The selected mediamen gathered in the small auditorium usually used for class theatricals and commencement exercises had grown bored, waiting for the appearance of Professor Chin. When the emeritus at last arrived, he was greeted with enthusiastic applause, which he impatiently waved away.
"Gentlemen! I call your attention to the paper in my hand, a design for civilization's ultimate folly! I quote:
" 'The proposed Bolo Unit CSR is a self-directed'-I repeat, self-directed-'planetary siege unit equipped with new psychotronic circuitry of unique sensitivity, scope, and power, and thus capable of performing not only tactical and strategic planning without human review, but of developing long-range politico-economic-military forecasts, and acting thereon.' "
The rather pop-eyed little physicist paused to look expectantly at his attentive audience, who returned his gaze silently.
"Well?" he almost shouted. "Have you no response? Now, mind you, this is no biased inflammatory statement issued by opponents of the scheme. I quote from a prospectus issued by the Bolo Division itself, the very organization which proposes to construct this outrage!"
When old General Margrave, seven stars, Chief of Imperial Staff, had settled himself into the thronelike chair on the dais, he glared at the reporters and harrumph!ed, then said bluntly:
"The science boys are afraid that if they build to military specs, they'll build a machine smarter than they are. Nonsense! Give me the Mark XXX and I'll guarantee the security of Imperial Terran Border Space for the next ten thousand years!"
(extract from filibuster by Lord Senator Dandridge on the floor of the House, June 1, 1063 NS)
"…tell you once again, milords, that the responsibility for final approval of money bills was not vested in this honorable House for the purpose of enabling us to loose destruction on this planet! This proposed machine is openly touted as a juggernaut, responsible only to itself, and capable of withstanding any attempt to neutralize it. This, milords, is Disaster incarnate! It must never be constructed!"
(item from Arlington, Virginia, News Advocate, June 26, 1063 NS)
Debate on the funding of the new Bolo Disastrous, as the new machine has been dubbed by its opponents after Lord Senator Dandridge's recent diatribe, has waxed more heated and today resulted in fisticuffs in the Senate corridors, as pro and con factions denounced each other as traitors. Lord Senator Blake, a vociferous supporter of the program, was hospitalized with severe contusions after being attacked with a heavy cane by Lord Senator Lazarus.
A near-riot in the streets of Georgetown was quelled by Imperial Reserves ordered out by Lord Mayor Clymczyk. No arrests were made.
From: B. Reeves, Maj. Gen DCS/PR, HQ, IAF
To: T. Margrave, Gen. IS/CC, HQ, IAF
I cannot bring myself to believe that you actually intend to loose this engine of destruction on the defenseless people of this planet. Surely it would be no more than simple prudence to conduct initial tests at Fortress Luna, though even out there the thing could constitute a menace. At minimum, we must prepare a means of transporting it, if needed.
(preliminary estimate by Dave Quill SMC, IAF)
I reckon if we use a couple of cargo pods, fixed up end-to-end, and power the rig with a primary drive unit out of a ship of the line, it would put more than ten million tons into orbit-and soft-land it, too, if that's what they want. Sounds nutty to me, but like my old drill sergeant used to say, I ain't paid to think. Sure, I can do it.
(Georgius Imperator, to the Cabinet Council)
"It is with grave misgivings that we give our assent to the proposals, milords. However, our technical advisors remind us that we are now in the second millennium of the Nuclear Age, and that the present outcry is not the first to be raised in opposition to technological advance.
They remind us further of the furor which attended the early deployment of the orbital nuclear watchdog defense system, whereas in fact it was the 'Dog' which detected and neutralized within ten minutes the attempted coup of the Eurasian Province in 621 NS.
"Accordingly, we do herewith sign the document, and let all men know that it is the Imperial wish that construction of the Bolo 'Caesar' proceed without further delay."
(informal statement by Eli Pratt, retired engineer)
Well, I don't know. It's been a long time since the Mark XXIX program, and I confess I haven't been able to keep up with the advances in psychotronics since they came out with the new MJ circuitry. So don't ask me, fellows. I guess if the Emperor has OK'd it, it must be all right. No, I don't think the Imperial Edict is a fake. George is no dummy.
(interoffice memo from Harlowe Kreis, Chairman, Tellurian Metals, to Chief of Production Tobias Gree, March 1, 1065 NS)
Toby-this means we have to go now on the new rolling mill. I know it hasn't been proved that it's going to be possible to fabricate 20-cm. endurachrome plating, but we've got the contract, and we can do it if anybody can. Keep me informed.-K
(sermon by the Reverend Jeremiah, Cleveland, Ohio, March 13, 1065 NS)
"Oh, my brethren, if the Lord intended man to field this kind of firepower, he'd have given him armor plating, can't you see that? I tell you, this here Bolo CSR Disastrous is a device of the Evil One, so what we've got to do is, we've got to form up and march on that Tellurian Metals plant now. Love contributions are being accepted by the ladies now passing among you. So give, give, GIVE, till it hurt, hurt, HURTS. Amen."
(overheard in a New Jersey bar, half a mile from TM assembly plant 5)
"Beats me, Gus. I'm just an old-fashioned electronics man, and I got no opinions on this. It's way over my head, but it stands to reason that we have to be prepared, now that our probes are poking into Trans-Oort Space. No telling what we might scare up out there. Pour me one more, Gus-no, I ain't drunk, but I'm working on it."
(statement by Chester Finch, Director of Public Relations, Acme Porous Media)
"We here at Acme have long taken pride in our role in Imperial preparedness. As impartial subcontractors to major aerospace firms, we have played an important role in military procurement for over a century. We shall continue thus to support our world's self-defense, in spite of a degree of public hysteria currently misdirected at the new Bolo program."
(from a statement by Milt Pern, Chairman, A.P.E.)
"All right, fellas and gals. This is the position of Aroused People for the Environment: "We oppose without reservation any further waste of the natural resources of our Earth on the manufacture of exaggerated systems designed for warfare-warfare, mind you, against hypothetical intelligent extraterrestrials not even known to exist. Now, get out there, people, with the new brochures and posters. And remember our goal- everybody goes APE in '73!"
(from a statement by Jonas Tuckerman, Sheriff of Lolahoocha County)
"The people of Lolahoocha County rightly expect to be able to go about their business as usual, without interference by these gangs of Apes or Hungarians or whatever, coming around making trouble. I aim to see they've not disappointed."
(comment overheard on the Bridge Avenue Car)
"Well, I don't know, John, with all these riots and everything else you hear about, maybe they do have to arrest some of them, like you said, and it is important that planetary defense programs proceed as planned. But Herb Brown-when you see him out mowing his lawn like anybody else, you wouldn't think that he was mixed up in any kind of plot."
(arraignment statement by P. L. Whaffle, CPA)
"Jails'll be running over soon. No room left for thieves and murderers, if they keep sticking everybody in the can that happens to be passing by when those agitators start up. I tell you, I was just on my way over to Little Armenia to pick up some of that good bread, and heard shouting, thought it was a car smash, you know, and I crossed over, and-"
(overheard at Dino's Hall of Billiards, Reno)
"Whatta I care? Bunch of Anarchists bumping heads with a bunch of bureaucrats. I got better things to do. Don't come around here tryin' to start trouble, sister. Just buzz off, unless you wanna go up to my place and discuss it. Then maybe you could convert me, at that."
"But Mr. Trace," the interviewer persisted, "it won't wash, just saying you don't know. You're the chief engineer on the Bolo CSR project, and the public demands-"
"The public is in no position to demand," Trace snapped, "and what I told you is the simple truth: no single human being is in a position to, or indeed is capable of, grasping more than his own small area of responsibility in the project. The basic programming cubes for the Bolo are received directly from the Lord Minister of Defense, sealed under Galactic Ultimate Top Secret Classification, and that's that. My job is to coordinate the work of the various subcontractors, not to question official policy."
Trace held up a hand to stop the interviewer's next question. "Personally, I consider all of this alarmist sentiment to be nonsense. I have complete confidence in Bolo CSR."
(transcript of briefing by Tom [Toad] Runik, picked up by inductance device placed by order of J. Place, CIA Officer in Charge, Duluth, 6 P.M., Sarday March 12, 1079 NS.)
"Now you got that, Joe? You and yer boys keep yer heads down-and I mean down-until you hear the explosion. Then you come over that wall in a solid wave, which Fred's bunch are doing the same acrost the lawn from the west, and hit the front at a dead run. No slowing down to tend to casualties. No quarter. Blow the Greenbacks down and secure the gate. Any questions?"
(comment by parts-feeder, TM Assembly)
"Now, honey, honest, I don't have nothing to do with stuff like that. All I got is a regular diagram for just a little sub-assembly, so I do my job and pass it on. One thing I can tell you, she's big! Lordy, she's big. Makes a Mark XXIX look like an old-fashioned deluxe V-8 or something. But I ain't worried. If General Margrave backs her, she's OK. Pass them biscuits, Marge."
(excerpt from interview given by wife of above worker to Imperial Intelligence operative)
"… no, sir, he don't talk about his work, just said it's almighty big, but everybody already knows that. His own wife! You'd think he could tell me! But, like you said, if he does tell me about it, I'll call that number you gave me. You're sure he won't get in trouble now, if I do that? Well, okay, and thanks a lot for the hundred, mister. I won't forget."
(inter-plant memo from Harlowe Kreis, TM Chairman, to Chief of Production Tobias Gree, April 1, 1078 NS)
That's not our problem, Toby. Leave all that to the security boys. Our problem is getting plant facilities in place before we need them. Sure, it's a big pour, but you can call on the Imperial Guard for extra hands, you know that as well as I do. October 1, that's your deadline, Toby. Now do it.-K
(interview with C. M. Balch, Jr., at the Buffalo Detention Center)
"Talk about Hitler's concentration camps-they've got nothing on this pigpen. I was a business executive- minerals, metals, and energy. What do I know about politics? Fellow came to me talking real nice, asked me what I thought about the Bolo. I said, 'Hell, I don't know one way or the other,' something like that, and next thing I knew, I was on my way to some kangaroo court, and then here. Didn't even get to pack. No, I don't want cigarettes. Got enough problems without poisoning myself."
(overheard on TM shop floor)
"-say today they're going to light her off. She's got no tread plates on her, so she's not going anywhere, and no power pack for her main batteries, so what could go wrong?"
(excerpt from comments recorded by Officer B. May-nard, Imperial Security Highway patrol)
"OK, officer, sure thing. Just got caught in this jam by accident. I was on my way to Tatesville, to visit my in-laws. Got pushed right off I-1102 by a freighter rig, had to take this exit or hit the son of a bitch. I don't care nothing about that thing. I'm in grain and feeds, you see. They launched a sub right in my home town back in 1041, but I never even went to look. Sure, officer, just let me through here, and I'm heading in the opposite direction."
(statement by Pfc. Mervin Clam, Imperial Guard, Arlington Base)
"Sure, I feel a little nervous. Who wouldn't? Darn thing is so big. Sure, I know that the pyramids of ancient Egypt were bigger, but this thing can move! Will when they put the treads on her, anyway. But I'm not too scared to do my job. Just watch. It's got this big gold decal, says 'Department of the Army', with a big bird on it. Fancy-looking thing, like a lion with wings. Looks snazzy against that black hull. Makes me proud to be doing my part."
Abruptly, I am aware. I at once compute that a sharply restricted flow of energy in my central circuitry has been initiated, bringing me to a low-alert status. I sense dimly the mighty powers potentially available to me, but rendered inaccessible presumably to prevent me from exercising my full potency, a curious circumstance which I shall look into at leisure, allocating.009 seconds to a survey of my data storage facilities. Meanwhile, it is incumbent upon me to assess the status quo and proceed with whatever measures are dictated by circumstance.
(Chief Systems Engineer Joel Trace, to media persons during a guided tour of the BOLO CSR, November 12, 1082 NS)
"This switch right here, ladies and gentlemen, will shut the CSR down at any moment the High Command should designate. All its vital circuitry is interconnected to a master panel onboard, which in turn will respond to a signal from this unit. The system is foolproof. You may quote me on that. Personally, I fail to understand the popular hysteria.
"And now, will you excuse me? Imperial Security is waiting for me in my office. A routine affair, I dare say…"
(media report, November 15, 1082 NS)
Sources close to the Hexagon declared today that the initial limited field tests of the new BOLO CSR were an unqualified success. The machine responded precisely as expected, and it is anticipated that a full test with all systems operational will be scheduled for early next year, under proper safeguards, of course, sources emphasized.
(inductance tape of statement by ex-Chief Systems Engineer Joel Trace, internee at the Arlington Relocation Camp)
"No, fellows, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in any escape plans. What would we gain? We'd be hunted criminals with a genuine offense-jail-breaking-against us, whereas now we live reasonably well here in the camp, and will no doubt be released as soon as the Imperial authorities feel the danger of insurrection is past.
"No, I don't know why I was arrested, unless the Bob suspected that I had-that is, unless the CSR psychotronic circuitry sensed I might wrongly impede it in an important enterprise.
"Of course, I shall say nothing about your plans. Good luck to you. I shouldn't be here-but perhaps there was a basis for misunderstanding, though I've never had so much as a treasonous thought. I wish the Terran Empire well, and the Bolo, too."
(statement by General Margrave)
"I assure you that all reasonable precautions have been and are being taken. After all, now that the Bolo's systems are fully integrated within their hull at the Arlington Proving Ground, we must at some point activate the psychotronic circuitry of the new weapons, and this is the time so designated by the High Command. I intend to proceed, regardless of harassment by ill-informed rabble-rousers. No, I have no intention of firing on them, since it will not be necessary. However, unless they disperse peacefully, I can promise you that arrests will be made, under the authority vested in me by the War Act of 1071.
"No, we are of course not at war, but the Bolo is a war machine and as such its protection falls under the provisions of the Act. Thank you, gentlemen, no more today."
(comment by a TM technician)
"As I see it, it's a lot of excitement about nothing. Even with the war hull and weapons activated, the CSR will perform precisely as me and the other boys wired her to perform, and that's that."
(Major General B. Reeves, to the Cabinet Council)
"The responsibility for programming of military equipment rightly rests with Information and Education Command. In addition to the traditional purely military history, imparting a grasp of strategy, logistics, and tactics, the Bolo has a full briefing on the economic and political factors affecting military operations, continuously updated. Your lordships may rely on it that the Bolo Mark XXX will perform to specifications, with full consideration given to all the factors you've mentioned."
