'Where is that novice-fucking cripple?' bellowed a voice from somewhere behind. 'Osh! Where are you, you cockless relic?'

Hambalay Osh stifled a smile and turned stiffly. He had positioned himself on a small rise, the better to view the troops under his command, and from there he could see a figure forcing its way through the crowd of soldiers. The Mystic of Karkarn was today dressed in a long red robe with bronze-coloured braiding, and a bronze helm covered the grey stubble on his head and cheeks. A long shield rested against his left side, partially hiding the metal brace that encased his leg.

'Daken!' he called as the white-eye barged through the assembled soldiers, knocking one infantryman to the ground in the process.

'That's fucking General Daken to you,' the man roared cheerfully, grinning in anticipation of the battle to come. He grabbed the ageing mystic in a bearhug, chuckling madly. 'Still upright, then?'

Osh gestured to his ruined knee – after escaping the Ruby Tower in Byora, with a little help from the Brotherhood, the mage, Tomal Endine, had healed the injury as best he could, but Osh still need the brace to stop the knee collapsing underneath him. 'Until you give me a good shove anyway.'

Daken did just that, thumping Osh hard on the chest and doubling over with laughter as he fell backwards onto his rump. The mystic gave a wheezing cough, trying to recover his breath while Osh's aides helped him up.

'I suppose,' Osh puffed, 'I asked for that.'

'Sounded like'n invitation to me,' Daken agreed, beaming. The white-eye general wore a battered breastplate and a plundered Menin helm, but the cloak around his neck was pristine: white, with a red border. Osh tilted his head to get a better look at the design on it: a massive curved axe.

'Fate's eyes,' Osh breathed, 'he really has ennobled you?'

'Aye, but he made me a marshal too!' Daken said, grinning. 'Likes a man who carries out orders well, does King Emin.'

Osh turned and looked towards the defensive lines ten yards away. 'So you're here commanding this flank?' They were near the tree-line, and the smaller of the two Menin forces was closing in, now only four hundred yards away.

Daken nodded. 'He wants my axe here, help hold the line. I command this flank, General Lopir's got the cavalry, and Suzerain Tenber has the right, for all the good he can do there.'

'The reserve?'

'Yours to call when you want 'em, half o' Tenber's infantry are moving this way already.' Daken's face twisted in scorn. 'Fer some reason he's given command of the reserve to a bunch o' Raylin there – some local crone and that blind bitch who smells like a Demi-God and is pretty enough to be the next thing I ask the king fer!'

A tall soldier in Canar Fell colours interrupted them. 'Sir, the first line of skirmishers are withdrawing.'

The pair looked over the heads of the blue-liveried infantry and watched the furthest division of archers scramble back towards the Narkang lines. They were pursued by two regiments of light cavalry, but without enthusiasm as a second division of bowmen positioned behind the next staggered ditch had already started firing.

'Hurry up, ya bastards!' Daken called out to the enemy army, 'we're gettin' bored back here!'

Osh smiled, watching the effect one white-eye's belligerence could have on a unit of men. This was why Daken had been removed from the cavalry: to stiffen the resolve of nervous troops in the face of an undefeated enemy.

More enemy cavalry were out ahead of the advancing legions. Those not engaged in trying to clear the skirmishers lingered on the edge of bowshot, but Osh knew they wouldn't stay there long: Before the heavy infantry caught them up they'd start to strafe the Narkang line, see if they could draw out a pursuit. If anyone followed they'd quickly be surrounded and wiped out, so every single officer had had the same order drummed into them: if they allowed anyone to leave the line without a clear order from the king or a general, they would be executed.

Not long after, the beat of drums drifted over the moor and the sound prompted a sudden jerk from the cavalry and a grin from Daken.

'Here they come,' he yelled triumphantly, 'now hold the line, all o' you!' He beckoned over one of Osh's aides. 'Archers ready, fire on my word.'

The man saluted and gestured to a major commanding the archers on the right.

Daken watched the Menin follow the tree-line, aiming to slant across the line of pikemen holding the open ground at the end of the ditch. 'Rear legion,' he called, turning to face the officer waiting for his order, 'five volleys, fifty yards in from the trees – furthest range: Fore legions, fire at will!'

