Palo Mayombe

Thursday, July 21, 2059 — 1:17 P.M.

The mirror fragment in Acacia's hand shimmered. In one moment, it reflected the people around her, the sky, the mountains, the surrounding terrain. In the next, Coral's late brother, Tod, gave her a thumbs-up in the glass.

Twenty-two surviving Gamers were seated in a circle. Crystal Cofax, Tammi Romati, "Aces" Wilde-all of the women who had entered the water-clutched their mementos and gazed into them.

Acacia's Thief, Corrinda, was back. If anyone had noticed her absence, it didn't show.

The Mamissa spoke. "You came here," she said, "to save us. You have been accepted by the Mami Wata. Your own warriors are strong enough to overcome the dark Loa, your magic powerful enough to overcome demons.

"You have each gained great honor in your fight with the undead, your rescue of Coral, and in risking your lives to save the Major-" She paused and added significantly, "Especially since it would have been so easy to just let him die."

She began to dance. The natives ringing the inner circle swayed with her in rhythmic familiarity, as if hearing a story told many times before.

"Nothing. Pyramid's featureless," Corrinda whispered to Acacia. "A surface like glazed pottery. Eighteen, maybe twenty feet tall. No openings, no markings. Crops grow right up to the base, like the natives never notice it. I dug some around the base and found nothing but more pyramid."

"Long ago," Mamissa Kokoe said, "the gods, the Nommo, came to us. They brought creatures of earth and air and water-magical beings which did our bidding. The Nommo taught us the mystical ways. Bad men took the magic, and twisted it. The Nommo taught us no more, but remained our friends.

"Thousands of years passed. The gods and demons brought by the Nommo spread across the earth and sea. And we knew how to call upon them, and the magic in ourselves, and the magic in the earth.

"But knowledge can be used for evil as well as good. Man's love affair with violence and power is an ancient story. The Nommo knew that Man was set on destroying himself with war.

"They warned their followers, and we built this structure, this 'arcology,' New Africa. And the Nommo came here to teach us. When civilisation fell, some of them remained here with us, determined to help.

"We allowed into New Africa all of those who knew the old magic. Some made promises that they would not keep.

"The Nommo asked us to avoid animal sacrifice. We agreed. But there were others in New Africa who would not stop the killing, and would not confine it to animals."

"Bobo called her a Mayombrera," Bishop said softly.

"Yes, she is of Palo Mayombe, black magic from the Congo. They worship bloody gods, made stronger and more terrible by the sacrifice not of animals, but of human adults, and even innocent children.

"They grew strong in secrecy. One day, when they felt that they had grown strong enough, they attacked us. It was slaughter. There was no force in New Africa strong enough to stop them, for they gained new, terrible power from the atomic machine in New Africa's basement. Only the Nommo could even slow their advance. They made a barrier between the Mayombreros and us. That line is all that has preserved us until now.

"But the Mayombreros grow stronger daily. We cannot hold out forever. When they find a way to destroy the Nommo, we will all perish."

Twan leaned forward. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Yes. In this building are objects of power. Find them, and you will be able to call powerful allies. Gods. Use these gods, or allow them to use you. Your magic, already formidable, will become fearsome. You will be able to confront even the Mayombreros."

Trevor Stone said, "And then what?"

Nigel Bishop spoke as if his subordinate hadn't. "This power source-if it were shut down, it would destroy the Mayombreros?"

"No, but it would weaken them."

"How dependent on that power are you?"

"We have our own sources but thousands in New Africa might die without it."

Acacia leaned over to hirn. "That means an Engineer or maybe a Magic User could shut down the reactor."

"Why can't we just wreck it?" Corrinda Harding asked.

Bishop looked at her with disgust. "Don't you remember the briefing on the train? We'll need to turn it back on."

Alphonse thought for a moment, then said, "This building is too huge. We need help. Guides?"

"Those with mirrors will not need guides-the mirrors will talk in your dreams. But I will send Bobo, and Coral."

The blond bodybuilder was jolted. "Mamissa Kokoe! Is this only to be rid of me?"

She shrugged, and quakes ran across her body. "You may return a hero, or die a hero. I've never doubted your courage or your sincerity, Bobo. But what can a man like you do here? Wait for the Mayombreros to come to us?"

Alphonse pondered. Crystal had gotten a mirror, and Acacia, and Tammi. That meant that Clavell and Bishop would decide between Coral and Bobo. Pair enough. Which would be worth more, a native of the attic or of the basement? Or trade a guide for a mirror? Such talismans were links to the gods, often enough, and sometimes had information human guides lacked…

There was a moment in which everyone was weighing the odds and considering their options. Then they began to stand. First one, and then another and another, until all twenty-two Adventurers were on their feet.

Al the Barbarian was first to speak. "We hear you, Mamissa. You say it's gotta be done, that's good enough for me and the girls I go with. We'll shut down that reactor and recover those talismans or like to die trying. Who's with me?"

The rooftop rocked with cheers, and as someone else had said under somewhat different circumstances, the Game was afoot.

"They're leaving the roof. They never even noticed the fish," Tony said.

Doris Whitman looked up. "They'll be back. There are talismans in the pool."


"Goddamn touchy artist. I noticed the fish, okay? The fish is wonderful."

Tony smiled. Nothing worse than a novice Game Master, he thought, and said, "That'll have to do."
