As usual my mother, June O’Brien, takes first crack at the draft and spends many hours reading through and correcting my literary failings, of which I have a few. Thank you for correcting all of my attempts to throw “aspects” or “just” in every sentence. I highly encourage you to read the first book of her series, The Blue Child Series. You won’t be disappointed.

Thank you to the beta readers who take their valuable time to read through and correct my many errors. Alex Ranka, Ben Udkow, Dan Shaw, Frank Knoles, Jessica Woodman, Joe Mahoney, Laurel McMeredith Andreasen, Lizah Martin, Rick Higgins, Tiffany Clark, Vanessa McCutcheon, and Wayne Tripp. Thank you!

I also owe a belated thanks, not that he is belated, just that the thanks is long overdue, to Buz Osburn. He has put forth, as have many others, good ideas for the group with regards to survival strategies and places. Thank you, Buz.

Once again, I am indebted to Matthew Riggenbach for the cover art design. You have put up with me again and delivered yet another magical work. I thank you for your time and effort.

To Todd Brown for your immaculate editing. You have once again converted my chicken scratch into a legible work. For anyone needing a fantastic editor, he comes highly recommended.

To all of my readers, thank you!!! You are truly the best and I am constantly humbled by your kind words and messages. It is from these chats, messages, and reviews that I keep pounding away at the keyboard. This story is as much yours as it is mine. You make the story what it is and I appreciate all of the support you have given.

If you do happen to enjoy the story, feel free to leave a review. Reviews are important for two reasons. One is that’s how the books get up in the listing which of course means more sales. But more importantly, it lets me look at what everyone thinks of the story. Only through looking at the reviews and messages can I become a better writer.

John O’Brien