Osh resisted the urge to duck as he heard the dull thrum of bowstrings ring out and a cloud of black arrows flashed over their heads, arching down towards the attacking cavalry, and before the second volley was loosed, the first of the enemy were tumbling from their horses.

The cavalry pressed on, unable to do anything but close the ground and throw their javelins at the infantry; attacking an ordered line head-on would be suicide, and even their efforts to ride down the line cost them dearly as archers were positioned there specifically to pick them off.

'Hold the line!' an officer shouted from within the press of infantry, and his call was quickly taken up by the rest as the cavalry swept past and turned away.

Once they moved away Osh could see the heavy infantry behind: armoured Menin troops with fat, oval shields and long spears, advancing steadily in two wide blocks. They appeared oblivious to the streams of arrows raining in on their flank from archers behind the ditch.

'Rear legions, another five volleys, furthest range,' Osh called to the officer behind him, 'then keep firing just beyond our line.'

'What're we missin' here?' Daken muttered as the officer spread the order. 'Those heavy infantry ain't goin' to push their way through eight ranks o' pikes, not unless they got another few legions behind.'

'Scryer said eight of them, but they don't look like they're all engaging yet,' said the mystic, scratching his cheek. He looked up suddenly. ''Ware incoming arrows!' Osh called loudly. They watched the missiles fall with a strange detachment, knowing they could do nothing – most fell short, but a few found their mark and the screaming started.

As the Menin closed they heard shouts from their left, at the tree-line. A fierce grin appeared on Daken's face as a youth ran out from the trees, one of the division of volunteer infantry stationed there.

'Chetse!' the youth shouted again and again in a high, panicked voice, 'Chetse in the trees!'

It took Osh a moment to place his uniform, then the mystic realised he'd last seen it on the streets of Narkang: this division was comprised of City Watchmen, who'd arrived unannounced a few days before, inspired by the sacrifice of Commander Brandt, in Narkang the previous year. They'd been assigned to the forest, as their weapons were barely suited to an open battlefield.

Daken moved with surprising speed. The youth running towards them, still shouting, barely had time to look surprised before Daken clouted him around the head hard enough to knock him down.

Osh looked at the rear rank of the pikemen; the white-eye had been right to do so; they were looking panicked at the thought of Chetse axemen appearing behind them.

'I heard ya the first time,' Daken growled, standing over the young watchman, 'now: get up!'

The youth was still sprawled on his back, dazed by the blow. He was wearing a peaked iron helm and a leather coat and carried a wooden shield; not much protection against the Menin, but good for anyone trying to negotiate the dense forest. At the white-eye's words he pulled himself to his feet and saluted clumsily.

Daken unsheathed his axe and brandished it above his head. 'First reserve division to me,' he shouted, heading towards the tree-line and dragging the youth with him.

Five hundred men broke to run after him as their officers bellowed the order, awkwardly forming a shield wall in five uneven ranks no more than thirty yards from the first tree of the forest. Ahead of them walked the white-eye general, into the gloom of the forest. Seeing nothing, he shoved the young watchman forward.

'Go keep a watch out for 'em,' he roared.

The youth, still shaking, headed back into the forest to find the enemy, while Daken started barking orders.

He's enjoying himself, the mystic realised. He's looking forward to facing axemen as mad as he is. Reckon he's the only one.

'Damn you, Cetarn,' King Emin hissed, 'what in the name of the Dark Place are you waiting for?'

The Menin were marching ever closer, hunkered down behind their shields under a barrage of arrows and ballistae bolts. Their own archers were massed in loose order ahead of the infantry, doing their best to limit the effectiveness of the Narkang bowmen. The main front line was made up of alternating Menin heavy infantry and troops from the Chetse elite Ten Thousand.

Doranei looked back at the central tower where Endine was standing with Fei Ebarn and the scowling mercenary, Wentersorn, the two battle-mages who'd been part of the assault on the Ruby Tower. Camba Firnin, the illusionist, was down by one of the catapults, filling the bowl with something horrific. Doranei waved madly until Endine noticed him, but the scrawny mage just gestured for them to wait.

