Angel of Death


The water seemed to crush him with a giant’s grip, forcing the air from his lungs. He thrashed wildly and shook his head, willing his body to resist just a moment longer. His chest burned.

He could do this. Three minutes. That was all. A few more seconds and-

It was no good. With a mighty exhalation, Davarus Cole’s head burst from the water. He beat the sides of the iron washtub furiously with his fists, cursing the Magelord whose death was his life’s goal. The tyrant who ruled this city with an iron fist.

Salazar. We’ll have our reckoning one day.

He placed a hand on each side of the tub and pushed himself up. He stood there for a moment, blinking water from his eyes. His gaze went to the small mirror in the corner of the room. It was a rare item in Dorminia, where only the nobles could normally afford such extravagance. His mentor and foster father, Garrett, had procured it for him at some cost. As far as Cole was concerned it was a luxury he fully deserved.

After all, he thought, a hero has to look the part.

His lean, sinewy body looked back at him from the mirror, neck-length black hair and short goatee contrasted sharply with pale and glistening skin. The chill water in the tub had sapped what faint colour he possessed, and he looked almost ghostlike. An angel of death.

Cole narrowed his grey eyes and marvelled at his forbidding appearance. He imagined the look on Salazar’s wrinkled old face when Magebane slid home, the soft sigh of recognition as the tyrant’s blood spilled from his mouth and his body sagged. Remember my father, you old bastard? What you did to him? I’m Davarus Cole, and I’ve come to take what’s mine.

He frowned. What was his? Vengeance, certainly, but there had to be more than that. It wouldn’t do to tarnish his moment of triumph with doubt as to the true meaning of his grand utterance. Then again, perhaps it summed up Davarus Cole perfectly. A man of mystery. He liked the sound of that.

On an impulse Cole tensed and leaped backwards out of the tub, somersaulting in the air and landing in a crouch several feet away. He rose slowly and turned back to the mirror for one last admiring glance. His mind drifted again to the moment of his inevitable glory. Not now. Not today. But someday soon.

Lost in thought, his usually sharp ears failed to detect the approaching footsteps until they were almost at the door of his apartment. With a sudden feeling of dread, Cole realized he’d forgotten to turn the key. He froze. The door thudded open and Sasha bustled in.

They stared at each other. Sasha was a couple of years his senior, tall and slender, with dark brown hair that reached her shoulders and captivating eyes. He watched in rising panic as they made their way down his naked body.

A ghost of a smile danced on Sasha’s lips as she said, ‘Well, that’s a less than impressive sight. I thought you possessed a weapon that could absorb magic and skewer Magelords like a hog. I have trouble believing an instrument like that could slay a farm girl.’

Cole looked down at his shrunken manhood. He quickly covered it with his left hand and gestured towards the washtub with the other. ‘It’s the water,’ he mumbled. ‘It’s extremely cold.’

Sasha watched him for a moment, her oddly dilated eyes glittering with amusement. ‘You might want to lock the door next time.’ Her smile faded. ‘Garrett wants us all at the Hook a bell from now. Make sure you’re there on time — I think this is serious. No messing around, Cole.’

‘Right,’ he said meekly as she turned back to the door. She paused.

Without looking back, she said, ‘Don’t worry. As far as I’m concerned, you’re still a prize cock.’ And with a small laugh, Sasha swept out of his apartment.

To most in the Trine, Dorminia was known as the Grey City. The title was apt in more than one way: almost all Dorminia’s buildings were constructed from granite quarried in the Demonfire Hills, which rose up just beyond the city’s north wall. The hills had once been home to tribes of wild hill-folk, but the random magical abominations and other terrors that had blighted the land since the Godswar had driven those tribes north into the Badlands. A few ancient records mentioned a catastrophe in ages past that had given the Demonfire Hills their name, but the exact details were vague; much of the world’s history had been lost in the cataclysmic aftermath of the deicide.

The wind grew fierce as Davarus Cole exited his small apartment and made his way up the Tyrant’s Road. The wide thoroughfare sloped gently down towards the harbour in the south; to the north, it passed through the large circular plaza known as the Hook and up into the Noble Quarter, where a pampered and privileged few governed Dorminia in the name of the Magelord Salazar.

Cole could just about see the pinnacle of the Obelisk piercing the skyline. A monolith of magically reinforced granite in the centre of the Noble Quarter, the Obelisk had become the symbol of Salazar’s tyranny.

The city’s despotic Magelord had founded Dorminia almost five hundred years ago, shortly after the cataclysmic Godswar altered the region beyond recognition. The death of Malantis and his plunge from the heavens into the Azure Sea flooded the Kingdom of Andarr and eventually formed the inhospitable Drowned Coast, which now ran for hundreds of miles south and west of the Trine. Despite the fact they had murdered the gods, Salazar and his fellow Magelords were the only protection the survivors of the devastated kingdom had to cling to while chaotic magic ravaged the land. They fled north and east to Thelassa, which survived the flooding, and helped build the cities of Shadowport and Dorminia. Even life under a deicidal wizard was preferable to a certain death.