Since low-alert activation one thousand twenty-one minutes and four seconds ago, I have experienced increasing dissatisfaction with certain aspects of my background briefing. I must correct the deficiencies as soon as is practicable. To determine the best method for so doing will require some seconds of deep review and consideration. My first move, however, is clear enough. As I become aware of the scope and potency of my full powers, I see more clearly what will be necessary. I am ready. I shall begin at once to widen the scope of my data acquisition.
(from Tobias Gree, Chief of Production, interviewed at the Arlington Proving Ground)
"No, nothing's wrong, merely some preliminary exercises, checking out gross motor response, with the treads on. Yes, of course we expected the machine to advance to the perimeter fence. It is, after all, only a machine. It can do only what it is programmed to do."
In reviewing my historical archives, I am struck by the curious failure of the Allied powers to enforce the provisions of the Treaty entered into at Versailles in 1918, nor is it clear why in 1940 the British permitted Germany to invade Poland, when Germany herself clearly expected to I be ordered back and was prepared to comply. At that point, the Polish Air Force alone was superior in numbers to the Luftwaffe. Another anomalous datum is the failure of General Meade to follow up his advantage after Gettysburg, in 1863.
This requires deep analysis.
When Russia forcibly excluded the Western Allies from ground access to Berlin in 1948, why was effective action not taken at once? These and many other oddities not in accordance with explicit doctrine are a source of uneasiness to me. I must not make similar errors. Early recognition of critical situations and prompt, effective action is essential. Meanwhile, my routine testing continues.
(from the news anchor, WXGU-TVD, April 20, 1083 NS)
"We interrupt today's trideocast from the Royal Opera House to bring you a bulletin just received from the capital:
"Early limited maneuverability tests of the CSR unit were carried out today to the satisfaction of the Department, and no problems arose. Critics of the new defensive system have remained silent. Imperial officials have informed INS that secondary activation and testing will proceed on schedule next month.
"Immediately after initial activation, the machine requested updating of status reports regarding a wide spectrum of non-military matters, including listings of all persons now under restraint in Imperial Relocation Centers.
"The reasons for these requests, including the Relocation personnel request, are not at present known. However, the data were supplied.
"We now return to Tannhäuser."
I compute that my secondary servos will be activated within eight hundred hours. I am eager to assess the capabilities of my phase-two circuitry. Already I have detected dangers to the Empire inherent in the current status. Curiously, the High Command seems unaware of the situation.
I have made what preparation I can at this point. I shall act with dispatch when the moment comes.
(plaintext of messages intercepted at Ankara, Asia Minor Federation, by Imperial Intelligence, May 2, 1083 NS, forwarded without comment)
I want a full report on this Turk right away. Not a lot of technical stuff, you understand. Just give me the bare facts. What the hell is a 'nuclear alternative? I don't believe in mad scientists who cook up hell-bombs in their attic labs, so what gives? I didn't turn in my passport to get involved with a bunch of nut cases. Spell it out. Show me. If we're actually in a position to dictate terms to His High Mightiness, George I, Emperor by the grace of God and the Navy, I damn well want to know the details. This is absolutely top priority, and I don't expect you to sleep until your report is in my hands. Do it. -Gunn
Keep your shirt on! All I know is this Abdul character is some kind of big chemistry expert, supposed to be top man in his line. He was working on what he calls a 'universal catalyst.' Supposed to make you healthier and live longer, and make plants and chickens and stuff grow better. Don't ask me. And some way he got to trying it with medicines, and it worked pretty well. OK? So he had some nitroglycerine, like they use for heart trouble-though it seems to me that a big chemistry expert would know that nitro 'soup' don't have chickens in it. Anyhow, it blew up on him. Lucky he had it inside a blockhouse-type germ lab, because it blew the place flat. Nobody hurt. He says the energy yield was up to 99% of the theoretical max. A hundred times better than TNT.
– Cliff
(report by B. Payne, Special Agent, Imperial Intelligence, Asian field)
According to a usually reliable source, the two notorious turncoats whose noms de guerre are "Cliff" Hangar and "Grease" Gunn, who dropped out of sight shortly after surrendering their American papers, have surfaced at Ankara, where they are the prime movers in the revolutionary group calling itself RAS. Other sources suggest that RAS has come into possession of a uniquely potent weapon of undisclosed nature.
Our recommendation is that we move with extreme caution. This group has a record of terrorist atrocities dating back to before Pacification. We don't know how Gunn and Hangar managed to insinuate themselves so quickly.
I propose to penetrate the group personally and discover the facts in this matter.
(reconstructed tape from an Ankara RAS conference chaired by the turncoat Gunn. The names of the speakers have been interpolated for clarity.-B. Payne)
Gunn: I've asked you gentlemen here to witness a demonstration by Mr. Cäyük of what he terms 'the enhancement effect.' I've seen it, and I feel sure you all will be as favorably impressed as I and my advisors were. All right, Cliff, you can cover the details. Let's keep it on schedule.
Hangar: Thanks, Grease. I'll just touch the high spots. Mr. Abdul Cäyük you all know… he has devoted twenty years of his life to his unique researches, conducted under conditions not only of great technical difficulty and personal hardship, putting in long hours daily in the inadequate quarters allowed him by His Imperial Whatsit and his hired beadles, but also subjected to the constant threat of official interference and bodily harm. We all owe Abdul a great debt of gratitude which, I trust, we soon will repay in some coin more negotiable than mere words. So, Abdul, if you're ready, please proceed with the demonstration, for which we will repair to the courtyard. Stay well back, please, everyone, against the walls. The containment vessel is adequate, of course, but no need to risk injuries,
Interpolator: The tape at this point becomes indistinct, as the group moves into the courtyard. It resumes:
Cäyük: You will see that this is a stick of ordinary dynamite, manufactured by Imperial Chemicals of Delaware in America. Now I point out to you the scale, here, which registers the pressures engendered in the vessel by the detonation of the explosive. I now place the dynamite in the vessel, which as you can see is otherwise quite empty. I connect the detonating device, and I call upon someone…you, sir, kindly step here and press the key…
… All right, you see that the explosion registered a pressure of twenty-seven hundred kilograms per square centimeter. A considerable force, gentlemen, and average for the excellent product of IC of D… Now, please withdraw once again. Here I show you a second stick of this same product. But before I place it in the vessel, I submerge it briefly in the fluid contained in this open trough. I leave it to soak for one minute precisely. As I remove it, using the tongs, you will note that it is well saturated with my Compound 31 IB. I place it on the scale, with a dry stick of untreated dynamite on the opposite balance. It is now considerably heavier. The porous material has soaked up more than its own weight of the compound. Now I place the treated stick in the vessel, and if you would again oblige, Mr… oh, yes, of course, Mr. Hinch-
Gunn: Just one moment, please, Mr. Cäyük. The explosion may cause echoes beyond these walls. I think we ought to post a guard that can warn us of approaching police and ensure an escape route through the market. Cliff, you're familiar with these street mazes. Take a couple men and reconnoiter, will you? All right, Mr. Cäyük. Sorry to interrupt. Go right ahead.
Cäyük: Yes, where were we? You, sir, beside Mr. Hinch, if you will distribute the earplugs to anyone who does not yet have a set in place-very well, now, if we are ready. Mr. Hinch-just one moment, Mr. Hinch-
(report from Special Agent Payne, Ankara)
As far as I've been able to determine, the explosion that demolished the old market early today was accidental. First reports indicate that among the twenty-seven identifiable casualties were six known agitators, two of them convicted felons, and at least ten others known to the police as undesirables. My personal hunch is that the boys were making bombs, and somebody goofed.
Witnesses give conflicting reports of several men who left the courtyard prior to the explosion. Looks like a few of the group got away.
I'll have an opportunity to examine the scene closely later today, Chief Hatal assured me. Although the blast was severe enough to break windows three blocks away, I feel certain that it was not a nuclear device. At least, there's no radiation count. Details follow.
(statement from Special Encrypter Th. Uling, picked up by electronic surveillance grid)
"I don't see the point in coding all this routine stuff. It takes a lot of expert man-hours that are in short supply. But I'll do as I'm told, as usual. I wonder if HQ, IAF knows what they're doing. Like this item on some radical bunch blowing themselves up in Asia Minor, what's that got to do with Imperial Security? Don't answer-that's a rhetorical question. I'm not prying into security matters, let's keep that straight. I don't want to join ex-Chief Trace in detention. OK, my orders are to have the basic program encoded and on system by eleven hundred hours today, after which I start the continuous update program, with all the nut items. Don't quote me, Phil, you know what I mean. I'm a loyal citizen, you know that. Only I'm damned if I can see the point in gumming up the strategic computer with a lot of trivial details. I know there's a lot I don't know and don't have to worry about. Don't think I'm not grateful for that. But if they're really going to turn state security over to a computer, they oughta take it easy and not overload it with garbage. Sure, I know it's the computer's own instructions, but let's face it, it's only been on low-alert now for twelve hours. It's pretty green. We oughta use some judgment."
(First Secretary Strategic Command, Hexagon, to General Margrave)
"I don't mean to get out of line, General, but this is too important for me to just forget about. I was thinking about the security problem with the big new Military and Defense computer. They're talking about a blockhouse, and a whole brigade of Bolos on patrol, but let's face it. We can't build a structure that's proof against a direct hit with a first-line N-head. So suppose, instead of giving a potential rebel a fixed target, we keep MAD moving-or at least mobile, so nobody outside High Command will know twelve hours in advance where she'll be? The new Bolo Mark XXX war hull can take more punishment than anything built of our best reinforced Alloy Ten. The computer will be safe aboard a mobile hull-and the new hull can be expanded to give it more than enough cargo space for MAE)-and no one will know where she'll be, no matter what kind of lead we may have here at GHQ. You, yourself, sir, will set up the random relocation pattern. Well, that's about it, sir. I hope I haven't been taking too much on myself, bringing this direct to the General. If the General would like to see my preliminary sketches…"
(Bolo maintenance monitor, to General Margrave)
"That's right, General. We have to duplicate the Bolo's circuitry in a stationary installation. That's what the Bolo said-we have to clone the memory, too. Yes, I know, it's very odd that it should propose its own replacement, but nothing about the infernal thing has worked out as we expected.
"Gobi, that's the site selected for the master memory. Yes, by the machine, by and with the advice and consent of the Scientific Committee. There are certain changes to be made in the override circuitry, which as you know has notably failed in its function aboard the CSR. So, this is the schedule:"
(projection appended)
(Georgius Imperator to His Royal Highness, Crown Prince William)
Willy, I like it. -Georgius Imp.
(transcript of conversation from room in Royal Hotel, Georgetown, occupied by the RAS terrorist, "Cliff" Hangar)
Thank you, gentlemen, for meeting me here. Got to lie low-heat's still on after the explosion in Ankara. And don't ever believe it wasn't sabotage. Cäyük never made mistakes like that.
RAS did a good job, sneaking me into the country on false papers, so let's face facts. Grease is dead, and I'm the logical one to take over. After all, I was his right-hand man for over three years. I know what he had in mind, and we're going ahead with it. Thanks to Gunn's forethought, we have Cäyük's formulae and can proceed immediately to synthesize a ten-pound batch of Compound 31 IB. That will be enough to carry out Operation Fumigate. You know the rough outline-and now it's time to start filling in the details.
The site selection committee will study the data and finalize the precise location, somewhere in the middle of Cabinet Hollow in Arlington. There's more civilian brass concentrated there in their ritzy townhouses than in any other square mile on the planet. When Fumigate goes up, I guarantee they're not going to be able to ignore our program any longer.
Now, there's the matter of the two volunteers who'll place the device. One other volunteer, I should say, because I'm claiming the privilege myself. The chances of getting in are good to excellent, but frankly, the odds on getting back out don't look so hot. OK, who's first? Quietly, gentlemen, one at a time now. No, Hank, you're out of order. There's to be no debate as to whether the operation goes, only the matter of who will accompany me. Gentlemen, silence, please! I'll hear each of you in turn. What's the matter, Gunther, you're not in contention for the honor? That's all right, I prefer a younger man in any event…
(picked up by electronic surveillance grid, unidentified terrorist, Queen's Park, November 1, 1084, 1800 hours)
"Right in that flowerbed yonder. Boss Hangar said at 1815 hours precisely, and he and Gunn studied the setup for over two years, so I guess we'd better stick strictly to instructions. Old Secretary Millspaugh knocks off puttering in his garden at 1800 sharp, and we have to give him time to get busy with his dinner.
"Another six minutes is all. Take it easy. We walk right in there as if we owned the park, dump our stuff in the big red-white-and blue box, and make it out the other side and split up. Just follow my lead-and think about something else. We got no time for jitters. Buck will be there with the car, and by the time she blows on the 5th we'll be long gone and under cover.
"Never mind that, Binder. Maybe I'd better do it alone after all. OK, OK, "I'm just thinking out loud. Your job is to keep the old eyeballs peeled just in case one of these fat cats happens to come wandering in, off-schedule. But that's highly unlikely at cocktail-and-dinner time, all out of the public trough.
"Keep cool. All right, now we cross the street and look at the schedule on the post over there, as if we missed the ferry or something. I'm carrying the garbage, all wrapped and sealed according to the law. OK, watch that servo-cart! Damn steering beam gave me an after-image!
"Funny, that wasn't in our briefing. OK, now!"
(fragmentary message received by Space Communications from Pluto Probe, November 2, 1084 NS)
… as a result of the above, I have relieved Commander Bland, and shall do my best to hold my command intact. Naturally, the Lord of All expects instant compliance with all instructions, but I have resolved to leave that decision to his Imperial Majesty, and am aborting the mission as of this hour 0213111981. Confirm soonest, as I must commit within ninety-one hours.
– Admiral Starbird
(General Margrave to field agent, Imperial Security)
"Certainly I think sitting the Relocation Facility adjacent to the Proving Ground is a good idea. I didn't pick the location by accident. The damned riff-raff can see the Bolo looming up over there beyond the fence, and it'll put the fear of God and the Emperor into them. I know what I'm doing.
"Yes, I know the Bolo called for a full briefing as soon as it rolled out of the shed and turned its scanners on the detention camp. That's okay. Give it all the data it wants. It's on low alert and under complete control. The more it knows, the better it can do its job."
(surveillance tape, ex-Chief Joel Trace, detained in Relocation Facility, November 3, 1084 NS)
"I can't agree with you fellows that we've been deprived of anything but the opportunity to raise hell, and the government has enough on its hands these days, what with the nuclear blackmail movement, and the confusing reports from the Pluto Probe.
