Alba — The northern portion of Albion. A Swedish Protectorate, it has no territorial allegiance, meaning that its people must strive for personal allegiance, or risk their souls fading after death.
Aquae Sulis — Location of the Sacred Spring of Sulis and original capital of Prytennia.[1]
Argynion — Alban University
Black Pyramid — One of London’s three major pyramids.
Cadell Forest — Located in Powys. Arianne’s parents had their studio here.
Caerlleon — Home city of the Tennings. Name means “fortress-city of the legions”. Walled city.[2]
Craigneith — A town in southern Alba.
Cymru — A Prytennian city located where Cardiff is sited in our world. Cymru was the name the Cymry (Celts of the area) gave to their land, but as the Trifold ‘cult’ expanded from Aqua Sulis into the region of the first dragonate, Prytennians began to use Cymru to refer to the city instead of the country.
Dacia Traiana — Roman province where Romania is. Traiana is for the Roman who conquered the pre-existing Dacia.
Danuin — The “Isle of Clouds” to the west of Prytennia. Completely surrounded by mist. Can only be entered with the assistance of a Tuatha Dé guide or by flying over the top of the clouds. Ruled by a High King of Tuatha Dé Danaan. Was completely inaccessible for nearly five hundred years, but started sending out trade boats two hundred years ago. It is rumoured, though denied by the Tuatha Dé, that the wall of mist used to shield the country from invasion has taken on a will of its own.
Deep Grove — One entrance to the Deep Grove is in Lamhythe, London, but the Deep Grove is essentially in the Great Forest, which is everywhere, and yet nowhere.
Deer Run/Outer Crescent — Fenced parkland surrounding Gwyn Lynn Lake.
Demar House — An administrative building in London where births, deaths, marriages and vampires are registered.
Din Eidyn — Capital of Alba. This was formerly situated further south, but when the third Prytennian dragonate roused, the former capital became part of Prytennia.
Djeser-Djeseru — Hatshepsu’s template on the western bank of the Nile at Thebes.
Forest House — Located in London, south of the river, and just north of the Great Barrows, Forest House is the entrance to the Deep Grove. It is protected by a ring of warehouses.
Great Barrows — Three almond shaped barrows arranged in the form of a triquetra. The northernmost barrow is Seolfor Barrow. The western is Sceadu Barrow and the eastern is Leoth Barrow. Sulevia Leoth summons the triskelion here to sing each solstice (and also visits a different town or city for a second singing on the same day).
Great Forest — The Great Forest is an Otherworld that covers most of the world, but is shared by many gods.
Green Pyramid — One of London’s three major pyramids.
Gwyn Lynn Lake — Surrounds Gwyn Lynn Palace.
Gwyn Lynn Palace — Current residence of the Suleviae.
Huaxia Kingdoms — Huaxia (roughly meaning ‘grand and illustrious’, and signifying civilised society) was mistakenly thought to be the proper name for the people of Yue. This has spread into use for all people of the area which in our world is Eastern China (and is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to all Asian people). The Huaxia Kingdoms are centred around Yue.
Hurlstone — A name given by humans to the town that stood south of the river where London now sits. Remnants of this town can be found in the Great Forest, at the Deep Grove entrance. The town was not created by humans, but ‘children of the forest’, now extinct.
Judah — Centred around Jerusalem, this is one of the kingdoms vampires (or any aspect of any power not Yahweh) cannot enter.
Karnata Empire — A Hindu empire covering most of southern India. Capital is Vijaya Nagar.
Kemet — Although Greece and Rome’s term for the Two Lands has become widespread, ‘Egypt’ is known as Kemet by its native people.
Lamhythe — In our world, Lambeth, London.
Lutèce — The city which in our world became Paris. Capital of France, and base of the Cour d’lune.
Parana — South America.
Retwold School — A boarding school south of Caerlleon.
River Tamesas — Means “Dark River”.[3]
Rutherford University — Premier University located in London.
Salinae — Site of a plaza with a famous mosaic of the Wind’s Dog.[4]
Sheerside House — The Nomal House belonging to the Southern Nomarch.
Sonning — Area west of London. Location of Tangleways School and (Windsor) Forest.[5]
Stomruria — North America. So-named by Norse traders after an early encounter with animikii (Thunderbird)—one of Stomruria’s Great Alliance gods.
Tangleways School — Located in Sonning, west of London.
Thebes — Thebes is the capital of Egypt, and is located on both the east and west bank of the Nile. Our area known as the Valley of the Kings is the temple district of Thebes.
Towers of the Moon — Crossing the Seine in Lutèce, there is a tower for each of the Houses of the Cour d’lune. The give Great Towers, and numerous smaller towers, are one of the architectural wonders of the world, and not possible through human construction.
Wabanaki — A sprawling nation of north-east Stomruria, with allegiance to Gitche Manitou.
White Hill — Site of one of the city’s major groves.[6]
White Pyramid — One of London’s three major pyramids.
Yue — One of the kingdoms of Huaxia. Known as the Veiled Kingdom, it is surrounded by an impassable barrier of pearly light, and is ruled by dragons. They are said to control the rain and rivers not only in Yue, but for much of the region. No-one can cross the barrier, and the people of Yue maintain a city outside their borders for trade.
Zanzar — A kingdom on the eastern coast of Africa (centres around Tanzania).