The main line of Menin was a hundred yards away now. Doranei drew his sword and felt a rush of power tingle up his arm as Aracnan's weapon seemed to drink in the summer sunlight. It was most likely even more ancient than Doranei's vampire lover, and there was something about it he disliked, but it was worth its weight in battle: it was frighteningly swift, and could cleave both an enemy's weapon and his helm in one stroke.

Under Hambalay Osh's tuition Doranei had been learning a new style of fighting, one more akin to the ritualistic combat used by warrior-monks. Mystics of Karkarn and the like eschewed armour, concentrating instead on technique and clean, controlled strikes rather than the fury required on a battlefield, where blows had to batter through a man's defences.

'Now we'll see something,' Veil commented as Ebarn stepped back from the catapult. The crew wasted no time in firing the weapon and half a dozen clay balls the size of baby's heads were hurled over the wall. Doranei kept one eye on Ebarn, having seen her magic work before; the mage was standing perfectly still, her eyes closed. The balls spread unevenly in the air and had barely started to drop by the time they reached the front rank.

When they were still at least twenty yards off the ground Ebarn clapped her hands together once, then made as she were flinging the contents before her, and Doranei heard the crump of igniting flames. A sheet of fire tore through the air above the Menin and flopped down on top of them, sloping down off their raised shields onto the men below. Screams echoed across the moor, followed by cheers from the fort, but the Menin faltered only a moment, and a roar of defiance was their response when a ballista bolt tore deeper into the blackened ranks. They were ten legions of elite troops; it would take more than one mage to turn them back.

When the Menin were eighty yards away Doranei felt a tremor run through the earth rampart of the fort. Behind them he could just make out the oversized shape of Cetarn on the circular earthen platform they had built. The air above him was shuddering as though it were being assailed and the iron chains running from the mound into the ground lifted, taking the slack as cracking loops of energy ran through them.

'Piss and daemons,' Doranei breathed, watching the tortured air crackling. With a final flourish Cetarn dropped to one knee and slammed both hands to the ground and a great crash reverberated as a burst of energy surged towards the enemy lines and into a Chetse legion.

Half of the first rank were thrown from their feet, but they were the lucky ones. A boom like distant thunder rumbled out, and the rear ranks on one side of the legion disappeared in a great cloud of dust. Doranei gaped as he realised the ground had opened up underneath them, swallowing several hundred men.

'Karkarn's horn,' Veil breathed, 'I didn't know the old bugger had it in him!'

'He didn't,' the king said grimly. He was now wearing a steel helm detailed in gold – for the first time. His flamboyant feathered hat he'd tossed over the rampart, declaring to the amusement of all that he'd fetch it later.

'What -?' Doranei hesitated. 'He has a Skull? You've ordered him to sacrifice himself?'

'I've done what I must,' the king said sharply, 'Endine and Cetarn as are much of the Brotherhood as you or Sebe and they know their duty just as well. Cetarn may be the only mage here capable of this, he knows it, and he volunteered for the task.'

Doranei ducked his head in acknowledgement. He'd blurted it out without thinking; not out of a desire to question the king's decision. 'Of course – I just realised why Cetarn made a point of toasting the Brotherhood two nights past. Wish I'd known.'

'Aye,' said the king, 'normal men aren't built for channelling so much power. He knows he'll either burn himself out with the Skull, or he'll become Styrax's principal target.'

'Is that why -?' Doranei looked back at Cetarn and the troops guarding him. 'Never mind – it'll just make my head hurt.'

The king smiled briefly at him, a flash of teeth showing behind the steel grille visor. 'There's a lot doing that right now – let's just try to survive the day.'

'Here they come,' Coran growled from behind the king, his huge mace in one hand, a spear in the other. He circled his shoulders, stretched his arms, and got ready to drive his spear all the way through the first man to reach him.

The Menin were fifty yards off.

Doranei heard the order to charge, followed by a roar of hatred from the thousands massing and almost immediately the Chetse moved ahead of the more-disciplined Menin infantry. The King's Man raised his sword and looked down at the rampart. A spiked ditch at the base of an earth wall, propped by wood. Their climb would be difficult, but far from impossible.

The first Chetse berserker raced up to them and threw himself across the ditch, stabbing a dagger into the earth wall to brace himself as he swung his axe.