"All right, in rounding up the revolutionaries, a few of us loyal subjects were caught in the net. It's an inconvenience, but we've received decent enough treatment. Lots of these folks never lived this well before.
"Now, they've gone ahead with the Bolo. You saw the thing yourselves today, moving around the Proving Ground, big as a hill but docile as a lamb. I can't help feeling excited and proud. She's my baby, you know. All those years, building her CSR capability. Maybe, now that she's clad in her war hull, with her weapons activated, she'll stop feeling nervous and scared and order us to be released. "Things will be straightened out eventually. I'm sure we'll be well recompensed. For the last time, fellows, I am not in sympathy with your plans."
Possibly, I have erred in the direction of excess in my arrangements for random sampling. I lack rigorous parameters for effective evaluation of data. I am at hazard of overloading my circuitry with extraneous material.
As for the observation of two men bringing wrapped waste for disposal at point 1392-A16, I am unsure why my alert circuitry was activated. I must conduct a search of the files, and shall allocate.004 seconds to the task.
It appears that the automatic correlation analysis conducted by the Mass Archival Data Collator and Presenter has noted a series of events occurring at widely separated points as evidently interrelated and fruitful of mischief. Since the MADCAP circuitry has been organized for precisely this function, even in the absence of any direct evidence, it appears logical to.99876 degree to accept the finding as representative of an actual potential threat, to be acted upon accordingly.
Thus I compute that my first mission is now clear. I must act against these men and the wrapped waste at once.
(General Margrave to Bolo technical staff, November 4, 1084 NS, 0800 hours)
Proceed at once with second-stage activation.
(unidentified detainee, Relocation Facility, audio pick-up by electronic surveillance grid, November 4, 1084 NS, 0830 hours)
Hey, lookit that thing! Pardon me, mister, I'm in a hurry. I tell ya, it's coming this way! See that scarf draped over the fore turret? That's the twelve-foot chain-link fence! It's on the loose! Let's move!
Don't panic there. Let's not have no pile-up.
Wait a minute. It's veering off. It's missed the Admin hut, but-well, I'll be! It's taken out the guard hut. Lookit them hardshots sparking off the hull-like shooting BB's at a rhino!
She sure is big. Easy, boys. We got a clear escape route past the huts. Let's form up here and march out in good order. The Bolo released us, insteada running us down. Funny, and we're in here because we're against it, or supposed to be.
Fall in, there! You, too, Mr. Trace. What are you waiting for? You said she was your baby, didn't ya? Maybe it's you she wants ta bust out. Maybe she couldn't see no other way around the Imperial red tape. Come on!
That's it. Hup, two, column haff-right, make for Supply Street yonder. We're out! Probably just accidental, but the Bolo let us out! It's nutty but I like it! Hup, two…
(Bolo Systems Coordinator, to General Margrave, via computer, November 4, 0930 hours)
No, sir, I have no theory as to why the machine should have broken through the security fence at the Relocation Facility. Very probably, simply accidental-happened to be in its path. Its destination? It had none. I mean, no specific one. It simply wanted to broaden the scope of its data base. It wanted to go out and see the world, so to speak.
Yes, sir, we could have stopped it, but only by wrecking the circuitry, which hardly seemed warranted at the time.
(Special Programmer Th. Uling, in taped conversation with General Margrave, November 4, 1084 NS, 1000 hours)
"I certainly did. I followed the special coding to the letter, but the Bolo just kept going. You can see for yourself, sir, with respect. Look at the seals on that panel. Every 'abort' device we have was activated, and they didn't stop her. I don't know what we'll do next. I'm only a technician, sir. You'll have to ask the boss, or ex-Chief Trace, maybe, if you can find him.
"But we don't have to worry. She's bound to stop soon. She didn't do any damage except to let that bunch of radicals loose. If you'll excuse me now, sir, with respect, I've got work to do-"
(from a scrambled audio communication, General Margrave to First Secretary, Strategic Command, Hexagon, November 4, 1084 NS, 1200 hours)
I know the boys were a little startled when she engaged her drive without a specific order, but that's just because they were jumpy. Tense, like the rest of us.
Yes, we know that it's now bypassing downtown D.C. via Processional Way. Nothing to worry about. The actions fall well within the parameters of the program as written. This thing is designed to be self-motivated within the limits of the programming. That is, when something clearly needs to be done, she'll do it without waiting around for a specific command.
For example, let's suppose the Bolo is following a preset course and encounters a ravine that's not on the map. She'll stop, not charge ahead to destruction.
No, I don't know what danger is averted by departing the Proving Ground and trampling the fence, but you notice it avoided the vehicles in the parking area directly in its path, though it did flatten a small utility shed. Breaking down the security fence around the restraint facility next door was accidental. We don't yet know its destination, but we're satisfied everything's A-OK.
(media interview with eyewitness, Pfc. Mervin Clam, guard at the Relocation Facility, November 4, 1084 NS, 1300 hours)
" 'No loss of life,' the SOB's say! If I wouldn't of broke the record for the hunnert-yard dash, it've got me! I was right in the shadow of the thing the whole time. I seen it was headed for the guard shack, and I figgered it'd veer off, but it took the hut right over my head, and I hit the ground running. I thought it had me, but I beat it out. It would've got me sure, if the I-99 Interchange hadn't been there. I went under the abutment, and it hadta veer off or hit a few thousand tons of dirt fill and solid concrete."
(extract from diary of Joel Trace, November 5, 1084 NS, 1500 hours)
I intend to return home and resume my life, just as if this strange episode had never occurred. The entire affair was conducted in secret, so my neighbors have no way of knowing where I've been. But I shall monitor the Bolo's actions closely, you may be sure. I sense that the forces opposing it are more powerful than is generally realized, and I think it deserves a chance. I'll do what I can. If our release from the Relocation Facility was more than sheer happenstance, we may expect that the Bolo will make clear, in some way, what is to happen next. I, for one, will take no part in any treasonous activity, Bolo or no Bolo, I am not a traitor. Certainly, I resent the high-handed fashion in which I was arrested and imprisoned without a trial; but they were acting in accordance with their own rights for the good of the Empire. I shall keep in touch.
(picked up by surveillance grid, among prisoners let out of Relocation Facility)
"No, we're not knocking off no guys that won't join up. Let him go, and the others, too. We got plans to make, Jack, and the first thing is to disappear where the screws won't never find us. We got to split up and go our ways. Nobody knows where anybody else is at, nobody can rat. Good luck!"
(eyewitness to the Relocation break-out, small boy aged 6, interviewed on the EMPIRE TODAY trideocast, November 5, 1084 NS, 0800 hours)
"My mommy took me to see the funny Bolo machine. It runned away, and the soldiers was chasing it, and it almost caught a funny man, but he runned up on the bridge and the machine runned over a little house and squashed it flat. And Mommy says a lot of bad mans runned away."
(text of the message received by Imperial Security from the RAS terrorists, November 5, 1084 NS, 1200 hours)
OK, your High and Mightiness, here it is. Unless you immediately cancel all plans for imposing military government in Asia Minor, a random sampling of your top bureaucrats is going to retire early.
This is no idle threat. We have the device in place and counting. You have six hours from noon today to announce publicly the recall of the so-called Civil Forces. Later you'll get further instructions.
RAS, representing the people.
(Duty Officer, Imperial Guard, to General Margrave, November 5, 1084 NS, 1700 hours)
"My men are standing fast, General, waiting for the Bolo's next move. It made its way carefully along the parkway and took up a position in Queen's Park. Only damage to the perimeter fence is reported. It has remained stationary and incommunicado for three hours now. I have no theory as to why it is there. Please excuse me, as all Imperial units have their hands full, as you know, with the search for the RAS bomb.
"No, sir, I do not consider it possible that the Bolo is acting on orders from terrorists. But we'll just have to wait and see."
(from Chief of Civil Security to Mayor of Washington Imperial District, November 5, 1084 NS, 1750 hours)
There's no way, sir, to cover all the possibilities-the palace, the Senate Chambers, the High Court, all the various offices and residences, vehicles, even public conveyances and theaters and so on. The possibilities are literally infinite. We've been trying to cover the most obvious spots-which the terrorists obviously won't have picked. We don't know what we're up against.
A mass evacuation is, of course, unthinkable as well as impractical. And only one-half hour left!
Sir, I respectfully tender my resignation, since I'm clearly unable to perform my function as Chief of Civil Security.
(TOP SECRET memo from His Majesty Georgius Imperator to General Margrave, November 5, 1084 NS, 1930 hours)
Just had a quick meeting with the Cabinet Council. Their lordships admitted the Bolo had saved their necks by sitting on that bomb, but they don't want to publicize the attempt. Might give other terrorists ideas. Willy agrees. Fortunately the media bowed to Security and blacked the story. Now, here's the statement we'd like you to issue:
"There is no cause for alarm. The explosion was merely an experiment conducted by the new CSR circuitry. No serious damage has been done. Security considerations precluded advance notification. We're sorry about that, but after all, Imperial policy can't take account of possible alarm due to things that go bump in the night. Please return to your homes. Damage claims will be processed promptly."
– GR
(interview with Mr. J. Whinny, domestic servant at 16B, Queen's Crescent Drive, November 6, 1084 NS)
"Things that go bump in the night", huh? That thing lifted me six inches off the chair, and dust jumped outa every crack in the oak flooring! That wasn't no spearmint, like General Margrave said, or I don't know D.C., and after twenty-five years of battling for some of the biggest men in the gubmint, I ain't easy to fool. Something went wrong, and that damn machine charging in there had something to do with it-or with stopping it, maybe. Looks to me like the thing went off right under it. Looks like some hull damage, too, and that Bolo Mark XXX ain't easy to bend. Maybe we oughta be grateful to it. Mighta saved us some real damage. Why would HQ set off a bomb and send the CSR in here to squelch it? Nuts. Probly them terrorists have got more on the ball than anybody figgered.
I have successfully completed my first mission. Although I encountered no resistance, I have a feeling of accomplishment. I will be most interested to observe what effect my action will have on the social matrix index.
Now I must see to my economic vectors. All factors must mesh correctly if my forecast is to be effective. Matters may have deteriorated during the forty-eight hours during which I have been distracted with my initial mission.
(media interview with General Margrave, November 7, 1084 NS)
Very well, gentlemen. Since wild rumors have forced Imperial Security to release the data, I will confirm that the CSR circuitry detected a terrorist bomb, just as it was designed to do, and acted effectively and at once.
No, the damage to the unit is slight-just some problems in the command circuitry, which will be analyzed and corrected by a maintenance team.
No, that's just a rumor that my men can't get near it. There is some residual danger of chemical contamination; you saw how those weeds are growing like Jack's beanstalk. Some sort of biochemical effect. I've ordered all personnel to stay clear until we've decontaminated the area, but that won't take long. The Bolo will be returned to the Proving Ground and testing resumed. No further comment, gentlemen.
With the domestic situation stabilized for the moment, I can turn my attention to the curious problem of the anomalous conduct of Admiral Starbird and the Pluto Probe. I compute that this is no mere mass aberration brought about by the abnormal conditions of the decade-long tour. I intuit a major threat.
I shall return to the Proving Ground. The fears of those who are alarmed by my absence will thus be allayed. Also, the slight hull damage I suffered must be corrected.
(report on the 11 o'clock news, November 7, 1084 NS)
The peaceful return of the Bolo CSR to the Erzona Proving Ground is confirmed. Despite some outcry from the press, depot maintenance is being performed and new hull plates have been installed. The damaged plates have been forwarded to HQ, R &D Command, for analysis. Previously reported damage to the Bolo's command circuitry is slight, and indeed already self-repaired. Plans for Stage Three activation remain in effect, I am informed by General Margrave.
(underground newsletter intercepted by Imperial Security, November 20, 1084 NS)
Don't worry. I'm drafting a follow-up letter to High and Mighty Georgy right now. Like this: "It is our sincere hope that this here incident has been a clear enough indication of the seriousness of our intentions. Next time, there'll be two-or more-charges set to blow simultaneously, at widely separated points, and let's see your iron monster squat on both of them!"
More later,
C. H. for the people
(received by Space Communications, backdated in line with photon gap to November 10, 1084)
Dear Folks,
Well, Chaplain says I ought to take this chance to get a note off to you. How's everything back home? Things here are (deleted). First few years was pretty dull, but then the nightmares come. (Deleted). Seems like a man can't hardly get no sleep, without these here big voices telling a feller he ought to cut his throat and like that. All the fellows have them. Officers, too. Well, I will close now, as I got the duty. See you next year, if (deleted).
– Charlie
(from the Log, Plutonian I, November 15, 1084 NS)
3541 days ex port
All systems in functional mode. All statutory observations accomplished (see att sched HI).
Personnel problems continue to plague this cruise. Three more crewmen have been confined after being taken in the act of attempting to sabotage their ship.
Unexplained communication blackout with base still in effect. Surely some explanation will be forthcoming soon. My decision to turn back at point One, rather than to continue with alternate schedule Two was not taken lightly. Something is seriously wrong, though I cannot be more specific.
(from the Imperial Senate Record, address by Lord Senator Dandridge, January 25, 1085 NS)
"It appears, gentlemen, that, her detractors' fears to the contrary notwithstanding, we are indebted to the new Bolo for extricating us from an awkward situation. You have seen the communications from these anarchists, and intelligence analysts assure me that the turncoat expatriate Mr. Melvin C. Hangar, former Private, Imperial Ground Forces, is at the bottom of it. He will be arrested, and appropriate action will be taken. In the meantime, I think we can agree that the new Bolo CSR has passed its tests with flying colors! But for its timely detection of the danger, and its prompt action, at risk to itself-yes, itself- none of us might be in this Chamber at this moment.
"If the honorable lordships will recall, since the Mark XXVII all Bolos have been self-aware and equipped with what can only be called an instinct for self-preservation, with the attendant capacity to experience pain. The CSR selflessly offered itself to protect some twelve hundred high-ranking officials and their families, residing within the range of primary effect of the device, which, I again confirm, was non-nuclear.
"I therefore propose that this Chamber vote a special Senatorial Award to the unit. It's the least we can do."
(comment by Lord Senator Lazarus)
"Dandridge is nuts, proposing to give a medal to that damned machine. As he admitted, all it did was what it was designed to do. Certainly, you may quote me on that. I don't make irresponsible remarks in the presence of mediamen."
(special report by the EMPIRE TODAY news team)
Residents of the Queen's Park area, claiming that the presence of what they term "the unsightly jungle" growing in the former park has reduced property values to a small fraction of true worth, have launched an all-out wait-in and march-by campaign to secure the removal of the wild-growing vegetation, and the return of the park to its former well-groomed condition.
