lost a dear friend during the writing of this book. Gail Foster sent me my very

first 'fan' letter in 2005 before the release of my debut novel, Immoral. As we got to know each other, she became a sounding board and advance reader

for my manuscripts, and I always looked forward to her feedback and reflections

on my work. Marcia and I had the good fortune to meet Gail several times and to

become friends with her and her family. We miss her greatly.


book is in your hands because of the efforts of many people around the world. I

am grateful to everyone in the publishing industry who has been so supportive

of my career throughout the past six books. A special thanks to my agents, Ali

Gunn, Deborah Schneider, and Diana Mackay — and the agents in many countries

who work with them.


course, I'm particularly grateful to my readers. I grew up enjoying

entertainment from many wonderful authors, and it is an honor to play the same

role for readers around the world. Keep writing to me and sharing your stories.

I always appreciate it.


would be a lonely business without the support of family and friends. My own

family in California has been with me every step of the way, even when we are

separated by long distances. I'm also blessed with wonderful friends close to

home, across the country, and around the world. Many thanks to people like Barb

and Jerry, Matt and Paula, and Keith and Katie, for the ways you enrich our



book is dedicated to my wife, Marcia. Those of you who have met her know that

she is (as one bookseller described her), 'the icing on the cake' at book

events. Actually, that's not true — she's the cake, too! Whenever I get invited

back to a bookstore or library, I can count on hearing the question, 'You will be bringing your wife, too, won't you?' So the biggest thanks of all

to Marcia for twenty-six years of marriage and for joining me on this

roller-coaster ride.