The blow was never finished. Coran leaned forward, teeth bared in fury, and drove his spear into the man before the closest defender could move. In his ferocity the white-eye spitted the wild-haired Chetse in the side, ramming the spear deep into his ribs. The Chetse was thrown back into the ditch below as Coran wrenched the weapon back out, his snarl of bloodlust drowned out by the shouts of the men around him. Then the rest arrived like a breaking wave and Doranei saw only the shrieking horde. He lunged and felt his blade bite the first.

Daken hammered the butt of his axe into the Chetse's face and felt bone shatter. The impact left blood spurting over his face as the soldier fell, but another was immediately in his place, aiming a hefty overhead swing at Daken's skull. He reached up with his axe and caught the descending shaft before it had built up speed, then kicked his attacker square in the midriff. The Chetse was bowled over by the force of the kick and Daken stepped into the gap, growling like an animal and hacking left and right into the unprotected flanks of those on either side.

'Daken, back in line!' Osh roared from somewhere behind. It was the second time he'd needed reminding and with a hiss of frustration the Mad Axe stepped back between the spear-points of his comrades.

The Chetse were charging raggedly from the trees, any semblance of order gone as they pushed their way through the thick forest. One group had barrelled straight into the side of the pikemen, but a company of Kingsguard had rushed to cut them down. Osh had sent a division to bolster the tree-end of the main defensive line, and lend their shoulders to the press.

The Menin heavy infantry had reached their line now and were battering away at the longer pikes, desperate to make a hole they could exploit. Thus far only a few men had got through, and they had been dispatched relatively easily, but the closer they got the more were able to evade the twelve-foot weapons.

'More of 'em!' Daken shouted joyfully as another hundred Chetse raced from the trees, screaming murderously.

The first few slammed bodily into Daken's defensive line. One rebounded and was thrown off his feet, others were impaled on the lowered spears, but two managed to slip through the line and hack down into the blue-painted wooden shields. Daken saw one chopped in half, and the man holding it fell screaming as the axe bit into his arm. Suddenly there was a terrific roar from the forest and the sound of something crashing against the trees. The roar was joined by a second: deep animal calls that, given the enemy, could mean only one thing.

Daken felt a shudder of fear run through his troops and sneered in disgust. A pair of Chetse saw him and came directly for him, one, bearing a massive circular shield, charged straight on to smash the spears out of the way, but the white-eye jumped forward and swung his axe like a club, catching the flat steel boss on the edge with such force he heard the man's arm snap. The blow knocked the shield aside, into the other soldier, and caused them both to stumble. Daken felled one with a blow to the neck and was about to run the other through when he was beaten to it by one of his men.

The trees ahead shook and in the darkness Daken saw a massive shape looming. Behind it came a second, an enormous club in its grip. The minotaurs caught sight of him and scrambled forward, ducking under branches and bellowing furiously.

'Shift yourself, bitch!' Daken shouted, thumping a fist against his own chest.

A dozen bluish wisps, faint in the daylight, flashed out from his body like misty tentacles. They raced forward and merged into a figure gliding at head-height through the air: a slender female figure with long hair that danced like snakes.

Litania, the Trickster was on the loose.

The first minotaur swiped at the Aspect of Larat, but its crudely shaped axe parted only air. The beast turned to follow the movement, confused by the ghostly shape, and Daken, following Litania's path, reached the minotaur in a few paces.

The beast was still tracking Litania and didn't notice Daken until the white-eye braced himself and threw his whole weight behind his axe. The weapon bit deep into the minotaur's knee, crunching into bone and causing it to howl with agony. It swiped one enormous fist towards Daken, but he'd already thrown himself clear and as it took a step forward the injured leg buckled.

Daken rolled to his feet and charged on, trusting the infantry to deal with the fallen one. He could hear Litania's high, girlish laugh as she danced in the air before the face of the second minotaur. The beast tried to grab at her, its clumsy fingers grasping wildly, and failed. Litania laughed and darted back, rising high above the minotaur's head, and it lurched forward, trying to follow -

– until it was suddenly jerked back by the head, almost losing its footing entirely. The minotaur had somehow managed to hook one of its curling horns on a low branch, and while Litania giggled in malicious delight, Daken stabbed the beast through the armpit. The spike went all the way in, driving towards the creature's lung, but he didn't hang around to see if the blow was mortal; he tugged out the weapon and chopped at its ribs, gashing through the minotaur's thick flank.

