Racing behind Reizger Lokkich, Daniel struggled to keep up just behind the merchant’s swinging lantern. How could such a short, rotund figure move so quickly? It was a concept that scared him-however fast it was, a full rank of elfish guards would undoubtedly be able to move quicker, especially if they were on horseback. Behind him he could hear shouts and calls of alarm. Would they be able to track him in the dark? He should probably assume so.

Lokkich climbed a hill that stood outside the edge of the Fayre. He rose effortlessly up its side like a windblown beach ball, while Daniel staggered and gasped beside him.

“Ho there, whisht!” Lokkich called in a harsh whisper, closing the shutter on his lamp.

A light appeared from behind a clump of trees-a torch that was held by a thin, gaunt-faced being that looked less than human or elfish. It didn’t seem to have any striking features apart from its plainness. It was bald, with a rounded, formless brow and long, sagging jowls. It reminded Daniel more of the face of a dog.

“There you are, you wretched thing. Give me that,” Lokkich said, snatching the torch from its grasp. “Daniel,” he said, “give him the cloak.”

Daniel undid the clasp of the cloak that Lokkich had given him earlier and handed it over. When he looked up into its face again, he was so startled he let out a cry, quickly raising his own hand to muffle it.

“Shh!” Lokkich commanded, handing Daniel his own cloak and backpack back. “What’s the matter? Do you want to make it so easy for them to find us?”

“I’m sorry, I just . . .” Daniel kept looking at the person in front of him. Its skin was no longer sagging; it was tightening, twitch by twitch, into features. It was making itself look like Daniel. A tuft of brown hair was even appearing on its head, and it seemed to be shrinking.

“That’s enough, you,” Lokkich said, angrily striking the thing on its head. “You don’t want to give the game away completely.

Take this again.” He thrust the torch back to the thing. “Go that way.” He pointed along the tree line. “Run. Your life depends on it. Now!”

It took off at a run, the blue cape and orange torch flames flapping behind it.

“What is it?” Daniel asked.

“It’s a changeling. Vile member of a reprobate race. It has its purposes, though.”

“What happens if they catch it?”

Just at that moment, there was a shout from below. “A light!” they heard someone call.

“If they kill it, they’ll do us a favor. Quickly, this way.” Lokkich hurried off again, with Daniel trying to keep pace behind him, deciding along the way that it would be a good idea to reload his handgun. After a while, Lokkich opened the shutter on his lantern again and slowed his pace.

“Are we going to get there in time? Is it too late?” Daniel asked, struggling for breath.

“We’re here already,” the other answered. “Now, take these.”

A small bag was thrust into Daniel’s hands. It contained the items from his own world that he had killed Fiall for-the videotape, phone charger, comic book, and some odds and ends like the newer coins and mechanical pencils that Daniel had picked out. Daniel made sure to check that they were all there.

“Watch your step,” Lokkich cautioned.

Daniel looked up and saw that they were standing on the top of a cliff. There was a large standing stone, about ten feet high, and then empty air-darkness.

The squat merchant put his hand out and moved it around, as if feeling the air. He muttered some words and the space in front of them started to . . . brighten. It was as if shadows of light were growing just above the cliff face.

“Daniel?” He heard Freya’s voice call again, uncertain this time.

“This is it, just step through,” Lokkich said. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did.”

“Wait, you want me to just walk off the cliff?”

“Yes, you must if you are to return.”

“This is the way back home that you weren’t sure was going to work the first time?” he asked, looking over the edge of the cliff and estimating a forty-foot drop.

“Conditions are ideal right now. What is more, you are being called. Summoned, if you like. You can’t ask for better than that. Please, do it quickly. I cannot do it for you.”

Daniel crept close to the cliff’s edge. He was just about to take a deep breath to prepare himself for stepping out into certain death when a hand reached out of the darkness and grabbed him.