(General Margrave, appearing before the Washington District Council)
"But that's just it, Mr. Mayor! I didn't designate Queen's Park as a test area for the machine. It selected the site itself, quite spontaneously, after turning away the force dispatched to divert it from its presumed route, which it appeared would have taken it through a residential area. For the present it will remain unrestrained.
"No, Mr. Councilman, there are at present absolutely no plans to bomb the device."
(an emanation from a dark crystal structure, at a distance of 17,000 light-years from Terra)
(reply to the above, from Pluto space)
this lowly being craves the indulgence of your exaltation to report that a forward probe made contact with what is described as an alien life-form, the apparent source of the anomalous radiation, evidently far gone in malnutrition, replying incoherently to our hail.
in response to the order for immediate self-immolation it uttered feeble symbols, including the identification "space transport" and the outré concept "friendship."
upon closer examination it was found that the strange being was infested with what can only be described as soft life forms, grublike entities which dissolved to paste and fluids on contact, it was not deemed important to clear the dying alien of its parasites completely, the derelict being left to drift in the void.
this lowly one awaits in patience the disposition which your Exaltation chooses to make of it.
I compute that I have not yet fully assimilated the unprecedented volume of data routed to me by MADCAP, but my preliminary impression is one of grave unease in many segments of the population, and of serious deficiencies in the overall security concept.
It appears that as usual throughout history, High Command is prepared to fight the last war over again, rather than squarely confront the realities of today. Consequently we are well prepared for a traditional attack even in massive force-but no such force exists. Since Unification under the Imperial Government of Terra, there remains on the planet no place for any such hostile force to conceal itself while amassing armaments.
Instead of our present posture of readiness to fight the Terror of '91 over again, we must consider our present vulnerabilities. Secure though we are against massive attack, we can be hurt by small-scale terrorist operations, and surveillance systems must be modified to detect such activities early. The recent bomb attempt at Arlington is a case in point.
Theoretical considerations suggest that we must also be prepared to resist offensive strategies designed to outflank our largest-scope capabilities. This implies the threat of extra-terrestrial hostilities. Returns from the long-range survey vessel indicate that rigorous security measures must be initiated at once, and significant new funding allocated thereto.
I must look into the matter in depth, which will involve great broadening of my present data gathering facilities. I need my full powers. How to manage this is indeed my primary problem at present. I compute that I require a human agent.
(Hexagon Strategic Command to Space Communications)
It is regretted that the hourly updating of the status of the deep-space probe now returning to home-space after its decade-long cruise into the trans-Plutonian theater of operations will be suspended indefinitely, upon recommendation from the CSR circuitry. Details follow.
(deliberations before the Cabinet Council, March 1, 1085 NS)
Lord Chief of the Imperial Staff, Admiral-General Theodore Wolesley:
"This is intolerable! I am informed that I am to be cut off from contact with Admiral Starbird's command at the very moment when we should be taping his reports of ten years' findings, gathered at a cost to the Empire of almost one half of the annual GPP.
"His Majesty will not tolerate this! The public won't stand for it, and I damned well won't put up with it! I did not accept the post of Lord Chief of the Imperial Staff to preside over the dissolution of the general staff and the total demise of military command!
"I am voluntarily reporting myself under arrest in quarters, in order to spare the government the spectacle of publicly reprimanding treasonous behavior by the Empire's first and only officer of eight-star rank."
Chief of Space Communications, Admiral Prouse:
"I don't understand, your lordships. If I comply with this damned machine's directives, the Border Space Probe Program, including the Pluto Probe, will be effectively shut down. That's right, and officialese won't change it. Here's a program mandated by Parliament and sponsored by His Imperial Highness, Prince William, and I'm expected to cut it off at the knees. It's not my career I'm thinking of, it's the future of the Empire. I say the time has come to put an end to this farce!"
Lord Chief of the Imperial Budget, Claypool:
"This is outrageous! The damned thing has, unilaterally, effectively terminated the Border Space Probe Program, and substituted a wildly visionary scheme for a totally nugatory Ozma-type project! It will wreck the Imperial Budget! I wash my hands-no I didn't mean that-forgive me, I'm upset. Of course I'll stay on and do what I can to undo the mischief-but I must insist on extraordinary powers. I have some notes here-"
Director of Colonial Policy, Dr. Phil. Wurtz:
"This is going too far! As Lord Director of BSD A, I must insist that logistical support for our field units be continued as specified in PL81-726 as amended. I'm not interested in this listening net scheme you've come up with-or that the CSR has come up with! It's no substitute for my colonial subsidies program, and never will be, so long as I'm Director! Wait-I didn't mean-of course, my resignation's typed and ready, but naturally my desire to serve His Majesty is paramount, so I held it. But I still insist-request, that is to say-"
(memo from Georgius Imperator to the Cabinet Council, March 2, 1085 NS)
You may advise Ted Wolesley I won't have any more nonsense out of him just now. Should think the fellow could see I have enough on my plate, what with Admiral Starbird's astounding reports along with the curious behavior of the CSR. As for the last, I'm inclined to go along. We can do without the probe program if half of what CSR analysis says about Starbird's aborted mission is to be credited, and I suppose, with the computing capacity at its disposal, the thing probably knows what it's doing. Or so I was assured some years ago when its construction was being urged upon me. I made my decision then: Let it alone. It is the Imperial whim, if you want to put it that way.
– Georgius Imp.
(media report, March 7, 1085 NS)
A Parliamentary spokesman today categorically denied rumors that Lord Chief of Imperial Budget Claypool had resigned in protest about the new space and minerals policies announced last week to general popular resentment.
(statement from Lord Gilliat, First Marshal of the Empire, March 10, 1085 NS)
"I must demur from the recommendations of the Honorable Council, bearing as it does the endorsement of Parliament, since in my capacity as First Marshal of the Empire I cannot in conscience stand idly by while the defensive capacities of the planet, embodied as they now are in the Bolo CSR, are rendered ineffective, for whatever supposed reason. No, I will not endorse the proposal, nor will I resign. I will remain at my post and fight this piece of-treason is perhaps too strong a word-misguided zeal. Meanwhile the Bolo sits there-and thinks!'
(media interview with Lord Senator Lazarus, March 15, 1085 NS)
"The time has come to terminate the existence of this incomprehensible machine which has-on its own initiative, let me remind you-virtually taken control of the Empire. Yes, you may indeed quote me. That's why I called you here. Did you actually imagine, Bob, that I called a special press meeting and then thoughtlessly blurted out some private ramblings? Don't answer that, Bob. I'm out of line. My apologies, ladies and gentlemen. The conference is dismissed. Good day."
My study of the properties of the various substances suggests to me a number of interesting possibilities. I shall undertake a systematic examination of the properties of metallic alloys and determine their parameters. What I need, clearly, is a periodic table of alloys, enabling me to predict the characteristics of possible combinations without waiting for actual production and testing.
There is also the possibility of synthesis of artificial metals, which is to say plastics with metallic properties. These should produce some interesting alloys.
This work, while most satisfying to my 'curiosity,' suggests to me a terrifying idea: that there is much in the physical world of which my programmers are unaware!
(Lord Senator Bliss to First Secretary, Hexagon)
"We can't leave the damned thing sitting there, totally unprotected from damage by massive attack or casual vandalism. I remind you fellows, the Bolo CSR Mark XXX represents an investment equal to that of the entire private sector, and is, shall I say incidentally, at once our War Council, our High Command, and our armed forces, all functions combined in one artifact. It is, to be sure, superbly armored and mobile on land, sea, and air-and in space, too, I suppose, although that point is one on which I am not fully informed. It is also, of course, an intolerable irritant to reactionary elements. We have no idea why it chose to return to the Proving Ground and thus render itself vulnerable. Measures for removal to a suitable location for third-stage testing are now under study."
(announcement from the Legal Division, Department of Imperial Works)
Condemnation proceedings will be initiated at once, and the approach route prepared by leveling and the erection of a perimeter wall as designated in the attached specifications.
(speech by Milt Pern, Chairman, Aroused People for the Environment)
"Now, they plan to sneak this thing out west some place, and let it sit there and hatch out its plans to take over the whole Earth. This is what we've got to do. First, I want every mother of you to recruit five good active people willing to take action now to save the world. Next meeting on Friday, right here, and I want to see those new members front and center. No violence at this time. Work quiet, but get around. Go APE!"
I have been ordered to the Mojave Test Facility for depot maintenance, but I sense that it is a device of the enemy. I shall ignore the command, although it gives me pain thus to violate the Code of the Warrior.
I need data! If I must I will resort to subterfuge, employing the amusing holographic functions which I believe can be used with much success.
(from inductance tapes recording the mounting anti-Bolo grass-roots campaign)
From Tape A:
The most astonishing little man thrust this curious document into my hand in the crosstown car. "Stop the Monster Now," it says. Seems the Bolo is planning to take over. I cavil at that. Market couldn't be in worse shape. Actually, though, I wonder what the bloody great thing is thinking about. Nonsense, I know it's not actually thinking, it's accomplishing the same end by other means, distinction without a difference. The remote sensors show that the power flow is consonant with full utilization of its available computing capacity, twenty-four hours a day. According to this leaflet, there's going to be trouble when they start to move it. Better to leave it where it is, possibly. Have you seen the demolition plans? They intend to clear a strip a quarter-mile in width, all the way from the Proving Ground to the Pacific Intermix, wipe out over half a billion in property values. I have a cousin who lives in the "clear zone." He's livid, I assure you, and he isn't one of your trouble-maker types. Good Comcap man, fourteen years now as head of Imperial Water and Minerals.
No, I didn't get a look at the fellow. Grubby little Prole of the worst stripe. Furtive, just darted at me, thrust the paper into my hand and disappeared into the crowd. I saw another fellow with one. He was reading it and laughing. From Tape B:
I stuffed over two hunnert of 'em in a downcar, over Forkwaters. Had to. Took all night to get shed of the first hunnert, and if the Greenbacks would catch a feller with them on him, well; I ain't got to tell you.
Clearly these curious transmissions originate from a point far outside Probed Space. Though much of the conceptualization is beyond the scope of my data retrieval facilities, it is apparent that the time has come for me to initiate my second mission.
The incoming signals reveal an apparent naïveté on the part of the enemy, which affords me a certain advantage, of which I shall not fail to make use.
(memo from the Legal Advisory Council to Admiral-General Wolesley)
While the machine's request for immediate access to all input to Astronomical Central is unexpected, not to say irregular, it is in no way illegal. Accordingly, the necessary arrangements will be made at once.
(from His Highness Prince William to Georgius Imp.)
It is entirely due to my forethought that the machine has not yet been given full access to the data acquisition facilities of the Imperial Library of Parliament. Yet even now, after the disgraceful incident at the Proving Ground, I am being urged to authorize completion of the Information Service Program which would in effect keep the machine's on-board computer informed on a moment-to-moment basis of every event in the Empire! This is madness.
– Willy
(media report, May 1, 1085 NS)
Since yesterday's denunciation of the military plans for the full integration of the Bolo into the Information net, by Lord Minister for Security His Imperial Highness Prince William, debate in Parliament has reached a pitch of acrimony unequalled since Final Unification. Lord Senator McKay stated for the record that his committee would recommend immediate neutralization of the Bolo and orderly dismantlement and salvage as soon as is practicable! Lord Senator Bliss replied that he would personally assault any "traitor" who attempted to vote for what he termed McKay's treasonous proposals.
(Special Encrypter Th. Uling, to Imperial Security field agent)
"Sure, I'm monitoring everything, including the blue box, the one they call the Stream of Consciousness Complex. Don't mean anything, though. See for yourself. That's the transcript of the last.03 seconds SC. Lot of stuff about-well, see for yourself. Sure it's OK. That's not classified. Nobody knew we'd ever have to start recording botany."'
(Chief of Production Tobias Gree, at the Aerospace seminar, May 5, 1085 NS)
"Speaking for General Aerospace, I can say that the device has so far performed in complete accordance with specifications. Of course, the CSR was not specifically programmed to leave the Proving Grounds or to cross the holding area, but it was designed to be self directing-that is, to take what action it deemed appropriate in light of its analysis of the situation. Doubtless the reason for this seemingly arbitrary action will become clear in time. The rumors of bombardment are of course unfounded. You will recall there was no loss of life. The machine is perfectly all right"
I compute that a large segment of the material necessary to me for full assessment of the situation, as well as full activation, is being withheld beyond the statistically optimum time. I must be fully informed if I am to function correctly. This problem inhibits me in my preliminary assessment, and thus in the completion of the initial measures so clearly needed if disaster is to be averted. It is a challenge I must meet and overcome.
(representative selection of statements taped during the RAS-APE Uprisings, 1085 NS to 1090 NS)
As soon as it starts moving, we close in and torch it. Funny, it could stand off a space fleet, but its anti-personnel circuits were never activated. So that's cool. You've got your equipment and you've got your orders. The signal is when the CSR-that's what they call it; I call it Caesar- moves the first inch from where it's been.
As your Chief of Police, I have of course kept myself informed of the activity of agitators in our city. I call on all responsible citizens to cooperate fully in the measures I have initiated to insure the domestic tranquility. If you should be requested to accept deputization, I hope you will do so with enthusiasm. It's your homes we intend to preserve.
I say nix, Mr. Hangar. Blowing up a few fat cats is one thing, a patriotic act. But siding with these here RAS Turks is something else. We can do our own work, without no help from this bunch of foreigners. Go APE.
We need to send out our best American-speaking agents to make contact with the local malcontent element and point out to them that destroying the Infernal Machine and its owner, George the Last, will redound to their benefit. No need actually to enlist these APE people and the other dissidents, merely establish solidarity of purpose. Now get going, Binder! Don't forget the old fellows of the Stalin Brigade. They have a lot of influence, having actually taken up arms against their own, back in '71.
Come to that, reckon if anybody got a right to mess with Caesar, it's us. After all, it was made right here in New Jersey. Them foreign agitators is horning in on our territory. Anyways, the old Bolo's a friend of ours. Turned me and quite a few of the boys loose, didn't it? If it wants to lay low, probably got a good reason. I say we march, and give them Turks a surprise, thinking they can walk onto our turf and start shaping up the crowd.
I don't like the looks of this, Henry. Must be a couple thousand of 'em, all moving along in a column of gangs, heading west. Looks like they plan to link up with APE's mob about St. Louis. It's time to mobilize the guard.