The monster reeled from the impact, wrenching its head violently enough to splinter the thick branch, but still unable to disentangle itself. Blood poured from its wounds; Daken realised they were both grave, but the beast was not yet dead. One spearman got too close, and it smashed him in the back so hard his spine crumpled.

Daken moved further around the minotaur, glancing over his shoulder to check there were no Chetse waiting to do the same to him, then raised his axe high above his head and stabbed the spike into the beast's neck. It grunted and squealed in pain, ripping the branch from the tree trunk, but as it turned on him it got three spears almost simultaneously in the back.

Daken hoisted his axe again and hacked furiously at the minotaur's face, cleaving it open. The beast arched its back and as it began to fall, Daken threw himself bodily at the toppling beast and delivered another enormous blow to its face before its shoulders hit the ground.

He looked up to discover he was standing on the minotaur's shuddering stomach, now slick with blood, while the beast heaved its last breath and his soldiers watched in horror.

'What's wrong with you lot?' he rasped, throat tight as the bloodlust coursed through his body. 'Not enjoying yerselves yet?'

Doranei punched forward with his shield, not even seeing what he caught, and swung his black broadsword blindly. He felt it part armour and continue through flesh, followed by a cry of pain as he yanked the sword back and felt the attacker fall away. He paused to gulp air, while the Land seemed to recede from around him. Cocooned by screams and the clash of metal, Doranei found his eyes drawn to the neat arcs of spattered blood on the inside of his shield, each one curving around his closed fist but leaving his glove unstained.

The King's Man was still staring at his fist when something smashed into the side of his head and black stars burst before his eyes. Doranei crashed sideways and collided with someone's legs, bringing them down too. He flailed drunkenly at the figure lying across him, unable to see through the blur in his eyes. He dropped his sword, got one arm underneath the man and pushed up. His vision cleared as the weight was lifted from his chest and he recognised, Daratin, a young Brother, who'd fallen on him.

Daratin had barely got to his feet when a Menin spear slammed into his chest, straight through his armour, and Doranei watched in horror as his mouth fell open as he was driven back. The scream was cut short as Daratin's knees gave way and he collapsed. Still holding the spear, the Menin soldier heaved his way into view, shield raised high to ward off a blow from Veil. Doranei scrabbled on the ground for his sword, but Coran was already leaping to his rescue.

The big white-eye charged past Veil, roaring like an enraged lion, and smashed his mace down onto the Menin's shield. The man crumpled under the terrific impact, his arm and shoulder shattered, and fell at Coran's feet. The white-eye stamped down on his spine and Doranei heard a wet crunch as he struggled up, pushing himself forward to protect Coran's side as the white-eye raised his mace once again.

Completely indefatigable, Coran hammered his mace onto another Menin head and Doranei saw the neck snap under the force of the blow, but such was the white-eye's speed he struck the next Menin barely a second later, and felled him too.

Doranei looked over the rampart. It was a chaotic mess beyond their lines, the Menin and Chetse enemy advancing steadily behind their large shields, through a rain of arrows and blows. He chanced a second pause to check on the king, and saw his monarch was striking and dodging with the deftness of a duellist, red sparks bursting from the impact whenever his enchanted axe met steel. On his other side was Suzerain Derenin, the burly lord of Moorview Castle, and the veterans in his service, all fighting furiously for the families who'd refused to be sent away and now waited to tend the injured.

As Coran backed off to return to his place in King Emin's lee, Doranei punched at a Chetse with his shield, catching the man a glancing blow on his shoulder and knocking him off-balance. A second Chetse saw the opportunity and jumped up, one foot on his comrade's back and the other against the gouged earth rampart. Doranei swung at the man but missed and had to turn his sword horizontal to take the impact of the man's axe. The magical weapon met force with force, cutting into the axe-head and absorbing most of the blow.

Doranei didn't waste time being surprised, he wrenched the sword back and tugged the axe from the Chetse's hands; his second strike across the man's face cut bronze helm, flesh and bone with equal ease.

