“Deana! Deana! Leigh! Open up!”

Warren thumped the door so hard, he thought he’d bust his knuckles.

“Christ, where are you, Deana?”

It’s like Sheena said… They’ve gone…

What had Deana meant by “Mom’s boyfriend’s on the run… and he’s gone apeshit?” And why did she emphasize “he knows about you?”

Sounded like anything could’ve happened…

Probably had.

They could both be dead.

“Oh my God. Not that…”

Sheena had arrived home early. A couple of minutes later and he’d have hit the road, driving over to Deana’s.

“Warren, maybe I won’t be goin’ back to Pacey’s no more,” Sheena said quietly. “He kinda objects when I leave him in the lurch.”

She seemed preoccupied. He knew that look.

Only too well.

His mouth went dry.

“Sheena! For chrissake, tell me what’s up? What was so important you left the club early?”

She said she was scared. Had had one of her feelings…

He saw beads of sweat on her upper lip. He’d never seen her this tense before.

“You’re not gonna like it, Warren, but this gal o’ yours, she’s in deep trouble. I feel she’s in a place that’s small—and dark. Yeah. It’s real dark in there, and she…”

She hesitated, knowing what this was doing to Warren.

His face went white. “For God’s sake, Sheena, she what?

“Call the cops, Warren. Let them deal with it. It’s none a’ your business. Don’t want you getting yourself killed on account of some gal you only just met!”

But Warren was out the door. She heard the Porsche burst into life.

“Deana, if you’re in there, open up. PLEASE!”

Twin headbeams swooped down the driveway. Warren squinted, bringing up a hand to shield his eyes.

Leigh’s car screeched to a halt. The near-side door swung open and she jumped out.


“Leigh! You’re safe…”

“Yeah. But what about Deana?”

“What d’ya mean, Leigh?” His heart lurched, and sank like a stone.

He was too late. He’d known it all along.

He stood aside while Leigh prodded the key into the lock. The door fell open. They rushed inside.

The hallway was dark.

They ran to the living room. Trembling light from the TV threw uneasy shadows into the darkness. A talk-show host laughed, holding a mike close to a grinning member of the audience…

“Deana! Deana, darling! You there?”

Leigh darted into each room, calling, her heart sinking, her legs all shaky.

When she returned to the living room, her shoulders were hunched. She looked drawn, defeated. Exhausted.

Oh my God, thought Warren. Sheena’s right. I shoulda called the cops.

Leigh caught his concern. “Did you only just get here?” she demanded, her face hostile.

“Yeah, Leigh, I’m sorry. I got held up…”

“My God, Warren. You got held up? Don’t you see? Mace arranged all this so he could take her…”

“What happened? And where were you, Leigh?”

Leigh broke down, sobbing. There’d been no fight at the Bayview. All had been quiet when she got there. Just another civilized night. Customers enjoying their meals, paying their checks, saying their goodnights. No “all hell breakin’ loose” as Tony said… Tony? It hadn’t been Tony who’d phoned her. It had been a hoax caller. And she’d bet her bottom dollar it’d been Mace who’d done the calling…

The phone rang.

Leigh sprang forward, grabbed it. “Yes?” Her voice was terse.


“Thank God you’re okay, Leigh. Have to report there was no emergency back here. Musta been a hoax call. Chief signed off early. Went home to his wife. She’d gotten sick. Nobody here’s aware of any emergency. Don’t ask me why… Leigh? You and Deana okay?”

Leigh met Warren’s eyes. Hot, frightened tears began to well up.

“Deana’s gone, Mattie. She’s not here.”

A moment’s silence, then:

“It’s Mace. Y’know that, Leigh, don’t ya?” Mattie’s voice rose. “Goddamn fuckin’ asshole Mace. Jesus! Our friendly master mimic Mace. The shit fooled us all.”
