This was her, but at the same time it wasn’t.

What about her makes me feel this way? Will couldn’t put his finger on it. It was a subtle feeling, but it gripped him like a python.

This was his mom’s car, no doubt about that. The old beater Ford Focus she called the Green Machine, down to her macramé back support and the floating compass on the dash. He felt below his seat and found the plastic In-N-Out cup he’d stashed there two days earlier.

“Well, I just don’t know what to say, Will,” she said, hands fluttering on the steering wheel. “I mean, if this isn’t the most amazing thing ever.”

Looked like her and sounded like her … but that wasn’t the right thing for her to say. She should be worried about how this test result came about. Asking him why he’d gone against their instructions and drawn attention to himself this way. That would have been the first thing she said.

Will kept his eyes forward, afraid she’d see the creeping terror on his face if he looked directly at her.