From overhead a pair of steel grapples dropped down right in front of him, catching on the logs supporting the rampart; he cut through the rope of one quickly enough, but before he could get to the other, one end of the log was dislodged in an explosion of earth and tugged towards the Menin lines.

He watched a small trail of soil patter down onto his boots, and it momentarily increased as the ground shook beneath him. Doranei sensed everyone hesitate, and for a half-second silence fell as a heavy reverberation ran forward across the moor. On both sides the men of the Brotherhood recovered quickest and ran through their opponents, but most eyes were on the tremor shuddering through the Menin ranks. A great tearing sound rang out as a circle of ground thirty yards across dropped suddenly away beneath a tightly packed Menin legion, taking a hundred or more men with it.

Doranei blinked. A great cloud of dust had been thrown up, and in the middle, a sudden blazing light erupted and through the swirl he saw a tall figure in brightly coloured robes, standing with arms outstretched where there was no ground to stand on. Spinning bands of light raced from each hand to the air underneath him and with a flourish the mage started moving backwards. He staggered slightly as he reached firm ground again, but he was otherwise unharmed.

'That fat bastard better step up the pace!' Coran growled as he smashed through yet another shield.

Doranei didn't waste time agreeing. The battle hadn't been raging for long, barely a quarter of an hour, he'd guess, but that was only Coran's second attempt, and they were badly outnumbered here. Whatever their advantages of position, their losses weren't so easily replaced on the line.

The sudden heavy beat of drums from the back of the Menin line sparked a flicker of hope in his heart. At first nothing happened, but then the call was taken up and the attackers edged backwards, away from the reach of the Narkang weapons. Once disengaged, they wasted little time in turning and heading for the gaps between the men of the second rank.

'Hold the line,' King Emin shouted hoarsely, Suzerain Derenin repeated it more loudly, and immediately the order was shouted from all sides. Doranei looked at the men standing with him as someone dragged dead Brother Daratin out of the way. No one showed much inclination to pursue the enemy; the sight of Narkang bolts taking them down as they fled was enough for most. The battle was far from won, but they all knew a pursuit could mean it lost soon enough.

'Enjoy it, brothers!' King Emin shouted after a mouthful of water. 'Enjoy the sight. They're not used to this! You're the first to drive them back – and that won't be the last lesson we teach Lord Styrax today!'

Despite himself Doranei raised his sword and cheered with the rest of them. There'd be little enough to cheer come the end of the day. But as he shouted with the others, he found his body didn't want to stop. Tired though he was, that sudden rush, feeling alive as he yelled himself hoarse, was hard to let go of. Then Veil tossed him a flask of brandy and he felt something better.

Standing with one foot on the artillery's marker stone, Lord Styrax watched his first wave fall back without comment. He started to turn to his right, and stopped when he realised no one was there. Under his enclosed black helm his expression darkened: he still expected to find Kohrad in his lee. The young white-eye had been slow to learn restraint, so he'd kept him close, to teach him the skills he'd need when he inherited his father's empire.

Styrax's hand tightened into a fist. There would be no inheritance now. He could nominate a successor – a man he respected, and trusted with the future of his empire – but there would be no swelling of the heart as he watched his son find his own path to greatness. Kohrad's mother, Selar, had poisoned her own womb when she saw how he worshipped his father; Kohrad's betrayal had broken her heart.

'Captain Hain,' he called brusquely. 'What is the state of the cavalry?'

The officer hurried up and saluted. What was left of his troops had been temporarily reassigned, and Hain attached to Styrax's own command staff. 'It's good, my Lord. General Gaur continues to shadow the enemy, to ensure they cannot outflank us, so their horsemen are effectively negated.'

'I am glad to hear it,' Styrax said, still staring towards the fort. 'What are the casualties from that first tunnelling spell?'

'Severe: at least a regiment incapacitated, probably the best part of two. We must assume the second strike has had the same effect.'

The huge white-eye was silent for a moment. 'Tell me, Captain Hain,' he said eventually, 'if you were King Emin, how would you approach this battle?'

'I – Ah, I'd expect it to be my last, sir. A lord's importance to his army is immense, especially when inexperienced troops make up the majority.'

