The survivors kept their stories simple. They had survived; been in the right place at the right time, that was all. No, none of them knew exactly what happened. But it was terrible—a horrible thing. No, they didn't want to sell their stories to any publisher.

They just wanted to be left alone; to try to forget.

Monty and Viv moved to Vermont, where Monty found a job as chief of police in a small village.

Joe married Mille and moved to Kentucky.

Noah married Susie, rebuilt his writers' colony and returned to his work as a novelist.

Richard Hasseling married Desiree and moved to Mississippi, where he now pastors a small church.

Byron Price married Ginny and moved to Wyoming.

John Morton and Barbara worked out their problems and moved to Tennessee.

Jeanne is in high school in Kentucky. She lives with Joe and Mille.

And Sam, Nydia, and Little Sam are on the road. They wait for instructions from a Higher Authority. They know where the Daughter of Darkness and her court went. Another coven is being established. And they know it will have to be destroyed.

They wait.
