
I’ll keep it simple. Thanks this time must go to my agent Diana Tyler, for finding the very best of homes for this, and to my dear friends, Mike Cobley, Andy Muir, Ritchie Smith, Rob Carter, Brian Griffin and Brian Aldiss, for their intelligent and immensely helpful readings of the manuscript in progress. Thanks also must go to my editorial team at Ebury – Michael Rowley and Emily Yau – who gave the work its fine tune and asked all the right questions. May we make many more books together!

As ever, thanks must go out to my darling wife and life companion, Susan Oudot (long may she write for Coronation Street!) and to my four beautiful daughters (now grown), Jessica, Amy, Georgia and Francesca. Any resemblance to Otto and his five daughters is purely coincidental.

And, finally, huge thanks must go to Al Stewart, whose marvellous song, ‘Roads To Moscow’ set me off on this journey through Space and Time.