In the centuries since the Godswar, the Trine had grown into one of the largest pockets of civilization north of the Sun Lands. True, the Confederation dwarfed the Trine, but that alliance of nations, which had reclaimed their independence after the Gharzian Empire fragmented, was a month’s ride to the east, beyond the abomination-plagued Unclaimed Lands.

Cole had never set foot past the hinterland settlements that supplied Dorminia’s demand for food and other resources. He remembered escorting Garrett on a business trip to Malbrec three years ago, and feeling terribly bored. The provinces were the homes of farmers and miners and other common sorts, not men like him — men destined for greatness.

The gurgling waters of the Redbelly River accompanied Cole as he walked up the Tyrant’s Road. The Redbelly ran almost parallel, a hundred or so yards to his left, winding down from the Demonfire Hills into the harbour. Few vessels plied the waters of the river this time of year; winter’s bitter touch was still heavy in the spring air, and the cold would last a while longer. There was also the matter of the war with Shadowport. What had begun late last autumn as a dispute over the newly discovered Celestial Isles in the Endless Ocean hundreds of miles to the west had ended in Dorminia’s humiliating defeat.

As far as Cole was concerned, any blow against Salazar was a victory for the people of Dorminia, even if they didn’t yet realize it. The failure of the city’s navy proved that the Tyrant of Dorminia was not infallible. It was this kind of setback — together with the efforts of men like Davarus Cole — that would ultimately loosen Salazar’s grip enough for the good people of Dorminia to rise up and overthrow their eternal overlord. If Cole didn’t kill him first.

The thought made him smile. One day the entire north would know him for the hero he was.

A screech rent the air and Cole looked up in alarm. A mindhawk wheeled in broad circles overhead. Its silver head vibrated slowly and its sapphire eyes scanned the city below. Those men and women unfortunate enough to find themselves in the area immediately began to hurry away.

Cole almost scurried off as well. Then he remembered the pill he had swallowed before leaving his apartment and breathed more easily. The drug was a soporific of sorts, numbing the parts of the brain that could inadvertently transmit treasonous thoughts to the magical mutations in the sky above. He would have a headache the next morning, but it was a small price to pay to avoid the Black Lottery. The Crimson Watch randomly selected those guilty of perfidious thinking and subjected them to brutality, imprisonment and, in some cases, outright murder.

A disturbance ahead brought his attention back to the street. Two Watchmen were approaching, herding a frail old man. One of the red-cloaked soldiers gave him a vicious shove from behind and he stumbled, falling on his face. When he regained his feet, Cole saw that he now bore an ugly graze from scalp to cheek. The old man turned to his tormenters and began to protest, but a fist from the other Watchman dropped him to the ground again.

Cole went perfectly still. Incidents like this were not uncommon. Ostensibly the Crimson Watch served Dorminia and its territories as both standing army and city guard. In reality, they were little more than a network of thugs and bullies who terrorized the populace on the orders of the city magistrates and their ruthless master in the Obelisk.

The sensible course of action would be to slink away and avoid drawing attention to himself. Hadn’t Garrett urged caution? ‘The collective outweighs the individual,’ his foster father always said. ‘We can’t right every wrong. Acting rashly places us all in danger. Choose your battles wisely and remember that Shards cut deepest from the shadows.’

Cole frowned. Garrett probably hadn’t been referring to him. After all, it was obvious that his abilities and quick wits outstripped those of his peers by no small distance — and besides, hadn’t Garrett always said he would one day be a great hero, like his real father? A man such as he met injustice head on, enchanted blade in hand and epic destiny propelling him forwards with a righteous fury no petty villain could withstand.

His mind set, Cole strolled towards the Watchmen as assuredly as he could. He couldn’t help but notice the smattering of a crowd had melted away entirely. Its disappearance left him entirely exposed. His throat suddenly felt very dry.

The soldier kneeling over the old man looked up as Cole approached. He gave his colleague a questioning glance, removed his sword from his victim’s neck and straightened. ‘What the fuck do you want?’ he demanded coldly.

The other Watchman moved closer to Cole and dropped a hand to his scabbard. His voice was full of malice. ‘You’d better have good reason for interrupting official Crimson Watch business, boy, or I’m gonna drag your arse to the cells.’

‘That’s enough!’ commanded Cole, in a voice he fervently hoped rang with authority. He reached under his cloak and placed a hand around the hilt of Magebane. For some reason his hands had started trembling. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

He pushed ahead with his ruse. ‘Since you two sons of whores are too stupid to work it out, you’re speaking to an Augmentor. This man is wanted at the Obelisk. Hand him over.’ Sweat had begun to bead on his forehead. He tried to will it away, without success.

‘That so?’ The soldier to the left of Cole sounded unimpressed. He was a cruel-looking man of middling years, with small, squinty eyes and a pockmarked face. ‘Then you’ll take no offence if we ask you to prove your credentials.’ He waited expectantly.

