For years this book was my “Secret Project,” the story I played around with when I needed a break from my formal work-in-progress. It would still be my secret project today had my agent, Kerry Sparks, not suggested that I “start writing my YA book” during a phone call when I was whining about having writer’s block. Thank you for all your encouragement and direction, Kerry!

Marlo Scrimizzi, my editor at Running Press, believed in this project even in its earliest stages. Marlo, every author should be so lucky to have an editor like you!

The entire team at Running Press has been a joy to work with. Thank you to Teresa Bonaddio, the genius behind the cover and map. To Suzanne Wallace, Susan Hom, Emily Epstein, and Stacy Schuck: Thank you all for helping turn my manuscript into an actual book and seeing that it gets into the hands of readers.

To my early readers: Douglas Coleman, Lisa Allen, Ruth Gallo, Nancy Winkler, Pam Carroll, Stefanie Wass, and Deanna Romito, thank you so much for your encouragement and feedback. It means so much!

In order to reach the deadlines on this book I often had to call in re-inforcements. Thank you to Pam and Tom Carroll, Nancy and Gerry Winkler, and Lisa and Bryan Allen for watching my boys when I had to sneak away to write.

To all of my friends and family who have supported me on my writing journey, thank you, I am so incredibly lucky to have you in my life.

To my Grandpa Jim, who is in his nineties and is convinced I’m famous: Thank you for always trying to sell my books at your senior center!

To my husband Ryan who is always willing to help me carve out more writing time: Thank you for always being my biggest fan, and especially, for not being picky when it comes to housekeeping! I still feel so lucky to be your wife.

And finally, highest thanks to God, the First Storyteller, and the author of my own journey. May I live a life that increasingly reflects your love and commitment to this world.