The white-eye nodded. 'So you would expect me to kill you as swiftly as I can. Why then would you place yourself in a crucial position?'

'Because my presence would inspire them to fight hardest. If the position falls, then my life is likely lost, no matter where I am. Casualties in the first wave look heavy; it'll cost thousands to take for sure.'

Styrax raised a hand to stop him. 'Or you could place yourself there as a lure, to keep me occupied while the weapon you hope will win the battle does just that.'

Hain shrugged and tugged the strap holding his axe in place. 'Didn't hear what we did at Tor Salan, then. It's a desperate thing to trust your whole nation to.'

'But if you fear there is no other option?'

'Then I'd defend that weapon with everything I have. Make sure no one gets through, no matter the cost, and aye, risk my own life to drawn the attack away.'

Lord Styrax turned and looked back at the cavalry. It was hard to make much out as they were spread out to prevent enemy incursions. There had been dozens of small engagements, testing the enemy and probing for weaknesses but Gaur would see they remained inconclusive. The enemy had the advantage of numbers, but the beastman had two heavy infantry legions to hold his centre. If the Narkang cavalry tried to pin Gaur down or swamp him, they'd find themselves blunted on his shield wall, then butchered.

He looked further, to the seven legions of the reserve, three of which were Menin heavy infantry. They remained in formation directly behind Styrax, ready to exploit any opening.

'Send the second wave to attack the fort and a rider to inform General Gaur I'm committing the reserve. I want the Bloodsworn, Reavers and remaining minotaurs on the right flank of the fort with the Menin reserve, and Lord Larim to take the other flank with the rest, together with Gaur's infantry. Gaur is to keep tight to the first wave of troops once they've reformed and use them as he seems fit.'

'Like pulling the head off a sentinel lizard,' Captain Hain commented as he saluted to acknowledge the orders.

'Exactly – I'll deal with this weapon myself and leave King Emin stranded. He'll learn the hard way that no defence is absolute.' Styrax stared at the fort, where the king was commanding its defence. 'But of course, full honours to any man taking the king's head before they surrender, Menin or otherwise. Ensure the men know.'

The fighting along the tree-line was growing increasingly desperate. Daken prowled behind the lines of troops like a hunting lion, all the while bellowing orders and cursing. Osh watched him, blood-stained and battered after the desperate fight with the Chetse but as unrelenting as winter. Intentionally or not, Daken was performing exactly the role King Emin had intended for him: the raging, indefatigable white-eye hero. He was egomaniacal by nature and blood-crazed in battle; it was impossible not to take heart from the Mad Axe's presence. Daken's legend was mixed, but Osh could see Daken's past crimes meant little here.

Large numbers of Chetse had got lost in the tangled forest, trying to skirt the troops stationed there, making little headway as they'd attacked piecemeal. Now the men were gathering up the several hundred Menin dead and piling them up as makeshift barricades – they wouldn't stop anyone attacking, but it channelled the remaining forays to ground of Osh's choosing as well as keeping the troops busy.

The Menin had withdrawn to regroup after half an hour of brutal hand-to-hand combat, the sobbing cries of the injured filling the air as they were dragged back from the front line. The grass at their feet was stained by the blood and loosened bowels, and Osh could see from the faces of those left that the full horror of the battle was settling in. The only thing he could do about it was to keep the men busy, bringing up the next line of troops and withdrawing the battered legion that had borne the brunt of the first assault.

Counting the dead was difficult amidst all the bustle and chaos. The open ground was a hundred yards across, and the dead lay strewn across it. The enemy had brought makeshift walkways to cross the fifteen-foot-deep ditch and used their archers to pin the down the defenders while they got enough troops across to take them down. Their attack plan had nearly succeeded.

Shouts suddenly rang out from the front rank of troops. Osh scanned the ground, at first thinking the Menin were advancing already, but he could see nothing. When he listened more carefully he realised it was anger, not alarm, that he was hearing.

He sent one of the young officers attending him to investigate while he checked behind him: an old man's battlefield paranoia never died. Troops behind stood in neat blocks; a division of five hundred spearmen was heading over to bolster his numbers. Companies of fifty were stationed all around, watching for surprises from the rear. They'd had to deal with a second pair of minotaurs, but now all was quiet; it appeared they'd weathered the worst of the flanking attack. He doubted they'd try to surprise them again from the forest – it was impossible to maintain any form of order there, and a piecemeal assault wasn't going to be enough.

