
It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a lot more than that to publish a book — especially when the person writing the book is the village idiot. (I figured I’d make the joke before Payne & Jones had a chance.)

Anyway, here are some of the people I’d like to thank:

Scott Miller, Claire Roberts, Robert Gottlieb, Stephanie Hoover, and the whole gang at Trident Media. They sold this project before it was even written.

Ian Harper, my longtime friend/editor/consigliere. He reads my words before anyone else — and then reads them again and again until they’re perfect.

Vicki Mellor, Emily Griffin, Jo Liddiard, Jane Morpeth, and everyone at Headline/Hachette UK. They took my story and turned it into a book. And then they printed, like, a million copies and shipped them all over the world.

All the fans, librarians, booksellers, and critics who have enjoyed my thrillers and have recommended them to others. If you keep reading them, I’ll keep writing them.

And last but not least, my loving family — because they are the ones who have put up with me the longest.