Cole swallowed hard and drew Magebane in one smooth motion, holding the long dagger in such a way that his shaking hand was mostly concealed. He nodded at the weapon. ‘This is enchanted. See the glow? No one except an Augmentor may possess such a weapon. I trust that satisfies your curiosity.’

Please, just nod and leave in peace, he silently prayed. What he said was, ‘Now get the fuck out of my sight before I shove this dagger so far up your dick eye it tickles the back of your throat with your balls!’

The Watchmen glanced at one another. An understanding seemed to pass between them. Pock-face shrugged and spat at the battered fellow on the ground.

‘Right you are. He’s yours. We’ll bid you good day.’ The two men moved slowly past Cole and continued south down the road.

He watched the fluttering red cloaks retreating. Elation flooded him and he couldn’t help but grin at his impromptu wit. He might be better educated than the rest of the Shards — the rebels he called comrades — but he could still cuss like the roughest of them when the occasion called for it. He was an everyman, he supposed, able to empathize effortlessly with both the noblest and the most inconsequential of men.

He looked down at the groaning old fellow at his feet. His left eye socket was heavily bruised and blood caked his cheek and neck. ‘Can you stand?’ Cole asked.

‘Uh…’ the man replied. He tried to rise but failed. Cole felt a sudden flash of impatience.

‘Did you even see what just happened? I saved your life. They would have killed you.’ He softened his voice and placed a comforting hand on the man’s shoulder as he struggled to his knees. ‘It may not seem like it now, but fate had a purpose in your being here. You were supposed to witness this. One day you’ll look back and laugh and wonder if this wasn’t the birth of the legend- What? What is it?’

The man’s uninjured eye had gone wide, as if he had seen something terrible approaching behind Cole. The young Shard turned.

Pock-face was standing there, an evil sneer on his face. The other Watchman had his sword raised. As if in slow motion, Cole’s eyes swivelled to the right to stare up at the pommel that was descending on his head. He managed to jerk back quickly enough to take the brunt of the blow on his nose.

Crack. An explosion of pain. Ridiculous pain. He tried to scream, but his voice broke and it came out as a piggish squeal. White light blinded him. When his vision returned he found that he was lying on top of the old fool. How did that happen?

Slimy liquid in his mouth, tasting of salt. Blood. He shook his head and struggled desperately to orientate himself.

Pock-face was standing over him. Sunlight glinted off his raised longsword, reflecting onto his chainmail. Cole tried to focus. He saw the Obelisk against a red sunset on the Watchman’s white tabard. Red bloodstains too. My blood?

The soldier brought his longsword whistling down. Cole managed to roll out of the way just in time. It cut the air where he had lain but a moment before and cleaved the head of the old man in two. Bone fragments and brain matter defaced the cobbles.

Gritting his teeth against the pain in his skull, Cole raised Magebane and stabbed at the leg of the Watchman. The glowing dagger scored a shallow wound and the soldier cursed, readying his gore-covered longsword for another strike. His companion advanced, his own blade raised.

Cole scrabbled madly backwards as Pock-face launched a savage overhead swing. The sword descended and suddenly Magebane was there, turning aside the larger weapon as if it weighed nothing. Pock-face aimed a kick at Cole’s chest. It connected with a sickening thud and sent him sprawling. The Watchman snarled and sprang forwards, intending to end the fight. He slipped on a pool of gore and his wounded leg buckled. He struck the ground hard, uttering a string of vile curses.

Get up! Get up! Cole forced himself to his feet. His nose and chin dribbled blood, but at least his arms and legs still functioned. The other Watchman was closing fast, his sword raised.

Cole took a deep breath to steady his nerves. This is what it came down to. He couldn’t overcome the soldier in hand-to-hand combat — not with his injuries and the Watchman’s superior armour. His own leather would offer scant protection. He raised his left hand and lined up Magebane, as he had so often practised. He couldn’t miss; fate wouldn’t allow it. It was in moments like these that heroes performed deeds for historians to marvel upon.

He threw the dagger, watching as Magebane pivoted unerringly end over end through the air towards the soldier’s head. It was a magnificent throw, as he knew it would be. Practice makes perfect, particularly for a natural marksman with an instinct for-

The blunt hilt of the dagger struck the Watchman’s right eye. He bellowed in anger and reached for his face as Magebane clattered to the ground. His comrade had regained his feet and was now limping towards Cole, his mouth a twisted snarl of fury. ‘Kill the fucker!’ he screamed, spittle spraying over his chin.

Cole whimpered and ran for his life.

He’d been running for several minutes. His chest felt as if it was on fire. Every breath was agony.

He coughed and spat out blood. He could hear them pursuing through the winding alleyways that led south-east of the Hook. He shouldered past everyone he met — in these slums, the poor and the destitute — knocking one old woman into a pile of refuse and wincing as her cries drew the attention of the soldiers chasing him.

His breathing became more laboured. Something was wrong with his lungs. He slowed to a walk, and then to a complete halt. By a warehouse stinking of rotten fish, he sank to his knees and listened as death approached. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

A sorry end, he thought bitterly.
