DAVID BUCHAN DISCOVERED horror fiction as a teenager and began writing short stories in his early twenties, leading to his first publication on the website Whispers of Wickedness.

Since then his work has appeared in a number of small press publications on the both sides of the Atlantic, including the Sam’s Dot Publishing magazine Champagne Shivers. He is currently working towards an undergraduate degree in Humanities with the Open University.

“I am often struck by the manner in which some killers transport their victims from the scene of the crime,” says Buchan, “and the method used in this story is, somewhat inevitably, inspired by real-life cases.”

IT WAS LAST week he moved his family into the next cottage. I’d asked him if he needed a hand with the luggage. He shook his head and smiled. Just glad to get some peace and quiet, he laughed, hauling the bulging suitcases from the car.

We could see them inside whenever we walked by: the wife and kids slumped in the same chairs, like mannequins; the husband moving about, his form rendered ghostly by the steamed-up window pane and the flies bouncing off its surface.

At the time, it never occurred to me.