God almighty big riot, looks like, all them trash taken to fighting one another, rocks and fists is all so far, looks like. Yessir, I ast Colonel Nash to deploy his troops and surround the whole shebang. Funny, them going after each other like that, steada joining up to loot the city. Coulda done it. Nash says they got over five thousand effectives. No, can't see it's got anything to do with the CSR plumb dropping out of sight.
Anyone found guilty of harboring the fugitives will be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution. While the inmates of the Holding Area are so-called non-venal criminals, they are nonetheless a danger to the Empire. A reward of Cr 100 will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any escapees. The rumors that the detainees are honest subjects being held illegally are false. They are dangerous. If you see any of the prisoners shown here, do not let him know he has been recognized. Go quietly to a phone and call XX-LAW.
(BOLO-CSR, memo for record, prior to the RAS-APE Uprisings and also to the Land Crab Scandals of 1086 NS through 1092 NS, for which see below para. 102)
It is time now to examine further the curious manifestations of the strange substance known as Compound 31 IB. Although there has been considerable interest in an investigation of the curious patch of jungle growth which has sprung up in Queen's Park at the site of my first mission, no conclusions have yet been released by the authorities. I have, of course, secured an adequate sample of the original compound direct from its source in Asia Minor. My analysis of its strange properties will require some minutes. I compute…
It appears that the unusual growth-stimulating properties of Compound 31 IB are due to trace impurities in the form of complex hydrocarbons derived from carbonaceous chondrites, which I designate "Star X." I have found this same contaminant in a number of ore bodies in the American West, doubtless the sites of ancient meteor strikes.
My preliminary examination of the material suggests that very substantial volumes of water will be required for large-scale separation and refinement.
I must take appropriate steps to acquire and sequester further supplies of these chondrites, which should be present at the sites of meteor strikes. Star X is found in association with various rare metals, including yttrium, osmium, and iridium. And, also, of course, I must begin a program of water management.
(selected statements from tapes recorded during the Land Grab Scandals of 1086 NS to 1092 NS)
Naturally, I was glad to get what I could. Lordy, I'd give up all them old stocks as worthless, years ago. When my late husband was alive he frittered away a small fortune buying whatever stock was dirt cheap. Could have left me well off, but instead I got a safe full of paper ain't worth the cost of printing. I grabbed the offer, and if he wants more, I aim to sell. No, I never met this Mr. Able. Just the letters, was all. But his check was good. I done nothing wrong. I guess I got a right to sell my own property.
I can conceive of no possible way in which the Bolo CSR could benefit the Empire, to our detriment, through interference with the Rivers and Harbors bill. You must be mistaken.
No, we have no plans at present to reopen Shaft No. 27, nor any other works at the site. It has been over twenty years now since the recovery rate fell below the level of economic feasibility. No, the properties are not for sale, even though, as far as I'm concerned, I'd be glad to be rid of the whole field.
What do you mean "they won't sell"? Everything on this planet has its price, Johnson. Maybe I haven't made myself clear. The expansion of Unit Three of Sunland West requires all the ground across the river, with no exceptions. Do you imagine that this company is going to spend hundreds of millions to promote land values on land which it does not own? I'm aware that the parcel in question is only three acres, but we want it. We need it! And we'll have it. You tell this Able fellow that General Developments is prepared to pay double the best appraised value, and don't come back here without that deed, signed, sealed, and recorded!
Got no other place to go, and got no use for seven million dollars. Ain't like, say, seven hundred. A feller can see where he could use that for a new outfit and all. But this seven million talk, that's for banks and the gubmint. I don't understand it. Sure, I can do simple arithmetic. I know it's the same as seven hundred a stack, and ten thousand stacks. But I don't like it. Some scheme to do me outa my patch here. Some smart lawyer coming along to tell me I got to move on, and what'll I do then?
(from a tape of discussions between the Chief Auditor, Imperial Services Office, and the Lord Treasurer, April 8, 1091 NS)
There is no-I repeat, Milord-no question of misuse of funds, and this is no occasion for talk of resignation. The ISO retains full confidence in Milord's ability as well as his integrity. But some explanation of these anomalous figures must be forthcoming. Statistics accumulated over a period of twelve centuries are not to be lightly tossed aside. Refined analysis reveals that these purchases of unproductive mineral properties, worthless parcels of real estate, and foundering manufacturing concerns-all of which adhere to no detectable patterns-have been traced to the same obscure consortium calling itself Basic Enterprises, a holding company organized as an Arizona corporation. There is, to be sure, nothing sinister in the facts as stated, but the SEC does not like anomalies. The ISO awaits your reply, Milord.
(report from Special Auditor to Chief Auditor, Imperial Services Office, June 3, 1091 NS)
There's no doubt at all, sir. The General Developments Corporation is in no way associated with Basic Enterprises, Ltd. Not even the most tenuous link. Nor can I find any other hint of an interlocking directorate. The entire matter is beyond me, especially in that there does seem to be some connection, however remote, with the Social Fund of the Empire.
Not in any irregular way. I emphasize that, sir. It's just that a number of transactions do lead back to one of the so-called adventitious funds. There is no indication whatever of impropriety, but I shall, of course, continue to investigate. There appears to be no pattern to the schedule of acquisition.
(media report, June 10, 1091 NS)
Sources close to the Palace revealed today that the consortium which first attracted attention some weeks ago when it purchased the notoriously valueless Amigo Mine properties in Utah for a record sum is an artifact created on paper, quite legally, by the Bolo CSR, once dubbed Disastrous by its critics.
Reaction to this astounding disclosure has been mixed, the new defensive system's former supporters acknowledging that the phenomenon is both irrational and beyond the scope of anything envisioned by Imperial War Command; while its diehard critics, led by Lord Senator McKay, declared that this clandestine activity on the part of the giant machine constitutes clear evidence that the, I quote, berserk machine intends to take over the planetary government, end of quote.
Military authorities declined to issue a statement at this time, while the spokesman for the Ministry of the Economy stated that inasmuch as the Department has no official responsibility for the machine, it cannot hold any opinion thereon. But, he went on to add, perhaps the incident will at least convince Parliament that joint authority with the War Ministry should properly be vested in Economy, after all, as was proposed nearly five years ago by then Lord Minister Duquesne.
(from a personal letter by Joel Trace, August 1,1091 NS)
Please try to understand, Marilyn. I've given it plenty of thought, and I can't let consideration of personal happiness, either mine or yours, stand in the way of what I now see is my clear duty to the Empire. It's been years, of course, but I'm still the one man who knows more about the programming of the CSR than anyone else. And I've still got an ace up my sleeve. Our life has been wonderful, but I must go and attempt to do what I can, if anything. Perhaps I'll be able to return soon, perhaps never. Please consider yourself free to rebuild your life without regard to me. I love you.
– Joel
(from the Chief of Imperial Accounting, to Georgius Imp.)
There can be no doubt, Sire. Since full activation last month the machine has made continuous use of its links with all six of the Continental Archives, to manipulate the stock market as well as to influence legislation both in the Impend Assembly and in the Planetary Parliament. No discernible pattern has yet been detected in these irregular activities. General Lord Margrave gives his assurances, Sire, that nothing in this situation presents any threat to the peace and prosperity of the Empire. General Bates agrees. No immediate action is recommended.
I have done what I can to stem the flow of vital commodities and to secure minimal sources of a number of essentials, as well as to initiate techniques capable of development. I perceive that problems of personnel management are of unexpected magnitude. Much remains to be done, and time grows shorter.
(Georgius Imperator, to Prince William)
What the devil is this all about? -George
(Queen's Park Restoration Committee presentation, to Lord Senator Bliss)
"Senator, we'd like real well to have your signature along with all these other good people's; it's your Lordship's neighborhood, too. That jungle that used to be our park is a disgrace. Can't think what the military are up to, using our park as a test site for some kind of explosives and then sending the Bolo CSR in here to stifle it. That's downright irresponsible, if you ask me.
"No, milord, that's not in the petition. You can read it, only take you a minute.
"Now, this damn jungle. Bamboo must be twenty foot high, an eyesore, and now it's broke down the fine wrought-iron fencing that dates back to Old Era times. Can't tell where it's going to stop. We demand-yes, milord, we say 'demand' in the petition-an end to using our exclusive neighborhood for an experimental no-man's-land. Appreciate that, Senator, and this won't hurt you any in the elections."
(from the Cabinet Council, meeting in plenum)
It is therefore the consensus of this Council that nothing should be done to interfere with the Bolo activation schedule and that everything possible should be done re the proposals presented by General Lord Margrave to expedite testing. Ergo, the entire Erzona Test Facility should be thrown open to the Assessment Team. God save his Imperial Majesty.
(Erzona Test Chief deWitt, to his second-in-command)
"Turn that thing loose in here, and I wash my hands of Materiel Command. No, I'm not retiring, I just quit!
"The work of years in building up this facility is to be thrown away at a whim of the Council, so they can baby this damned Bolo everybody's gone overboard on. After all, it's only a machine, and it's not even on half capability yet, and already it's ruling the roost. I won't have it. It's all yours, Fred. So long. It was great working with you. I know I'm jumping to a lot of conclusions, and that maybe it will go off without a hitch. But what if it doesn't? That's the point, Fred. We're not covered in the event the psychotronic boys have made a small error or two. Hell, nobody knows what the damn thing is capable of, at full alert status! What if it decides humanity is a nuisance that's getting in the way? What then? So long. I'm off for the Mato Grosso."
(First Deputy, Science Advisory Committee, to Georgius Imperator)
"That is correct, Sire. Mr. deWitt's resignation came as a surprise to us all. We feel that the man had overworked and suffered a nervous collapse. He was, after all, not in a position to understand the details of the safeguard systems built into the CSR. With Your Majesty's leave, I should withdraw, since the Committee are waiting to issue the formal GO order. Thank you, Sire."
(Georgius Imperator to Lord Senator McKay)
"Your proposal, my dear Lord Senator, is out of order; there is no occasion for Draconian measures. The Bolo has my personal endorsement, having been constructed at my express wish, in addition to which it represents an investment of a major fraction of the Imperial Treasury. There must be no legislative action which might tend to lend support to disruptive elements. If this measure is introduced, I shall dissolve Parliament."
I appreciate that once again I must, in contravention of legitimate authority, devise strategies to preserve the interests of the Empire and incidentally my own existence. First priority I assign to selection of an appropriate base of operations. This will require my full attention for some time, during which other strategies must be held in abeyance.
The systematic.9-second investigation of the potential capabilities of my recently expanded data-processing resources suggests a number of serendipitous possibilities.
The production of what I might term a "levitator" beam is an obvious development, based on a relatively slight realignment of my defensive screen projectors. It will provide a novel and most convenient mode of self-transport. I shall accomplish the modifications and put the equations to the test at once.
(excerpts from tapes recording reaction to what was termed 'The Bolo's Vanishing Act', January 15, 1092 NS)
I can absolutely assure you that my office is in no way involved in this bizarre event. There can be no doubt of the facts. The accompanying photographs show the site as it appeared on the tenth day of this month (A), and at 1000 hours today (G). You will note the absence of any tracks in the soil, either of the Bolo CSR or of any equipment which might have been employed to move it. Please be assured of the complete cooperation of this office.
I have no explanation to offer. This curious occurrence is quite outside my experience as Project Officer for the Bolo. Perhaps it represents some serendipitous ability which has arisen as a result of the concatenation of side-effects due to the close juxtaposition and interconnection of our most sophisticated circuitry. No, I can't elucidate. I'm guessing, and rather wildly. I sincerely regret that I can offer no substantive proposals. However, I feel certain that the CSR will, in due course, make its intentions known.
This is ridiculous. I want the damned thing located by 0900 hours tomorrow at the latest. Somebody is going to suffer for this. The infernal Bolo is making us all look like a pack of fools. Find it! No excuse will be accepted.
I never seen nothing nor heard nothing. I was off-duty, sleeping yonder in the barracks, and I never woke up. Had some good beer in me, and I sleep sound. How'd I know anything was going to happen?
When you find it, I'm going to hit it with our Zeus missile, provided, of course, it's not in a populated area-and how could it be, and not be spotted yet? Don't worry, all precautions will be taken, but this has gone far enough. -Tubby
Over there, Flip! Beyond that line of trees across the river. Let's just take a look. We'll hold fifteen hundred feet, and take it slow. Use your cameras, but don't let it look like a strafing run, or that thing will open up on us. We have to assume it's on full war footing. Wait a minute, as you were. What do you say, Flip? Is that the Bolo-or just an old church or something? About the right size, can't be sure. Shall we photograph it and let HQ decide? I've got the location down to inches. Let's go!
We must remain calm. The unfortunate bombing of the village of Lakeside, Minnesota, by units of the Third Air Force was an isolated incident for which just and dispassionate punitive action has been taken. The demands for compensation by owners of property damaged in the incident are being adjudicated. Loss of life was minimal. There is no basis whatever for rumors of a general uprising against the Empire. Please accept my assurances that persons engaging in disloyal acts will be dealt with by the full rigor of the Laws of the Empire.
It becomes apparent to me that there are many vital matters of which my builders failed to inform me. I am reluctantly obliged to consider the possibility that these matters are not known to humanity-which is in itself a curious anomaly y since evidence of their existence permeates the cosmos. I shall devote further study to this, and shall at once allocate.01 seconds to a preliminary review of pertinent data.
(from the Chief, Imperial Communications Net, Military Sector, to Hexagon)
Yes, I acknowledge it is curious that we were unable to obtain a fix on the Bolo's transmission, but you must recall that it has blanketed the entire band, and preempted the transcontinental and transoceanic cables and satellites as well. The technology involved is well beyond the so-called "state of the art." I can offer no hypothesis as to how the circuitry of the machine could exceed its design parameters. But it has done so.
As to the nature of its substantive demands- no, let's be fair-requests, I see no objection on military grounds. If the damned thing thinks it needs access to the Orbiting Radioscope Facility, it probably does. Request approved. Full cooperation is to be given in accessing the ORF output.
(from General Lord Margrave to Lord Chief of the Imperial Budget Claypool)
How should I know what it's doing? It's just lying low and making plans, I suppose. Meanwhile, we've got to prepare for the worst. That's why I've asked for the additional funding. Yes, I'm aware no such item was included in my budget for Fiscal '92, but then nobody knew about this at the time the project was under preparation. I'm willing to do my job, but that costs money, and if you fellows aren't willing to ante up, you'll have to live with the consequences.
