Glokkpod took off from the valley floor again, flapping wearily upward into the rain-dashed night. Iris watched him go, shaking her head doubtfully.

“Thats the fourth try now. The rope is heavy, maybe too heavy. Each time the Butcher Bird gets more tired.1

Troutlad peered into the mist, watching for any sign of hordebeasts. “The birds their only hope up there; if he cant get the rope to em, theyre deadbeasts.

Mariel leaned out over the ruined attic beams. She watched the shrikes painful efforts, thumping her paws on the beams. “Come on! Oh, come on, Glokkpod, you can do it!

The Butcher Bird was almost halfway up to the tower top when he seemed to run short of energy. The wings flapped awkwardly, he hovered and dropped slightly, hampered by three ropes knotted into one coiled about his neck. Struggling gallantly the shrike sought to pick up his wing action.

Dandin bit his Up anxiously. “The ropes are too heavy, theyre pulling him down! he said.

Gael Squirrelking had given up hope. “Hes never going to do it. Its too high.

Heaving his ponderous stomach across a roofbeam, Me I drum the Magnificent watched Glokkpod. “Ive just had an idea, super wheeze really. You chaps keep silent now, no matter what I say.

Raising his voice, the old hare began insulting the shrike. “Call yself a bird? Youre a disgrace tthe species, sah! Ive seen worms do better at fly in than you! Hah! Butcher Bird, Ill bet yfather was a dead duck an your mother was a half-shot cuckoo! Go on, give it up, youll never make it, you useless lump of pillow stuffin, you great blatherin, bobblewinged, bandy-beaked blow-bag!

“Rakachakk! I kill yirr, Mildrin!

Pure murder shone from the eyes of the red-backed shrike as he began powering his wings upward. Meldrum twitched his rain-soaked mustachio cheekily and carried on. “Kill me? You must be jestin, featherface. You couldnt damage cream on top of a hot scone, let alone kill me. If I had wings Id fly circles round you, you eggwalloper!

“Kiiinrr! I do mirdir on yirr, you fat hirr! Regardless of rain, tired wings, and the weight of the rope, the Butcher Bird punished its body into mad upward flight, screaming challenges all the way.

“Mildrin, yirr a dead hirr! Kiiiirrrakachak!

In a wet flurry of wings Glokkpod landed among them.

Mariel, Dandin, and Gael had to throw themselves between Glokkpod and Meldrumthe Butcher Bird was intent on killing the hare. Meldrum kept his distance, trying to pacify the shrike.

“Calm down, old lad. I was only chivvyin you on a bit so youd get the rope up here. Didnt really mean it, wot?

But Glokkpod would not be satisfied. He strained toward Meldrum, stabbing with his fearsome beak. “Yirr deadnow, Mildrin longirzz, I killyirr!

Mariel did the only thing she could do under the circumstances. Pulling the rope from the shrikes neck, she shoved hard, overbalancing Glokkpod so that he fell from the tower. The Butcher Bird spread his wings and, soaring in an upward arc, he circled the towertop, screeching, “Yirr cowwid, longirzz, cowwid! Nofight, yirr all mouth!

Mariel swung the coiled rope, warning Glokkpod off. “Dont be a silly bird. Cant you see Meldrum was only doing it so you could fly up here? If he hadnt called you those names, youd never have made it!

But there was no reasoning with the maddened bird. “Kiiiirrr! Nobeast live after sultin thissbird! Glokkpod go now, I finished with yizz. Lissin, longirzz, we ever meet again, I kill yirr, friens not save yirr. Kiiirrrraka-chakiiiiirnr!

Glokkpod winged off into the rain-splashed darkness and was gone from sight.

Meldrum uncoiled the rope. “Strange feller, no sense of humor at all. Ah well, whos for a spot of jolly old escapin, wot?

The rope had to be doubled so it could be freed to get them down from the west-wall battlements. Dandin draped it over the stoutest of the roof support beams, checking to see both ends were level. Gael Squirrelking surprised them all by grasping the twin sides of the rope and lowering himself away. “Let me go first, weak as I am. If a squirrel cant do it, nobeast can!

Bluebane knocked timidly on the Foxwolfs bedchamber door. There was no answer, so he knocked louder, starting slightly as Nagru shouted, “Stop that knocking and get in here!

Bluebane scurried in and crouched by the mound of cushions that formed his masters resting place. Nagrus head appeared over the top of them, close to Bluebanes. “So, what is it this time, tittletattle?

“Lord, I stayed by the tower door listening carefully. The Butcher Bird brought them a rope. They plan on swinging across to the west-wing edge, where they can land on the battlements. From there theyll be able to get down to the moat. Gael is already on the rope. The Butcher Bird quarreled with the hare, and he has flown off. I dont think he will come back, Sire.

Nagru slid from the mound of cushions. “Tell the Lady Silvamord I wish to speak with her.

Gael had not climbed since his younger days. He was older and slower now, but his natural squirrel skills aided him in clambering down. Soon he was hanging from both ends of the doubled rope. He began swinging himself back and forth. To and fro he urged his body on the rope ends, each arc of his swing getting wider, until he saw the west wall through the mist and rain, its battlemented top getting closer with each fresh swing.

Down below, Iris was banking on the success of the plan. The escapers would need good backup and covering fire.