'Sir,' called the lieutenant as he returned, face pale, 'sir, they've got captives out on their line – they're torturing them.' The young man was barely old enough to join the army – seventeen winters if that, and most likely a year into some commission promised before his parents had known what was coming.

'Tell our archers to fire on them,' Osh ordered.

'But they're women and children, sir!' the youth exclaimed in dismay.

Osh lurched forward and grabbed him by the throat with one powerful hand. 'Sonny, they're going to die, no matter what – so you'd wish them something slow and agonising, or the peace of a swift death?'

'No, sir – yes, sir,' the lieutenant spluttered.

Osh released him. 'Exactly. So give the order.'

He watched, his teeth gritted, as the first few arrows were fired. Despite the deaths they'd just seen, the slaughter of hundreds whose blood now stained their boots, shooting at captives was clearly a reminder of things they'd pushed to the back of their minds. Osh knew men faced battle in different ways, but none wanted to dwell on thoughts of family and loved ones: that sucked the fire from a man's belly, and sure as anything would see him face-down in the mud before long.

And now I'm at it, Osh chided himself, Gods, man – you are getting old!

'No time for all that,' he said aloud, ignoring the questioning looks he got from his remaining aides, 'what are the bastards going to try next?'

'Ah, Reavers, sir?' opined the boldest of his aides, a tall olive-skinned youth who has been one of Osh's pupils until war had broken out, when he had begged to join his teacher's staff.

'Let's hope not,' Osh laughed. 'Last thing we need's more bloody white-eyes here! But you're right – it'll be something to disrupt us. Maybe mages, something to give them a step forward, at least. They won't win the ground easily, there's too many of us to push back, so they'll need to chop a path through.'

'Shall I send another division to support? Increase the number of ranks?'

Osh frowned at the lines of fresh infantry, their pike-heads glinting in a rare shaft of sunlight. The men were eight ranks deep and tightly packed. He shook his head. 'No, it's sufficient. Bring the reserves up in regiment blocks with free ground around them. I want them to be able to react when the unexpected is thrown at us.'

'Tachrenn Lecha,' General Vrill said slowly, as he watched the last of the captives discarded after having their throats cut.

The Chetse commander turned to face the white-eye, screwing his eyes up slightly as the Menin's enchanted armour fluttered in a breeze that Lecha could not feel, the air around it appearing to constantly dance and twist.

'General,' Lecha said dully, letting the head of his axe fall to the ground. The tall Chetse's skin had turned almost bronze in the summer sun, a similar hue to his polished armour. He tugged his helm from his head and tucked it under his arm as he waited for Vrill to speak. He had little time for most Menin officers, despite acknowledging Lord Styrax as a man capable of leading them all to glory.

'Your troops are ready?'

'For what?' Lecha spat. 'Another suicide mission? It looks to me as though most of the Flamestone Legion aren't coming back out of that damn forest.'

'For the decisive action,' Vrill growled, swinging abruptly around towards Lecha and forcing the smaller man to step back. 'Your legion is the Caraper Guard, is it not? And is that not a powerful, armoured predator?'

'It is,' Lecha said warily.

'Well, emulate it then.' Vrill pointed at the left flank of the open ground, where the ranks of enemy abutted the long defensive ditch. 'We've heard enough of the strength of Chetse warriors; now it's time to prove it. Reform your legion, forty ranks deep, and punch through the enemy. Add whatever remains of the Flamestone Legion to extend your front ranks and conceal your depth.'

'Just us?'

'Not alone.' Vrill assessed the two Menin heavy infantry legions briefly. 'The Second Tocar Legion on your right flank, the First behind you. We'll move up the line to widen the breach.' He gestured towards a hairless mage with unnaturally pale skin hovering nearby. 'Lord Styrax intends to penetrate the line behind the fort – let us show him how it's done.'

Tachrenn Lecha bared his teeth and jerked his axe up into his hands. Heading back towards his men the Chetse called back to Vrill, not caring who else could hear, 'Tsatach's chosen people will show you all.'