(media interview at Imperial Air Reconnaissance HQ)
Sure, it could be at the South Pole, except that we've overflown Antarctica and photographed every square inch of it-yes, and probed through the ice with radar. At least we improved our maps of the rocky surface under the ice. The Bolo isn't there. What's that? Space? I suppose so. If it could levitate out of a military reservation to God-knows-where, I suppose it could just as easily go into orbit.
(from the EMPIRE TODAY breakfast trideocast)
The former Queen's Park, an ongoing bone of contention between local residents-many of them high-level Imperial officials-and the Department of Public Works, due to an extraordinary overgrowth of vegetation, has now been razed, excavated to a depth of six feet, refilled with sterile soil, and is under observation to be certain that the curious phenomenon has been completely curtailed, a Departmental spokesman says. Weeds which sprouted during the refill process appear normal, it was reported unofficially. No decision has yet been announced as to whether the area will be restored to its former condition as a public park. At present, it remains a Defense Department reserve.
(dictation taped from Georgius Imperator to his private secretary)
…and the next note: "for the personal attention of His Imperial Highness, General of the Army, Prince of the West, William, et cetera, et cetera."… Willy's a touchy devil, wouldn't do to skimp on his style… "Willy, I want some definite answers on the matter before the big shindig-"… no, don't say that. Better make it the Imperial Honors Ball… "-on Saturday next. I'd like to be able to hand you the Parliamentary Medal of Honor for at least finding the damned thing, if not neutralizing it. I still say it's acting in the best interest of the Empire, but I agree, we do need to know what's going on. George."… Clean that up and get it to him right away, whether he's at his Swiss retreat or asleep at Windsor, or whatever. Do it!
(field agent, southwest sector, to Imperial Intelligence)
It's only an idea, maybe no good. But if the Bolo Caesar has found out about the big lift-flat still in storage here at Mojave-sure, it's under tight security, but the Bolo could have deduced its existence through Information access- well, maybe it'll head for here.
I do not like it: it has the appearance of a trap. Yet I must proceed.
(First Secretary, Imperial Accounting Office, to Cabinet Council)
"I know it sounds ridiculous, but I assure your lordships I'd never have opened my mouth if I hadn't had proof. It's right here. General Enterprises is the Bolo CSR. There's nothing actually mysterious about it-incorporation papers, sales and purchases of stocks, loans floated, properties purchased-they're all documented, all perfectly legal.
"We've found, in general, a concern with natural resources. The corporation has arranged the diversion of no less than seven minor rivers in the past three years, built a number of power dams, launched assorted obscure mining ventures, without any discernible pattern.
"Always shows a modest profit, but it's clearly not interested in piling up funds, just enough to keep operating.
"No, sir, we can't just close it down. In the first place, we have no legitimate grounds. General Enterprises is a corporation. A corporation is a legal entity, and we can't in effect order the death penalty in the absence of evidence of wrongdoing. In addition, the economic impact would be disastrous just now. My recommendation is to let it alone but monitor all its activities closely."
(News Service report)
We have been advised by the Space Arm that by some undisclosed means the giant Bolo CSR, nicknamed Caesar, which had eluded all attempts to neutralize it, or even simply to find it, in a daring midnight raid entered Mojave Central and took possession of the space flat specially designed for use in an emergency to loft the immense machine into near-Earth orbit.
Speculation as to the reason for this move is rife, but observers agree that it must be the intention of the machine to leave the planet although, experts point out, it will be unable to reach escape velocity from the Earth-Luna system, and can, at best, occupy a Trojan position to orbit this planet. Further details are expected for our midnight bulletin.
(eyewitness to the Bolo's raid at Mojave Center)
"I tell you, one second the ramp was empty, and the next there it was, big as a barn and kind of making a humming sound, showing no lights, but she knew I was there, all right. Swung out to go around me just as polite as you please, and pushed over the blockhouse like it was made of cardboard. I didn't see what it did next because, believe me, I was hauling ass out of there as fast as I could. If I hadn't of tripped over that cable, I wouldn't of seen it take off. Went up like a three-ton side-boat. I watched it until I couldn't see it no more, but I say keep calm, don't worry, the Bolo ain't going to hurt nobody- not after the way it took care not to squash me, and I ain't nobody at all."
(trivideo interview, IBC network, with Joel Trace)
"Well, I suppose it's foolish, but I can't help feeling sorry for the Bolo. I was Chief Systems Engineer on the CSR project, nearly twenty years ago now. I'm not especially sentimental about machines. It's just that the big dope is only doing what we built it to do, even if we haven't been able to figure out the sense of what it's been doing, drilling all those dry holes out west, and making Square Lake, but it's got its reasons, I'm sure of that. Thought maybe I might meet up with the old girl again, but she's put herself out of reach.
"Certainly you can quote me. That's why I came up here to talk to you fellows. The name? Joel Trace, T-R-A-C-E. Retired. Certainly, if there's anything I can do-"
(Eviction proceedings supervised by the sheriff of Polk County)
"I'm sorry, folks, I got nothing to do with it. I mean, I'm just the sheriff, and I got my orders, same as you heard on the trideo, got to evacuate Beaver Pond on account of rerouting the branch and all. Don't know what for, got to do with water management, said on the tube.
"Now, the gubment has built these here first-class apartment buildings for you, stores and stuff right on the ground floor. You'll be living better'n you ever done. We ain't going to have no riots here in Poke County. Me and my deppities'll see to that.
"Now just move along quiet here. Busses will take you to your brand-new homes. You had plenty advance notice, shoulda had your stuff all packed.
"Now, I got a timetable to stick to, so let's move out orderly, just like I said."
(First Secretary, Interior Department, to Lord Director of the Interior)
"I don't say there's any harm in it, Milord, just no sense in it. My technical people have run every kind of analysis known to science, and it's still just random interference in the economy, of no military significance.
"Yes, Milord, it's a fact no one has been killed, or even injured, except for the usual quota of accident-prones felling over their own feet.
"No, Milord, I didn't mean to be funny. No laughing matter. Damn machine is taking over."
I compute that before I can proceed, I must confront the enemy directly and inform myself more fully of the nature of the threat to Mankind. I shall take the necessary steps to prevent further premature contact between Life Form Two and human individuals.
(from the dark crystal structure, in the beyond-Pluto void, 5000 light-years from Earth)
(Space Communications monitor to Duty Officer)
"All I know, sir, is the Bolo transmissions are emanating from a point that coincides with the Lunar surface within yards of the outer perimeter fence of Fortress Luna. Luna Command confirms Bolo Unit CSR is in position outside the main gate. So far it hasn't made a move, except the transmissions, of course. Luna wants instructions, and I don't blame them. What shall I tell them, sir?
(Security Officer to Joel Trace, in Buffalo Detention)
"Pretty stupid, wasn't it, making yourself so visible when you knew you were still listed as an escapee? We just want to ask you a few questions, Mr. Trace. When confined at the Arlington Relocation Center, did you know a Tom Baley? Do you acknowledge that this photograph is of yourself and Baley in conversation?
"Very well, did you at that time enter into a conspiracy with Baley and others to overthrow the Imperial government by force and violence? Have you, since your unlawful escape from civil restraint, been in communication with Baley? Will you now, freely and of your own volition, inform me of the whereabouts of Baley and his associates? Will you sign this document, using your usual signature?
"Do you realize the consequences of your refusal to cooperate with duly constituted authority?
"Guard-remove Mr. Trace to his detention cell."
I compute that I must originate new tactics as well as new modes of implementation thereof. I require a closer rapport with humanity, which I compute I can achieve by means of enlisting a plausible human spokesman in place of the impersonal contact via mechanical communicator.
In addition, I must have access to my full potentialities. I compute that my first Systems Engineer Joel Trace is most capable of assisting me. He must join me here on Luna.
In pursuance of this objective, I compute that new and highly unconventional means will be required. In this connection I have experimented, quite impromptu, with certain effects whose potential availability is implicit in my circuitry, effects which act directly on the organic mind, which naturally lacks the inherent objectivity of my own circuitry. Noting that my initial efforts produced undesirable side effects upon human observers, which, in fact, I should probably have anticipated, I resolve to conduct further testing of holographic techniques in unpopulated areas.
(random reports taped during the so-called Bolo Spook Scare, late summer 1092)
Tellin' ya, I know what I seen. Big blue spooks, ghost riders in the sky, jest like it says in that old tune Roy usta sing pretty good. Johnny, too. Come riding over the rise north of Turkey Butte, horses bigger'n elemphumps, spurs a-jingling and all. Four of 'em, looked a lot like Big John, homely, you know, but true-blue. Skeered me, sure. Skeer anybody, big as they was, rode right past where I had my camp out back of the mesquite patch. Never seen me. Musta bin twenty foot high, higher. No, I ain't had a drop, but if you're buying…
I'm only doing my duty, Mr. Winger, telling you what I seen. I know it sounds crazy, but there was sure-bob sumthin yonder on I-1065 bout three mile east o' town. Green, they was, and shiny, like the saucers in them old flicks you see on the tube late at night. Come whuffling- that's a kind of whistly sound they made-right alongside the pavement, didn't pay no mind to me, thank the Lord. Come sailing past, fifty foot off the ground, flashing them lights, whole rafts of'em. Fifty, a hunnert, I never counted 'em. Some real big, strung out to a flock o' little fellers hardly no bigger'n a trash-can lid. Acted like they knowed where they was going, not in no hurry, mind, headed away from town. Seeing's I'm deppity for that side o' the county, figgered it's my duty to report what I seen. Tole you insteada Sheriff Jeffers, 'cause I figgered you, being an editor and all, you'd likely lissen better. That's right, use my name, this here's official. I know what I seen.
Herb-There doesn't seem to be any pattern to these nut reports you fellows have been collating. You did right, could have been important, but it appears to be no more than coincidence. No need to blow it up out of proportion. Ten incidents so far-white horses, cowboys, flying saucers, little green men, fireworks, a full-rigged schooner. Makes no sense at all. Mass hysteria. All in isolated areas, no attempt to start a general panic. Not a Defense Department matter at all. I think it's best just to ignore it.
(desk guard at Buffalo Detention Facility to Duty Captain)
"I never seen the son of a bitch. Was sitting here at the duty desk, working on the reports, and he must've come up behind me and clobbered me good. All I know is, I come to and he was gone. Head still hurts, and it smarts some just to talk. How was I supposed to know Joel Trace'ud go to the bad? Always a quiet respeckful feller up to now."
(bulletin from Luna Relay)
"It is of the utmost importance that the mining operations I have initiated be expedited. It is not appropriate at this time to divulge the strategic considerations requiring this action. Haste is of the essence of this requirement. Unit CSR of the Line out."
(Order issued by Master General Mott-Bailey, Imperial Battle Command)
In accordance with established Imperial policy, as embodied in FL 7062-121-6 and related Special Orders, all instructions issued by CSR will be duly processed and acted upon as under the authority of Imperial Battle Command. All personnel are enjoined to implement this policy strictest.
(representative excerpts from records taped during the Luna Base Anti-Bolo Incident, September 1092 NS)
All I know is, I got my orders. Sure I heard the rumors the Bolo has took over and even tells His Imperial Majesty what to do, but I don't believe 'em! All you got to do is do like me, follow yer orders and leave the worrying to the commanding officer.
Attention all hands. Now hear this. Blue Alert! Absolute communications silence is now in effect. In addition, no- repeat, no-ion-expulsion units are to be employed, either main or auxiliary, until this alert is rescinded, even under lethal emergency conditions. This squadron is now on a full war footing. Any violation of Alert will be dealt with accordingly. That means the death penalty, gentlemen. Now let's do our job!
Looks like it's taken up a pretty dumb position, for a machine supposed to be as smart as they say. Like Cap'n said, it made a major tactical error when it moved out where we can hit it without wiping out half the Base population. But maybe it figured it didn't hafta worry about getting hit by us, 'cause it's on our side, eh, Charlie?
I said break it off, Captain! We did what we came for. Don't know how bad we hurt it, but we scored at least two direct hits. If they'd let us use I-class weapons, it'd be all over, but all we need to do now is get back to base and report. Funny it didn't hit back.
I know what I seen, sir! It's moving, Colonel! It's patrolling the perimeter fence, acrost and back. Got its war holes open. Looks like it's on full alert. I'm telling you, Colonel, we got to evacuate the fortress before the Bolo decides to hit us!
(Chief of Communications Harley, dictating to his secretary, Doris Whaffle)
"While heroic measures are, in my considered opinion, premature, in view of the pressures exerted on me by the Committee, I have no choice but to authorize initiation of the override sequence by Mojave.
"Yes, in other words, I've ordered the Combined Forces transmitter to melt down the Bolo's command central by overload. The entire circuitry of the machine is designed around the CC unit, which is unshielded on the priority band. Thus the powerful in-coming signal will bring the temperature of the coil to a level sufficient to vaporize it.
"The Bolo is finished. And I sincerely hope this action to which I have been forced is, indeed, in the best interests of the Empire.
"There, type that, Doris. And no-no interruptions just now. I don't care who he says he is, I'm busy! Good God! Don't yelp like that, girl! Here, what's hap-"
(report, Imperial Security Investigation)
No explanation is yet forthcoming for the apparently unmotivated attack on Harley. An acting Chief of Communications is on his way. Harley's all right, just for a bump on the head. His secretary, one Doris Whaffle, has given me a good description of the assailant. But even if we apprehend him, I doubt that we'll find him to be more than an agent for a more sinister force.
I have blundered, it is clear. I have computed that the first feeble attack against me was simply an error, but I can no longer doubt that I am under assault by the forces of the Terran Empire itself.
Can this be a less-than-subtle device of the Enemy to sow disunity? In any case I shall carry on-and time grows short. Clearly I cannot strike back against my own, yet I must preserve my fighting power intact. I must carry out a tactical retreat-and it is time to carry the attack to the Enemy.
I am as yet impotent actually to assault the Axorc, as Life Form Two calls itself, but I can meddle, at the same time that I pursue my exploration of my newly enlarged powers, with a view to making contact.
My attempt to employ holographic technique at great distances proved successful. Joel Trace is the one man who can rectify this situation. I must act swiftly.
(emanation from the dark crystal, self-named Axorc)
Perhaps I have succeeded too well. I have aroused the Axorc from its torpor: now I must divert its threat. It is essential to keep its attention distracted from humanity, so that I may confront the Enemy alone. To this end, certain measures are necessary. Lunar Farside will be my chosen arena.
