I still remember being blown away by the original Terminator movie when I first caught it at a multiplex outside Seattle way back in 1984. Three exciting sequels and a TV series later, it’s tremendously exciting to finally get to write a little bone-crushing, killer robot action of my own.

Many thanks to my editor, Cath Trechman, for thinking of me and helping me throughout the writing and editing of this book, thanks as well to Steve Saffel and designer Louise Brigenshaw at Titan Books. Many thanks to James Middleton of The Halycon Company for graciously letting me pick his brains on all things Terminator. I also want to thank my agents, Russ Galen and Ann Behar, for handling the business end of things.

Finally, as always, I could not have written this book without the unwavering support and assistance of my girlfriend, Karen Palinko, who kept the household together while I chained myself to my keyboard despite near-daily Pennsylvania thunderstorms that kept knocking out our computers. Karen also looked after our growing family of four-legged children, Alex, Churchill, Henry, Sophie, and Lyla, who often kept me company while I was working. Here’s hoping Skynet never goes after our pets, as well.