“Troutlad, take half the crew, get to the top of the plateau steps, and watch for the drawbridge being lowered. If any try to come out, stop them. Greenbeck, stay here and see they get down safe. Give any help you can. Ill go to the steps with Troutlad, thats where the main action should come if Nagru finds out theyre trying to escape.

Nagru told Silvamord of the escape, and she affected an air of disdain. “So, what do you want me to do? Youre the warlord.

The Foxwolfs tone was reasonable. “I thought we might work together for a change, stop fighting each other and fight the enemy.

The vixen too kept a level tone, though her quick mind was watching for double dealing. “Yes, that sounds sensible. As I said, what do you want me to do?

“I thought you might want to take a patrol down to the valley floor and catch them as they climb down the plateau.

Silvamords reply was definitely cool. “Thats more your style. I have a better idea. Why dont we take a good squad up to the west battlements and grab them one by one as they swing in?

“Good idea! the Foxwolf said, smiling thinly. “Though why you dont want to go down to the valley floor puzzles me. Have you had trouble out there already?

The vixen shot a sly glance at Bluebane, then turned to Nagru. “You should know, your eyes and ears are everywhere, Foxwolf.

As they walked to the horde barracks to pick out a squad, Sicant caught up with Silvamord. The vixen whispered to her, “It was Bluebane who had your mate, Gray-wort, slain.

Gaels footpaws had touched the battlements once, then on his return swing he made it. Clamping footpaws and tail firmly over the protruding stones, he let go of the rope. Mariels voice came to him faintly from above, “Gael, are you safe?

Cupping paws around his mouth, the Squirrelking called back, “Yes, Im on the battlements. Mariel, I dont need the rope to go the rest of the way, I can climb down the wall, the plateau side, too, once Ive gotten across the moat.

Mariels answer came back immediately. “Good, then dont wait about there, escape while you can. Well be down right after you. Go, your wife and babe need you. Gael started scaling the walls down to the moat, sure-pawed and nimble now that freedom was within his reach.

Mariel nodded to Dandin.Youre next, mate.

“No, after you, miss. Ill go last!

“Im the senior officer here, I go last, mlad! huffed Meldrum.

Mariel spread her paws in despair. “We cant all go last. Look, whos going now?

Dandin and Meldrum pointed firmly at her. “You!

Mariel let herself down onto the ropes, muttering, “Well, if somebeast doesnt go well be stuck up here all season. Here goes!

Armed with pikes and archery equipment, thirty horde-rats, led by Nagru and Silvamord, sneaked furtively along the ramparts until they were at the west battlement edge. Crouching down in the shadows, Silvamord whispered to Nagru, “We catch them one by one as they land, right?

Pulling the wolfhide about him to shelter from the rain, Nagru neatly sidestepped any responsibility. “Your idea, my Lady. Make your move.

Silvamord crawled forward armed with a pike that was double hooked below its blade. She thrust it at Bluebane. “Hook them in by the footpaws, she hissed. “Well be waiting to grab them.

The vixen winked at the spy. “Do it well, and Ill reward you!

Mariel had reached the ropes end. Kicking against the wall, she began swinging herself. Rain beat on her face as she pendulumed back and forth, widening the arc each time. Blinking water from her eyes, she peered into the mist each time she sailed west.

Bluebane recognized her as she swung into view and vanished back into the night again. “My Lady, its not the Squirrelking; its the mousemaid!

Nagru growled out of his wolfhide shelter. “I dont care who it is, yank them in. Do it!

Bluebane timed it nicely. He stood erect, holding the battlement with one paw, and swung the barbed end of the pike toward the mousemaid on the rope.

Mariel could not stop herself. She saw the rat strike out toward her with the pike as she sped toward the battlement on the rope. Kicking her paws hard against the wall, she shot outward. The kick gave her extra impetusshe avoided the pike and shot over Bluebanes head. The rope struck the gable of the wall and was torn from her paws. From behind came the sound of a vicious hiss; an arrow stood out between Bluebanes eyes. He fell backward into the hordebeasts as Mariel landed heavily on top of Nagru. Pandemonium broke outstamping hard on the wolf-skull, the mousemaid leaped free and went dashing along the ramparts. The dead wolfs fangs had cut two furrows on Nagrus brow. Lying flat out, he roared, “Get her! Kill the mousemaid!1

The first rat who jumped upright to obey met with another arrow. Silvamord scrambled on all fours after Mariel. Taking her lead and keeping safe, the other rats followed. Nagru sat up, tenderly feeling his head where the fangs had pierced. Looking around, he realized that he was alone. An arrow zipped by overhead, and instinctively the Foxwolf ducked and scurried off on all fours shouting, “Come back here, you deserters. Wait for me!

Dandin leaned over the rafters, staring down into the mist, his vision hampered by the nighttime rain. “Theres something gone wrong down there. Mariel may need help. I must go to her!

Without wasting further words he grasped the ropes and vanished over the edge of the tower top. Meldrum wrung rainwater from his ears as he called after Dandin, “As ywere! I gave no orders for you to go shimmy in off down that rope, sah! Come back, dye hear me? The hare watched the rope begin swinging from side to side and straightened his jacket resolutely. “Hmph, mustnt have heard me, not like that young feller to disobey an order! Right, youre next, Fallowthorn.
