WELL, HELLO THERE, SASSY READER. Thank you for reading my book! I hope it made you have unbearable feelings that you find yourself tweeting about at 3:00 a.m. That’s what it does to me, so …

To Callaway, the sweetest hubby a girl could have. Thank you for your support of and pride in what I do. You make it so much better. Lurve you.

To Guyden and Zuzu, Mommy loves you bunches! I’m crazy about the stories I write, but you’ll always be the best things I ever made.

To Mom, Dad, and Jody, thanks for being the weirdest family possible, and for loving me just like I am.

To Mimi, Papa, and Chris, thanks for your love and support, and for being so excited every step of the way.

To the rest of my family—too many names to even think about listing—thank you! I know that, wherever you are, you’re always bragging about your niece/granddaughter/cousin who writes books, and it means a lot to me to know you’re behind me all the way.

To Elana, thanks for pretty much everything under the sun. This wouldn’t have happened without you.*awkward hug* To Erica, thanks for letting me call you a zillion times and for being as excited as I am about this story and for just generally being awesome.

To Kathleen, thank you for making it so people in Brazil and China and Indonesia and wherever else get to read these books, too! Still blows my mind.

To the gang at HarperTeen, you guys are unendingly rad, and I love you.

To FTW … *throws ham in celebration* To Northstar, thanks for being home for the Cass family.

To Athena, Rebeca, and the gang at the Christiansburg Panera for making me great hot chocolates and being awkward in the background while I did phone interviews. Thanks!

To Jessica and Monica … basically because a promise is a promise, and you guys make me laugh.

To you for sticking with America (and with me) while this all unfolds. Also, you rock my face off.

To God for the mercy that is writing. I’d be lost otherwise.

To naps … which is where I’m going now. And to cake, just because.
