Chapter Forty-One

I stayed by Devlin’s bedside day and night, clinging to his hand, willing him to come back to me. The temptation to stay with Shani must have been irresistible because he showed no sign of coming around.

On the third night, I had just nodded off when I felt another presence in the room. I opened my eyes to find Darius Goodwine in the doorway.

“I know what you tried to do,” I said. “You used Shani to lure me through the veil so that Mariama could inhabit my body.”

“You’re strong,” he said with what I thought was grudging admiration. “Far stronger than Mariama.”

I didn’t feel all that strong at that moment. I felt…helpless.

“You said I had untapped power. Show me how to use it to bring him back,” I begged.

“There are always unintended consequences when you bring back the dead,” he warned.

“I just want him back.”

I lifted my head and glanced around. I was alone in the room except for Devlin.

A moment later, his eyes fluttered open. “Amelia?”

“Yes, it’s me. Welcome back,” I whispered, with only a momentary trepidation as I pondered those unintended consequences.
