. Roger Blevins, chair of Harvard’s Department of Ancient and Classical Linguistics, later head of DODO

Lieutenant General Octavian Frink, Director of National Intelligence and Blevins’s eventual boss at DODO

Dr. Constantine Rudge, head of IARPA, advisor to DODO, intimate of the Fuggers

Brigadier General Schneider, Tristan’s initial boss at IARPA

Lieutenant Colonel Ramirez, Schneider’s aide

Les Holgate, Blevins’s nephew and Frink’s protégé, appointed advisor to DODO

Mortimer Shore, MIT student, systems administrator, swordsman, and general geek at DODO

Julie Lee, classical oboist, waitress, DODO agent, and witch

Macy Stoll, head of C/COD at DODO

Chira Yasin Lajani, DOer, Lover class

Felix Dorn, DOer, Strider class

Dr. Esme Overkleeft, DOer, Sage class

Major Isobel Sloane, officer in command of DOSECOPS, DODO’s security force

The Maxes, ODEC builders

The Vladimirs, ODEC geeks

Frederick Fugger, a man of business

Senators Hatcher, Cole, Effingham, and Villesca, and Chairwoman Atkinson, members of the secret Senate committee overseeing DODO’s budget

Gordon Healey (offscreen), a Chronotron nerd

Mei East-Oda (offscreen), daughter of Frank and Rebecca

Darren (offscreen), theatrical swordfighting instructor

Tanya Wakessa Washington (offscreen), DODO witch recruit

Dr. Eloise LeBrun, HOSMA

Dr. Stephen Moore, HOSMA

Dr. Hilton Fuller, HOSMA

Nadja, witch recruit

Dr. Srinavasan (offscreen), in-house physician

Sundry DOSECOPS and Secret Service officers

Constance Billy, Anachron witch from fourteenth century

An unidentified witch in collusion with the Fugger Bank

(In France) Anne-Marie, proprietress of Collinet B&B

1640 Cambridge, America

Goody Mary Fitch, a witch

Elizabeth Fitch, her young daughter

Goodman Griggs, their neighbor

Ferrymen (brothers)

*Hezekiah Usher, merchant and bookseller

*Stephen Day, printer

A cooper

1560s Antwerp

*Winnifred Dutton, witch

*Thomas Dutton (offscreen), her husband, factor to Thomas Gresham

*Thomas Gresham (offscreen), banker, Winnifred’s paramour and father of her child

*Anne Dutton, twelve-year-old child of Winnifred Dutton and Thomas Gresham, witch

1601 London

Gráinne, an Irish witch, spy for Gráinne Ó Máille

*Grace O’Malley (Gráinne Ó Máille), “Pirate Queen of Connacht” (offscreen, Ireland)

Athanasius Fugger, banker

Sir Edward Greylock, courtier

*Queen Elizabeth I (offscreen)

*William Shakespeare, playwright (offscreen)

*Christopher Marlowe, playwright and spy, believed deceased

*Richard Burbage, actor

*Edward Alleyn, actor (offscreen)

*George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland (offscreen), cofounder of East India Company

Pym, proprietor of Tearsheet Brewery

Morag, wench at Tearsheet

Mary, wench at Bell Tavern

Rose, an English witch

Herbert, a handsomely armed young nobleman

George, his not-so-handsomely armed older friend

The Constable of Southwark

Lord Simon Beresford, Sir Edward Greylock’s intended father-in-law

*Sir Francis Bacon (offscreen)

Jacques Cardigan, one of Sir Francis’s “Good Pens” at Greyfriars (offscreen)

*Nathaniel Bacon, Sir Francis’s half brother, married to Anne Dutton (offscreen)

*Three daughters of Nathaniel and Anne, all witches (offscreen)

1203–4 Constantinople

Magnus of Normandy, Varangian Guard

Basina, out-of-wedlock member of the royal family

*Alexios III Angelos, Byzantine Emperor

*Euphrosyne Doukina Kamatera, his Empress

Avraham ben Moises, a Jew of Pera

Rachel, his eldest daughter, a witch

Sarah, his wife, a witch

Bruno of Hamlin, a crass Varangian Guard

*The Crusaders: European warriors, Venetian sailors, churchmen, camp followers, etc. Underfunded and undermanned, but sailing first-rate ships with ample armaments, this army had been called to liberate the Holy Land by way of Alexandria in Egypt; political and financial manipulations resulted in its detouring to Constantinople, to replace Emperor Alexios III with his nephew, Alexios IV (who’d offered to pay the cash-strapped army for this service—but then failed to follow through, leading to the eventual rape of the city).

*Marquis Boniface of Montferrat, leader of the crusading army (offscreen)

(In Collinet, Normandy) Imblen, a witch

1850 San Francisco

Xiu Li, Chinese witch

*Celestial Jong Li, her paramour

Francis Overstreet, proprietor of the St. Francis Hotel

Mr. Fugger, a banker

1851 London

A physician and his wife, Mel’s self-appointed guardians

Mr. and Mrs. Karpathy, and the young Erszebet

Mr. Fugger, a banker

(In Prussia) *Berkowski, daguerreotypist of the fateful solar eclipse (offscreen)

1045 Normandy

Thyra, witch of Collinet


Tóki Olafsson, skald from tenth-century Svelvik

Ingibjörg, witch of tenth-century Svelvik

Twenty-two Vikings, including Storolf, Brand, Halfdan, Thorolf, Bild, Glama, Heid, Asmund, Hrani, Arngrim, Hjordvard, Yngvar, Snorri, Hunfast “the Hapless,” Saemundr, and Thord
