We are grateful to many people who have helped this manuscript on its journey to become a book. We would like to thank our agent Nancy Yost and the wonderful team at NYLA, our developmental editor Rossana Sasso, our copyeditor, Stefanie Chin, and our installment copy editor, Stephanie Mowery. We’re grateful to Doris Mantair for the beautiful cover and Isabeau Backhaus for the striking interior illustrations. Our world never looked so good.

We would like to extend our thanks to Kimberly Maciejczyk, DVM, for Gorvar’s veterinary care, and Rosie McGraffin and Kerris Humphreys for all things Scottish.

Thank you to the beta readers who generously donated their time and suffered through the early drafts: Harriet Chow, Francesca Virgili, Loredana Carini, and Fern DeYoung.

Most of all we would like to thank you, our readers, for your dedication to the Innkeeper Chronicles. You keep us going.
