This title was created from the digital archive of the Vance Integral Edition, a series of 44 books produced under the aegis of the author by a worldwide group of his readers. The VIE project gratefully acknowledges the editorial guidance of Norma Vance, as well as the cooperation of the Department of Special Collections at Boston University, whose John Holbrook Vance collection has been an important source of textual evidence. Special thanks to R.C. Lacovara, Patrick Dusoulier, Koen Vyverman, Paul Rhoads, Chuck King, Gregory Hansen, Suan Yong and Josh Geller for their invaluable assistance preparing final versions of the source files.

Source: Norma Vance, Digitize: Richard Chandler, John Robinson Jr., Gan Uesli Starling, Richard White, Format: John A. Schwab, Diff: David Reitsema, Paul Rhoads, John Robinson Jr., Tech Proof: Rob Friefeld, Text Integrity: Patrick Dusoulier, Paul Rhoads, John Robinson Jr., Compose: John A. Schwab, Comp Review: John A. D. Foley, Marcel van Genderen, Andreas Irle, Charles King, Paul Rhoads, Robin L. Rouch, Update Verify: Charles King, Paul Rhoads, Robin L. Rouch, RTF-Diff: Charles King, Textport: Patrick Dusoulier, Suan Hsi Yong, Proofread: Enrique Alcatena, Erik Arendse, Derek W. Benson, Malcolm Bowers, Top Changwatchai, Robert Collins, Christian J. Corley, Andrew Edlin, Rob Friefeld, Rob Knight, Betty Mayfield, Joel Riedesel, Robin L. Rouch, Mike Schilling, Kelly Walker

Ebook Creation: Arjen Broeze, Christopher Wood, Artwork (maps based on original drawings by Jack and Norma Vance): Paul Rhoads, Christopher Wood, Proofing: Arjen Broeze, Evert Jan de Groot, Gregory Hansen, Koen Vyverman, Management: John Vance, Koen Vyverman, Web: Menno van der Leden