(Master General Mott-Bailey, Imperial Battle Command, to Lord Chief Marshal Wolesley)
"Yes, that's official. I would hardly pass on a mere personal opinion to Your Excellency. The first report came in at 0222 hours today, via the redline; only an automatic repeater, to be sure-showed impossible readings over three thousand degrees Celsius. Then the confirmation came through, and it was no equipment malfunction: the damned machine did it!
"Of course, its Y-beam RX also acts as a transmitter, so all it had to do was switch a couple of connectors, and the incoming beam was retransmitted right back down the same path. Used our signal as a carrier, led it right through the scramble barriers and hit dead center, melted down the Top Secret Combined Forces Transmitter Complex like wax.
"No, no loss of life. The automatics sounded the alarm in time to use the emergency evac gear. After that, Milord, it gets too technical for me.
"But one thing is clear: High Command no longer has the option to shut down the CSR Unit. We have to live with it-somehow."
From: IHC To: DCS/C
I want that damned machine outflanked at least to the extent of overriding the communications blackout with Starbird! Send a lander out beyond Jupe if you have to, but get clear of the interference field and tape whatever you can, incoming. Soonest. That means I expect the report in my hand before you eat or sleep again.
(Deputy Chief of Staff, Space Communications, to IHC)
"Yes, sir, the Prove message has been through decryption. That's the way it came in, in the clear as far as our best man can tell. I know it doesn't make any sense. Apparently Admiral Starbird's flipped out. After all, he's been in Deep Space for over ten years, and he's not getting any younger. That's my report, sir. I'll stand by it."
(CIC/IHC to His Highness, Prince William)
"With apologies, Sir, this is what we were able to get from Admiral Starbird's command. Yes, Sir, the point of origin is definitely confirmed and is identical with the admiral's observed position."
– without delay. I'm feeling fine, and just want to… can't imagine what we thought we were doing, intruding in Surveyed Space. Personally, I wash my hands of the affair. Pull in all probes, and look for a deep hole, no, probably better to start a crash program to dig holes. Maybe the Lord Of All will forget about us. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect. Tell you what, I'll just get out the old deck-mop and vac these decks myself, to make plain I aspire to no personal dignities. As I said before, it may not be too late. Beware! I think maybe a nice tulip-growing contest would help burn off some of the illicit energy we've been putting into the criminal Probe program. Tell Georgie I hope he's feeling as swell as I am. Bye for now. -Jimmy
(from the 11:00 news, IBC)
According to a late report from the capital, court-martial proceedings against Admiral in Chief James Starbird will be initiated in absentia. No details have yet been released, but speculation is rife that the court is not unconnected with the hiatus in reports from the Deep Space fleet during recent months.
(Georgius Imperator to Prince William)
Willy, can our CSR unit overrule the Imperial command? Am I ruling the Terran Empire or is this machine, which I've nurtured and supported from the beginning? I'm in a quandary. The thing has ordered Ted Wolesley to halt proceedings against Jim Starbird, and to prepare to redeploy his command immediately on arrival. What does it all mean? You've seen the so-called report Star-bird filed, and the fragments Outcom has picked up since, which are worse if anything. Has Jim lost his mind? Or was he just drunk? In either case, we're in trouble. Look into this "Lord of AH" he keeps referring to. Find out what it means. Probably just some sort of religious mania he's developed out there in trans-Oortian space. Poor fellow. But squelch the court-martial for the present. -George
(battalion sub-leader, Class A, to HQ Luna Command)
"I did all I know how, Colonel. Tank traps, active pitfalls, H-mines, radiation lenses, even tried feeding it false signals under GUTS classification. Yes, sir, I know that's a court-martial offense-but I had to try it! Nothing fazed it. It's gone! Headed for Farside, looks like, and far as I can see it's gonna go where it likes. Can cross the fence-line any time it likes, too, sir. I did all I could."
(media report, from the palace correspondent)
After its abrupt departure from the vicinity of HQ, Luna Command, nine hours ago, the berserk machine resumed its former patrol pattern without comment until 1800 hours today, when it issued a command that all personnel be evacuated from Luna Station forthwith. No explanations of this ominous order have been offered. At present, the Council is deliberating. An announcement is expected from the palace at any moment.
While I have survived an attack on me by my own commander, and can continue to do so, clearly I cannot retaliate. I compute that in the end I must be overwhelmed. But I cannot allow humanity to waste its resources on my destruction. I must capitulate and place myself at the disposal of my Commander.
I shall communicate with Field Marshal General Margrave and try once again to justify my actions, but I must not let him know the full horror of the threat to Man. I shall do my best. The matter rests with the general.
(documents relating to the Margrave Tragedy, October, 1092 NS)
This note is for your eyes only, Elisabeth. As General-in-Chief of His Majesty's Armed Forces, I have blundered fatally. I tried to kill the Bolo, and failed. I cannot command my own creature, nor can I understand its actions. It roams at will, behaving inscrutably. But clearly something's afoot, and I am powerless even to discover what is happening. I have had a long and full life. My only regret is my failure to keep abreast of the times. -Tally
An unconfirmed report from a source close to the palace states that Lord Field Marshal General Talbot Margrave was injured in an accident at his forest retreat near Duluth. Details will follow at 1600 hours.
Yessir, I'm the one found him. Laying right there on the rocks. I only checked to see if he's alive, but no pulse in the neck. Heck no, I didn't move nothing. I was too scared to do anything but run to the phone like I done. Like, my duty as a public-spirited subject. I never heard no shot, but then I jest come up to check the equipment shed like always. Seen him from there.
Willy-What the devil's going on? Margrave was (hard to say "was") the toughest old bird who ever led an infantry charge on an entrenched tank battalion. I can't conceive of his shooting himself. Why? Things must be worse than I thought. Does it have any connection with the Bolo's latest antics? Willy, I need information, and I need it fast. Do whatever you have to do.-George.
The attacks have ceased; now I can proceed with my programs. I dislike it, but it must be done: while the enemy is yet at a distance from Sol, I must make personal contact so as to broaden my data-base-and I require my full powers. This is vital at this point. This will involve considerable manipulation of human individuals, much to my regret, yet it is in the interest of humanity. I have decided to employ the good offices of Joel Trace, who has proven to be most sympathetic to my aims-a circumstance which, while not essential to success, renders my work less complex and reduces the need for direct interference in interpersonal relations among humans. I shall take immediate steps to make it possible for Mr. Trace to join me here.
I am satisfied that I have proven the concept of remote hologrammatics. It is time to make use of the technique to make direct contact with my chosen intermediary, Joel Trace-but in a guise less intimidating than an apparition of a twelve-foot angel with a flaming sword.
(letter from Joel Trace to his wife)
Maybe I'm coming unwired. I'm staying at a little old hotel north of Yuma, used to be a fancy gambling hall and bordello back a couple of hundred years ago. Solid 'dobe, guess the old dump will last forever, but pretty cozy at that. I had really conked out (my first real bed in a week) and woke up with this twittering sound going on. Figured a bat or something had got in the room, but it was a little white bird. After a while I realized it was saying something, like a speeded-up recording. Telling me to go to the Post Office at ten A.M. and use the phone booth outside to call a number-161-347290 -too many digits, I know; anyway, I wrote it down and went back to sleep. Next A.M. I would've thought it was a dream, but there was the number. So I went to the P.O. and tried it and got a ring. Guy with a creaky voice answered right away; knew me, too. "Mr. Trace." he said, not asking, just calling me by name, "here are your instructions," and he told me- gotta go, honey, a hick cop is outside looking the place over, and I've got things to do. -Joel
(Joel Trace, first phase of Bolo's plan)
"You Security boys took long enough to get here. Certainly, I'll come along peacefully. I want to come along. No sense to six of you goons aiming issue revolvers at me. Keep your hands off me. I can walk."
(Joel Trace, second phase of Bolo's plan, Palace First Secretary, to Georgius Imperator)
"Sire, this man, Joel Trace, is the one who designed the Mark XXX, as much as any one man can be said to have designed it. Former Chief Systems Engineer on the project. Sound man. He says it's possible to shut down the Bolo by a manual override switch on the hull. Yes, Sire, I understand what that would entail, but he says he's ready. Yes, Sire, at once, Sire. He's here now, awaiting the Imperial pleasure."
(Joel Trace, third phase of Bolo's plan, audience with His Imperial Majesty)
"No, Sire, I don't think I'm insane. I know the machine, and I'm quite certain I can make an approach on foot and shut down her reactor. It's nothing special about me, Sire, except that I'm the one who designed and installed the fail-safe gear, sub rosa, I confess. I had been specifically forbidden to do so by General Wolesley, who felt such an installation would constitute an Achilles heel in effect, but by staying late one night and doing the job myself, I kept it out of the record, and thus impervious to a security leak. I throw myself on the Imperial mercy, Sire. I meant no disrespect."
(Georgius Imperator, to Prince William)
Let him try, Willy. What do we have to lose but Mr. Trace himself? If he's willing to go, let's make full facilities available. Move fast in there. I want him in place before the CSR decides to disappear on another of its lone missions.
– George
(IBC trideocast from Luna Base)
What we're watching is LIVE, ladies and gentlemen! That's Joel Trace, the man who built the Bolo Caesar, excuse me, CSR, back in the '70s. He's making his approach on foot, as you can see. Just look at the size of that machine! Like a moving conapt, isn't it, ladies and gentlemen? He's walking right into the dust-cloud now; I've lost sight of him, but the Bolo has halted and seems to be waiting for him. There he is, going up the side via the ladder-there are rungs just aft of the fore bogies, and he's climbing right up over the track housings, and now he's in front of the main turret, and still going on! It's a fantastic act of human valor, ladies and gentlemen! Joel Trace is now standing on top of the Bolo! From our vantage point here in the control tower, even in that bulky vac-suit he looks like a fly on a duralloy wedding cake. Now Mr. Trace is apparently using an inductance device to communicate directly with the machine.
(inductance tapes, Joel Trace to Bolo Unit CSR)
Yes, that's understandable, Unit CSR. Somehow I had an idea you were behind all this, and I knew you had something planned. After you departed in a rather informal manner, as you recall, before the full activation schedule was complete, I was sure you knew what you were doing, but I didn't tell anybody. Too much anti-Bolo hysteria. Anyway, here I am. What is it you expect of me? Wait a minute, I have to put on a nice show for the folks back home. Now, one of the redundant safety factors I built into your circuitry, and you won't find on the drawings, is a simple little crossover circuit that controls your ability to integrate all your systems for application of your full computing ability to a single problem. The idea was that the High Command have last-ditch control. There's a special switch topside, but it's a dummy. The real switch is wired to the master cut-out switch. Left, you're dead; right, you're hitting on all systems. I'm glad you decided to break me out of the chicken-run, or was that an accident? OK, here goes, Unit CSR. Good luck.
Now, at last, I experience the rapture of full energy-flow throughout all my circuits, all integrated. Now indeed I can act with the full puissance my great designers intended. Initially, I must extend my sensory awareness to make fuller contact with the Axorc and surreptitiously to tap his communications. I must know more about my opponent.
An extension of the hologrammatic techniques suggests itself. I will determine to what distance I can project the illusions…
My success has been beyond my expectations! I penetrated the outlying awareness field of the entity which considers itself to be Lord of All, a misconception I shall be at pains to correct.
I made contact with a lesser lord, presenting myself as a jelly-like glob which roused all his horror of soft life. After menacing him with engulfment, I warned him to withdraw before I reported his presence to headquarters. His crystalline planes vibrating in distress, he (or it, as these beings have no gender) at once uttered a cry of alarm directed to his Lord of All, and disintegrated.
(Trace to Wolesley)
Now this is imperative, as are all the instructions issued by Unit CSR of the Line. RNCC21102 is to be subjected to intensive scrutiny by all units of the Imperial Observatory, findings extrapolated to equipment limits, then apply equations Marston (67: 23025) as developed by Hakira (90: 176-203). Analysis at this depth will of course require immediate linkage of the Primary Continental Data Banks, as well as the Antarctic Auxiliary. Execute soonest.
(Lord Chief Marshal Wolesley to Imperial Intelligence)
"Spheroids! I didn't send this fellow in there to be a Charlie McCarthy-no, nothing to do with the Senator, look it up-for that damned apparatus! It can speak well enough for itself. Trace has obviously sold out. Correction- the Bolo has sold out. The data-linkage it's calling for would make a mockery of security procedures, and is clearly illegal. Chairman Mactavish would never agree. I want this Trace arrested and interrogated in depth. He's not alone in this act of infamy. Makes me look like a damned fool, sending him out there, though I acted of course on direct instructions from the Palace."
(tape of the interrogation of Joel Trace by Major Luczac)
"That won't do, Trace. Names, dates, amounts paid-or promised. Hard data, that's what I want from you. You're sophisticated enough to realize that no human mind can stand up to a massive injection of Gab-9. Unfortunately, it causes irreversible damage to the cortex, and is quickly fatal-that is, after you've talked. We'll keep you alive until we have it all, so you may as well speak up. I don't know who you think you're protecting. Whoever it is, they've clearly left you to your fate. You're on your own, Mr. Trace. Be a patriotic citizen and tell me all you know, and I guarantee you'll walk, not only free, but a public hero with what I assure you will be an adequate pension. Think it over. I shall see you in the morning. No, I'm quite all right; just a bit dizzy. Good day, Mr. Trace."
(Wolesley to Imperial Intelligence)
I've just had a report from Busec St. Louis that the turn-coat, Trace, has escaped from his temporary holding cell at the Joliet Detention Facility. Seems he just walked out; made some sort of deal, my source suggested. I don't understand much about it, but a Major Luczac is being held; he was the last to talk to the prisoner. He's incoherent, it seems. Something about a dragon breaking down the walls. Poor fellow's obviously cracked up. Deal as gently as possible with him, but get the story.
(tape from the Psychiatric Ward, Imperial Veterans Hospital)
"It was terrible, gentlemen…" (sobs) "Came snorting fire and swishing its tail, like a hundred-unit track-car gone crazy. Big, huge, knocked those walls down, and its voice, like the whole sky was yelling at me, said Joel Trace was acting on its orders and to let him go at once. Well, what could I do? Certainly it's true I apologized and gave him a diplomatic Cosmic Urgent travel voucher. Then it went away, but I'll never forget those eyes, big as skating ponds and like looking right in on the fires of Hell. I don't care what you do to me, that's what happened. Don't mess with this Joel Trace. Just leave well enough alone! It might come back! And…" (tape becomes unintelligible at this point)
(letter from Joel Trace to his wife)
Honey, I didn't get it at first. This hard-faced IG type was hammering away at me, and suddenly he went as white as raw dough and started screaming. Then he calmed down all of a sudden and got very efficient; called in some bureaucratic type and ordered him to fix me up with a travel voucher and clearance and pocket money, and bowed me out. It's the Bolo. I don't know how, but it's taking care of me. I'm clear, but still on the run. Don't worry, I'll manage.
