
Ansinthe: A venomous green liquor distilled from wyrmrithe

Aufsbar: (Prz.) Client

Blessed, the: (Arq.) The Twelve Gods of Arquitaine, six Old (indigenous) and six New (brought by the conqueror Angoulême)

Demiange: (Arq.) Sorcerous or half-divine spirit; many of them wait upon the gods in the Westron Halls

Demieri di sorce: (Arq.) Sorcerous spirits of night and mischief

D’mselle: (Arq.) Honorific, for a young woman

Festival of Skyreturn: One of the great cross-quarter festivals

G’ji g’jai: (R’m.) Foreign (lit. “Other”), whore

Hedgewitch: (Arq.) One who practices peasant sorcery

M’chri, m’cher: (Arq.) Beloved, dear one

M’dama: (Arq.) Honorific, for an older woman

Piniel: An evergreen tree with a sharp distinctive scent, whose bristled cones bear small nuts inside.”

Rhuma: A clear, fiery liquor distilled from sucre

Sieur: (Arq.) Honorific, for a man

Valadka: A clear, very potent liquor that may cause blindness if overly indulged in

Vilhain: (Arq.) Bastard
