They had the girl now.

They dragged her into the shadows while the man was in the café. He never even saw them or suspected they were near. That’s how the clan knew that he was not a hunter, that he was soft and weak, his senses still deadened by who and what he was. Nothing but prey. They could have charged in and taken him but the Huntress did not want that. She would call them to the hunt. She would select the prey. She would find the meat and show them how to bring it down.

She was strange.

She was careful.

But she was also very cunning, very dangerous, and she killed without warning. The others let out a cry of anger when they struck, but not the Huntress. She smiled, exuded a scent of calm, then slashed your eyes, your throat.

The hunters stared down at the girl in the grass.

The men sniffed her. The women pulled at her hair.

She was theirs now…
