
Thanks to my early readers: my mother, Nancy Ridout Landrum; my wife, Lanelle Keyes; and my friend Nancy Vega. Many thanks to Steve Saffel for seeing this book from conception through the editing process, and for his friendship and moral support. Thanks to Betsy Mitchell, Jim Minz, Fleetwood Robins, and Nancy Delia for taking up the task of production under difficult circumstances. Thanks to Eric Lowenkron, copy editor. Thanks to Dave Stevenson for the snazzy cover design and Stephen Youll for another cool piece of cover art.

Special thanks to Shawn Speakman for his continuing support, and for creating and maintaining my website.

Thanks to Terry and Judine Brooks for wonderful company and conversation touring The Charnel Prince—I appreciate you letting me tag along, guys.

Thanks to “Debbie” Wan Yu Lin, Kim Tatalick, and Meredith Sutton for keeping Archer happy and distracted long enough for me to get some work done.

And another thanks, Nell, for everything.
