A Gatherer shall carry with him always the mark of the Hetawa: Her sacred flower, the moontear. As well he shall leave his own mark in the form of a lesser flower, for in the execution of Her blessing a Gatherer is like unto divine.


When Sunandi saw the Gatherer go into the old woman’s tent, she decided to act. Clenching her fists, she marched after him, intending to denounce him in front of the whole caravan if she had to—and then the boy stepped out of the shadows beside the tent. She stopped dead, suddenly uneasy. Were Gatherer-Apprentices permitted to kill? She couldn’t recall, but something told her this one wouldn’t care about permission.

But then the boy startled her by speaking. “He has sanction. That of the Goddess is all he needs, but he also spoke with Gehanu.”

That shattered Sunandi’s rising anger. Her fists unclenched and she stared at him. “I don’t believe you.”

“Not everyone fears death the way you do.” There was no scorn in the boy’s manner this time. His anger from their earlier altercation seemed to have faded completely. “Go speak to Gehanu if you doubt me.”

“I will.” She pivoted on her heel before she could question herself. Logic told her that in the time it took her to speak to Gehanu, the Gatherer could kill the old woman, but suddenly her courage seemed to have deserted her. The boy’s manner had unnerved her too much. In that brief exchange he’d seemed far too much like his mentor, exuding the same perverse mingling of menace and compassion. That had been an unpleasant reminder of her own status of “abeyance,” and the even less pleasant knowledge that they could revoke that status whenever they pleased.

It had been an error of judgment to discount the boy as a threat, she decided, trying to get a grip on her fear as she crossed the encampment and drummed on Gehanu’s tent. Whatever the Hetawa did to train its killers had already set its mark deep in his soul.

Gehanu called for Sunandi to enter in her own tongue and grinned when she saw who it was, switching languages with the ease of a veteran trader. “Ah, Nefe. I would have thought you’d still be in the baths, enjoying a taste of civilization. Spoiled city woman.”

Sunandi forced a smile, moving to sit opposite Gehanu’s pallet. “I had a good soak earlier. ’Anu—about my companions—”

“The priest, you mean?” Gehanu smiled at Sunandi’s startled nod. “You have so many secrets, some of them break loose when you aren’t looking.”

“So it seems. Then he does have your sanction? The boy said so. I didn’t believe him.”

“The boy was a surprise. Never saw a young one before, though I suppose they can’t spring whole from gourds. Yes, I told him he could talk to Talithele.”

“You—” She struggled to keep her tone polite and not accusatory. “You are aware of what he might do to her?”

“If she wants it.”

“His kind don’t care whether you want it or not.”

Gehanu raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you the one who brought him here?”

“Under duress. I don’t trust him. I don’t even like him.”

“A shame. He seems decent enough.”

“For a killer! One of his ‘brothers’…” She faltered as the grief rose again to mingle with her anger, nearly choking her. She pushed the word out around it. “Lin.”

“The scamp? She was Gathered?”

“No, murdered. That thing that’s been running around the city—”

“Ah!” Gehanu uttered a soft wail. “Not that! Tell me not!” She caught her breath when Sunandi nodded. “Oh gods of earth and sky.”

“That monster started out as a Servant of Hananja, like him,” Sunandi said, nodding in the direction of Talithele’s tent. “That’s why you should stop him.”

But to her surprise, Gehanu shook her head. “Not my place. The choice belongs to Talithele.”

“I told you—”

“He said he’d ask her permission. I believe him.”

“You can’t believe anything he says! Even he doesn’t realize how evil he is!”

Gehanu’s face became stony, and it was only then that Sunandi realized she’d raised her voice in her host’s tent. “Bi’incha. Gehanu, forgive me.” She sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I’m going mad. I miss Lin so much, I can’t even think anymore.”

“Forgiven,” Gehanu said at once, her face softening. She reached over to take Sunandi’s shoulder. “My heart aches with you, Nefe. But Talithele is dying. In my land she would be surrounded by dozens of her offspring, welcomed by all the ancestors buried beneath our soil. Here she is virtually alone and cut off from the land of her birth. The priest gives her another choice. I have no right to take it from her.” Gehanu lifted her pipe, took a long inhalation, and sighed out smoke. “At least with the priest she will have no pain.”