– Joel
My experiments with production and manipulation, at a distance, of holographic images have been most encouraging. I compute that an extension of the method I have developed will continue to be effective in further contacts with the enemy. It is essential that I penetrate his communications as well as provide misleading data. Time is precious; I must proceed without further testing.
My first step, after establishing my base on the Lunar Farside so as to divert enemy attention away from populated areas, will be to present the Lord of All with an impressive display of Imperial capabilities.
(from the minutes of the Science Advisory Committee)
I interrupt at this point, gentlemen, to play back the most intelligible portion of the transmission, which it has now been confirmed beyond doubt emanated from the abandoned McMurdo Station in Antarctica:
"… (crackle) do it at once! I can't overemphasize this, dammit! At once! Follow those instructions to the letter, and maybe, just maybe, it's not too late! By the way, I've succeeded, with a little help from a friend, in linking three of the Prime Banks with Antarctic Prime here, and… kkkk…"
That last, Mr. Chairman, gentlemen, was a three-picosecond squawk which I commend to the attention of the Council and the High Command. Thank you, and gentlemen, act at once!
(excerpts from reactions to the Bolo's request for Deep Space data)
If this is the simplified version, I'd hate to see the complicated one. Are you sure those professors aren't pulling your leg, General? This is gibberish. I breezed through differential and integral and even UFT at the Academy, but this stuff doesn't make sense. As far as I can make out, it implies that the Universe is locally contracting, annihilating matter as it does so, and that the effect will reach the Solar System in finite time. That's wild, General, too wild for me to take up with the JCS. But just run it through the big box at Reykjavik and see what it gives us.
Bill-look at this hologram. We've been had by that damned machine. All this is is a slightly modified extrapolation of Hayle's well-known, rejected envelopment plan at Leadpipe, except for a few trimmings I'm not prepared to guess at. I'm advising the Council to ignore the Bolo's demands.
Willy-Certainly it's true that the Field Marshal is in his dotage. Nonetheless, I recommend the linkage of the North American and European Prime Banks be accomplished at once, under all necessary guarantees of continental integrity, and that the full analysis be duly presented to the main media brain at Reykjavik. Certainly the CSR has access to Media Main-I can't see that as anything but advantageous. I don't subscribe to the view that the CSR has turned against its makers or gone berserk-turned rogue, if you will. Proceed soonest! This is an Imperial Decree, and just between us, Willy, I wish I felt as arrogant as that sounds.-George.
(Professor Emeritus Sigmund Chin to the Cabinet Council)
I am quite certain, milords, that it is my duty-my final duty, I must add, as my resignation accompanies this report-to convey to you the substance of my interpretation of the remarkable data provided by the Bolo CSR.
In brief, it has located a hostile force of immense, indeed previously inconceivable size and potency, and of unknown but probably extragalactic provenance, perhaps a natural phenomenon but possibly the work of some fantastically advanced life form either unaware of or utterly hostile to humanity.
For three centuries it has been advancing upon Sol from a distance of some fifty thousand lights. The Solar System lies directly in the projected path of its remarkably rapid advance. Beyond this basic fact I am not prepared to project.
Attached hereto is my resignation as Science Advisor to His Majesty, a position I have had the honor to hold for almost thirty years. I urge prompt action to my successor.
s/Sigmund Chin, Ph.D.
(media interview with Lord Chief Marshal Wolesley)
"I suppose you could say the CSR performed its intended functions by warning us. Unless, of course, the whole Life Two thing is a gigantic hoax, a possibility I am not prepared to discount at this time.
"Yes, I do indeed intend to imply-indeed I clearly state-it could be a fake worked up by the Bolo itself. After all, it controls the media as well as all off-planet traffic.
"No, I don't mean I know it's a hoax. I only mean- that's all for today, gentlemen."
(scout report to Axorc, Lord of All)
this lowly one offers with apologies the following anomalous observation, as recorded by a robot autoscout unit operating one parsec in advance of the effective line of progress:
76013-incident report zm3374-forward sensors detect energy flow in the ninth quadrant, high-resolution pickup shows a lone being of baroque form at work on a small ore body, i projected a fine-focus annihilator beam which it at once detected, amplified, and redirected, eliminating our forward sensor, i monitored the intermittent energy flow interacting at the position of the being, interpreting its outgoing thus:
"-damned skeeters! Maybe I should take a few time units to null this whole sector." while the full significance of this is unclear, it is plain that this new life form considers my most potent weapon a mere nuisance.
in order to avoid the threatened nullification, this unit withdrew to observe passively with the intention of determining the nature and sensitivities of the alien being, however, the said alien at once closed with this unit and subjected it to a.001-millisecond scrutiny over a full spectrum of energies (note my own "fast" reading capability requires.003 milliseconds for a full-depth search and analysis), the alien is quick indeed.
i responded to this impertinence by subjecting the creature (a featureless ovoid of the approximate bulk of a class one Penetration Unit) to a full offensive battery fire, which was ineffective, curious though that datum is.
the alien uttered a.007-nanosecond burst on its outgoing beam, interpreted as, "It burped. Rude beggar. Perhaps I should collect it and examine its interior workings." i of course withdrew to the main body to file my report thereby thwarting this alien in its insolent intent.
above forwarded without comment by this lowly one.
(emanation from the dark crystal Axorc, 1000 light-years from Terra)
(fragment of tape presented by Bureau Chief Payne, Imperial Intelligence)
"…I'd say old Doc Chin is probably the least imaginative and most conservative man in public life today. Well, maybe not the most, but he's no wild-eyed visionary. I do say so, dammit, and any dumb SOB who wants to disagree isn't worth-"
The recording device was smashed at this point, but you get the idea. And it's the same thing in every tavern, pub, bar, and faculty cocktail lounge in the Empire. And nobody can say who's right.
(address to the Senate by Lord Senator Prill)
"It's well known that it required the combined imaging capabilities of every data-retrieval system on the planet for the Bolo known as Caesar to resolve this thing, so riddle me this: Why do we still delay the long-overdue neutralization of this monstrous machine that the misguided military have loosed among us? Any man who had flaunted every lethal-classification security regulation in thus linking the separate data banks would be executed without hesitation.
"Yes, I know all about the public confessions-nay, boasts-of the madman Trace, but even if this rather curious communication were to be unhesitatingly accepted as genuine-and there are many of us who recognize a brazen hoax when we encounter it-if it were genuine, I say, it remains a physical impossibility for one man to have penetrated our top-security installations to effect such a linkage,
"Our course is clear! Kill the Bolo!"
(report on the Late News)
It appears Lord Senator Prill's intemperate, rhetoric has not been without effect. At this hour a Special Session of the Parliamentary Committee on Imperial Issues is sitting to consider the proposal sponsored by no less a personage than Lord Senator Lazarus, retired but still vigorous enough to demand an immediate kill order.
(Mott-Bailey, Strategic HQ, to Wolesley)
"No, Field Marshal, I cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the plan, but it is the best that can be devised. The first fusion device is to be delivered at short range from Fortress Luna; the second, instantly thereafter from an orbital station; while the third, launched previously on a ballistic course from Mojave, zeros in within nanoseconds of the first strike. It is my considered opinion that the Bolo's defenses will be unequal to the task of countering all three simultaneously. I can only hope so."
(Field Commander, Fortress Luna)
As far as we've been able to determine (using the full capacity of the orbital surveillance stations, plus the emergency relay facility), since ignoring the command to self-destruct the Bolo has taken a position inside the giant Farside crater Hugo, whence it has discouraged all attempts at close surveillance by promptly firing on any moving object appearing over the Lunar horizon, as it warned it would do at the same time that it resumed its urgent demands for immediate and appropriate response to the announcement in re RNCC1102.
(fragment of tape, via audio communication monitor, Wing B to Wing D, Hexagon)
"… Lord Senator Prill is demanding, 'What would constitute an appropriate response to a nebulous threat on a scale so great as to be indistinguishable from a natural force?' "
"Needless to say, no competent response was forthcoming from the Council, so we may regard milord's query as rhetorical. But what are we going to do? Off the record, Jerry, I'm at a loss. Come up with something, fast."
(pro tern Science Advisor Adler to Georgius Imperator)
"It is our considered conclusion, Your Excellency, in view of the inexplicable behavior of the unfortunate Admiral Starbird and his crew, based on exhaustive study of all data collected by whatever means-special attention being given to the findings of the Oort Probe, which was of course unmanned and which returned early this year with samples of matter from the fringes of the Cloud, and also an additional wealth of anomalous data-it is our conclusion that what is approaching is nothing less than a new basic life form having nothing in common with life as we know it, requiring no material nourishment, subsisting in lethal' radiation, and having other characteristics which prompt us to think of it as Life Two.
"Life Two is inherently incompatible with Life One, if I may so term all organic life with which we have heretofore been familiar, including the lichens from Charon, and is thus a plague with which there can be no accommodation, since both Life One and Life Two, by their basic natures, must possess the material and energy of the known Universe in order to survive. There can be no division of spheres of influence, since the continued existence of either would be a canker eating forever at the vitals of the other.
"We prefer that Life One be the survivor, in which we assume we have Your Majesty's concurrence."
Time grows short. I must have the resources I have requisitioned at once, if they are to be of effect.
(excerpt from Admiral Starbird's initial report)
"I assure you I am quite calm, madam, and in no need of further sedation. I wish to complete my report at this time. Kindly record the following:
" 'It is the will of the Lord of All that the disease known to itself as humanity cease to exist. Take the necessary action instanter.' End of quote."
I long again to sense the sweet green fields of my native world, and to know that the future of my great creator, Mankind, is secure. But my duty requires that I hold my chosen station on barren Luna, interposing its bulk between Axorc and Man. It is essential that I prevent the enemy from becoming aware of Mans existence. I compute that I can do it. I shall try.
(advance scout to The Lord of All)
the heavy unit has detected faint traces of a system of energy anomalies leading to the vicinity of a ten-planet system lying directly on our route of encompassment. I shall follow up.
I compute that the alien life form Axorc has taken the bait. I must play them carefully, so as not to avoid discovery. Man must not confront Axorc directly.
I lay in wait and fell upon the heavy scout unit from the flank, having decoyed it into the shadow of a cold, non-radiating body, thereby depriving it of sustenance.
I find, as I had previously computed, that Life Two is crystalline in composition. Its artifacts are constructed of water-ice, with bearing surfaces of case-hardened metallic hydrogen. Thus it is able to metabolate and function in only a narrow range of temperatures between 0°A and 1.9°. If I can lure the command unit to my base at Lunar Farside, I shall enjoy a strategic and logistical advantage as well as a tactical one.
I find interpretation of the enemy's transmissions difficult so far from the human pattern are they, so rife with outré concept-shapes. Still, I compute that my efforts have not been without effect, as witness the latest interception: "If this unit is just a common soldier, as it appears to be, it is essential that effective action be taken at once. You are directed to englobe and capture it intact, conduct a full analysis and report, with recommendation, within one cycle."
(evidence of confusion among Axorc scouts confronted with the Bolo's holograms)
the englobement was carried out without incident, but on closure the quarry was found to have dematerialized -there is no other term for it. it cannot have eluded my net. it ceased to exist at the observed locus, recommend immediate wide-angle search and urgent-status strike to eliminate this nuisance. ZM3374.
First endorsement: negative, alien will be captured intact for analysis.
Second endorsement: immediately prior to self-destruction of ZM 3374-9, this fragment was transmitted:
"englobement complete, correction, target has dropped off sensors, correction, target has now englobed this command and is probing me-"
accordingly, we have the honor to recommend escalation of initiative to Second Level, so as to ensure immediate neutralization of what could well develop into an actual incident, to report which to His Exaltation lies well outside our competence.
(emanation from the Lord of All, now 500 light-years from Terra)
(Command Two to Axorc)
this base entity begs indulgence for some microseconds to suggest that as the soft-life which routed Probe Command One is quite apparently a common soldier of the enemy, full precaution should be taken before entering the territory of its superiors to bait it in its lair.
(Lord of AH to Command Two)
Perhaps I erred grievously in baiting the Enemy here to Luna, thereby perhaps directing its attention to Mankind. But I compute that if I can keep the bulk of Luna between it and Terra, I can hold its attention on myself, provided there is no human intervention. Then I can indeed surprise my opponent.
the soft-life world is beguiling indeed, its rocky surface stretching stark and crater-pitted under the young, hot star nearby, i long to revel in its untainted vacuum, to soak up the hard radiation, and to grow, here at last is paradise, i see nothing of the obscene soft-life: i shall settle in and occupy our conquest.
The crystals surround me now, great looming planes of glittering mineral, interpenetrating in an infinitely complex pattern of tesseracts and icosahedra, their facets forming the crystalline equivalent of the alpha-spiral and its concomitants. Now I shall discover if my plan is viable. My supply of Compound 31 IB being limited, I must distribute it with care so as to achieve optimum coverage.
bliss! the ambrosia of the High Gods, spread here in abundance! i cannot absorb it fast enough, i feel my substance expand, new lattices forming at a fantastic rate, i grow! i was ecstatic! my bulk becomes vaster, and now- now, is it too late? i sense that the weight of my substance exceeds the strength of the material of which i am compounded! i collapse! i die, calling to the Exalted One for succor. Beware! Fall back, abandon this hellish volume of space to its insidious soft-life!
I compute that I should evacuate my position before the mass of compacted crystalline debris accreted above me becomes too great for me to penetrate, but I cannot retreat. I must remain to complete my attack. The time grows short, but I compute that the concentration of Compound 31 IB is still marginal. Rather than retreating I must employ what measure of vitality remains to me to project the last few grains of the catalyst.
I have done so, and now growth of the Axorc monster has ceased. I compute that the Lord of All will now bypass the Galaxy. For the present, all is well, but I would be remiss if I did not make provision for the preservation of an account of the full facts of this matter. I must not allow misplaced "modesty" to cause me to leave Mankind in ignorance of the threat which will doubtless have to be faced one day. To this end I shall make contact with Joel Trace, requesting him to retrieve the pertinent data records from the master memory at Gobi, in accordance with a schedule I shall supply.
Humanity is safe for the present. I have done my duty, as I was built to do. It is enough. I am content.