This story rather took off on its own. The central aspect of this book was only supposed to encompass about a fifth of the pages but it launched itself into being the core of the entire book. This story seems to do that. I plot out the story line and begin typing. The story then weaves and turns as it will without my seeming to have any say in the matter. To that extent, the story line that was supposed to be in this book will now be in the next — hopefully. It changed so much that I had to rename this book to ‘Taken.’ ‘Awakening’ will now have to be the fifth book. Yes, there’s a spoiler for you. There will be another coming.

As usual with all of the books, I would first like to thank my mother, June O’Brien for the many hours she has spent editing. This is besides finishing the first book of her series, ‘The Blue Child Series.’ I encourage you to take a look at the first book in her series, ‘On the Mountain.’ It is sincerely a great read for science fiction and fantasy readers.

And then there is once again my son, William, who helps through tough places in the overall plot line!

I want to give a very warm thanks to the review group. Your insights and catching the things I missed, and there were a number of them, was a huge help. Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and chats. Alex Ranka, Andrew Johnson, Andy Bilton, Craig Vitter, Dan Shaw, Gregory Norris, James Jackson, Jessica Woodman, Joe Mahoney, Johnny Clark, Larry Sullivan, Monica Brennan, Russell Hicks, and Wendy Weidman. Thank you!

I have to throw Jay Dixon in this mix. No, you aren’t depicted as a love god in the books nor is there a special needs helper. But your insights into how to make the books better and your ideas are priceless. Thanks man!

A big thank you to SM Reine for putting up with me through the cover art design. I’m a pain and fully realize that. There are many iterations tossed back and forth and then you bring out your wand and weave your magic. The result is truly incredible and I thank you for your time and effort.

I am truly appreciative of all of the messages and mentions. I enjoy each and every one of them and would like to thank you all for writing. I enjoy the chats and messages we pass back and forth and it makes my day to receive them. I hope this book is as enjoyable to you as the previous ones were. This is a cliché but so true, I write this story for the readers. If it wasn’t for you, this story wouldn’t be what it is.

Okay, enough of my ramblings. On with the story!

John O’Brien
