“It’s so cold.”

Johnny Pazarelli, the Gatekeeper, floats through the emptiness of time and space, particles of his being stretching out, growing larger, more substantial, holding back the warping walls of reality. Images flash through his mind, but he can only watch, not interact. A sinking sensation fills his ethereal stomach. Somewhere back in the real world, his physical body wretches.

“What is wrong?” asks the voice of Albert Mueller, his guide.

“I feel loneliness. I feel sadness.”

Albert laughs, and the sound vibrates through the cosmos.

“You are not alone in those emotions,” he says. “Not at all. And for some, if they are lucky, there is light at the end of that tunnel…though I would not count on it. Open your eyes, Mr. Pazarelli, and see for yourself.”

Johnny does.
