My heartfelt thanks go to those who have helped this book on its way.
To Fiona MacKenzie for her endless enthusiasm, pep talks and splashes of red; Alison Aquilina for the ‘feelings’; Malcolm Angel for the ‘action’; Judy Monckton for those all-important questions; Doreen Cory for those ‘bon mots’! And Paul Knight for finding Tavish’s perfect ‘home’.
To the Gollancz crew for their dedication, to John Jarrold for his belief and support, and especially to Jo Fletcher, for all her fantastic work in continuing to make my books so much better.
To Norman for being the wonderful, patient person he is and for making this, my second book, truly possible.
And last, but not least to all those readers who have told me how much they enjoyed The Sweet Scent of Blood, a huge, huge thank-you; it means more than you can ever know.