Sunandi lowered her eyes, feeling her own grief resonate with Gehanu’s. If she could have given Lin this choice—Gathering, or the terrible death the girl had suffered instead—would she have done so? She refused to contemplate that question.

Instead she said, “Forgive me for questioning your decision.”

Gehanu shrugged. “If it comforts you, I doubt she’ll accept his offer. We asked her if she wanted to go to the Hetawa while we were in Gujaareh, and she said no. Didn’t want to be healed—just wants to let life happen as it may. I can’t imagine an eightday would have changed her mind. She’ll stay around for as long as she can, just to plague me.”

Sunandi smiled in spite of herself. “That would be good.”

“Good? You don’t know the woman. Enough about that. I’m glad you came, because I had something else to tell you.”


Gehanu nodded, setting the pipe down on its stand. She began to rummage in her robes. “The village headman had a message that he wanted sent to Kisua. Since you speak for Kisua…” She pulled her hand out of a fold and opened it to reveal a tiny scroll. Sunandi caught her breath; it was the same type of scroll that Kinja had always used in communicating with Kisua’s network of spies. She hadn’t realized that network extended to Tesa. Kinja must have cultivated the village headman on his own.

She took the scroll and opened it, scanning the coded hieratics quickly. “Strange.”

“Another stray secret?”

“I’m not certain. It says that some of the Shadoun have seen odd things some ways east of Tesa, in the high desert. Tracks where there should be none—camels and horses, many in number and carrying heavy enough to leave lasting marks. Two trackers went east to follow, but never returned. I don’t understand why the headman thought this was significant.”

Gehanu frowned. “The Shadoun tribe have lived in the high desert for generations. For one tracker to go astray is unusual. Two is bad.”

“They could have been tracking a trade caravan too poor to pass through Tesa. Some poor fools who got lost. A marauder band that killed them, maybe.”

“A lot of marauders, if so. And with a lot of provisions; you can’t bring that many horses into the high desert without a reliable source of water and feed. That doesn’t sound like poor lost caravanners.”

“Soldiers, then?” Sunandi shook her head. “No. The Empty Thousand is neutral territory between the Protectorate and the Gujaareen Territories. It belongs to the desert tribes, really, though mostly because no one else wants it. Neither land is permitted to send soldiers into it. Neither land could—there’s nothing out there but sand. Soldiers need barracks, horses need stables…”

She trailed off even as Gehanu’s eyes widened, both of them realizing the truth in the same moment.

“And a means of resupply,” Gehanu said.

Sunandi nodded, her mind numbed by the implications. “A garrison. Near one of the smaller oases, most likely. But how big a garrison, housing how large a force? There can’t be many. A force of any great size would have left permanent tracks as it moved through the desert. But then…” She drummed her hands on her legs, thinking. “It doesn’t have to be a large force. Just enough to strike Kisua’s defenses from an unexpected direction in advance of Gujaareh’s real armies. With such surprise they could take the northernmost cities of the Protectorate, establish a foothold before our army could get back to fight them.” Her hand trembled and she clenched it around the scroll. “Even with Kinja’s warning, I never dreamed the Prince was this mad.”

Gehanu watched her, nibbling her bottom lip a bit. “I’ll send word around the camp. We’ll leave well before dawn, and move with as much speed as possible.”

Sunandi nodded. “The sooner we can get this news to Kisua, the better.”

“Not only that.” Gehanu gave her a small pained smile. “Those trackers went missing because there’s an army out there trying not to be noticed, killing anyone it finds. If some of those recent tracks came from messengers bringing orders to that army from the city—the city where someone tried to kill you—I think maybe they will be trying hard to find us. Che?”

The evening desert chill had set in, but that had nothing to do with Sunandi’s shiver. “Ah-che,” she whispered.

“Ti-sowu.” Gehanu smiled again, turning to a saddlebag that sat nearby. She flipped it open and pulled out two cups, followed by a polished gourd engraved with decorative carvings. “Here. You need to sleep tonight.”

Sunandi raised her eyebrows as Gehanu gave her a cup and poured a generous amount from the gourd into it. Paniraeh wine, a potent spirit made only in the far southern countries. In spite of herself, she smiled down at the little cup. “I’ll need more than this if I’m to sleep anytime soon.”

“I promised I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” Grinning, Gehanu produced a second bottle from the bag, then nodded toward the already-opened one. “That one is yours.”
