Chapter Forty-Four

Ash mounded the clothes under me so that my lower body was angled higher for him as he lay flat on the ground between my legs. The moon loomed over us, white and shining, so close I could see the gray shapes of craters, and the black marks of deeper holes. I reached a hand upward, but as close as it looked, it was beyond my reach.

Ash curved his fingers around my legs, opening them wider. He kissed along my thighs, putting a gentle touch of lips on first one leg, then the other, until he came to the inside of my thigh, and there he lingered. He kissed and nuzzled, just short of the spot I was wanting him to find. He laid a kiss in that hollow at the very innermost part of the thigh that is still thigh and not groin. He laid a second kiss in the hollow of the other side. He breathed along my flesh so that it was warm and close, and all of it made me more and more eager for him to touch me in that most intimate of places.

Holly made a small noise. It made me look at him. He was hugging his knees tightly to his chest again, watching us. He looked eager, true, but there was more than that. Again, I got that glimpse of how lonely he and Ash must be. They were fierce goblin warriors, but part of them was not. Part of them craved different meat than the bloody raw stuff they got at their court. And here, in this place between time, between space, where no time would pass, might be their only chance to be sidhe and not goblin. Holly could say he wanted to be goblin rather than sidhe, but the longing was there on his face in the moonlight.

Ash came to my edges at last, and it brought me back to gaze down my body at him. I could see only part of his face, the lower half of him hidden against my own body as if it were a mask. He rolled his eyes upward, and they were huge and almond shaped, the green turned to darkness by the moonlight. His hair was almost white with contrast, but his gold-kissed skin looked almost highly tanned in the dimness. He licked around my edges, gazing at my face as he did it. Whatever he saw there pleased him, because he moved to my center, and licked from my opening, to the top in one quick, wide, wet line. It made me shudder, and that seemed to please him too, because he licked me over and over until my hands found his hair and held on. My skin began to glow softly, paled by the glow of the moon, but rising under my skin, as if I were reflecting the great shining orb above us.

Ash pressed his mouth against that most intimate part, and began to suck. It made me press myself against his mouth, eager for more. He responded by giving me more, pressing his mouth around me in a tight seal so that the sucking became more intense. That sweet pressure began to build between my legs. It grew with each movement of his mouth, each caress of his lips, his tongue, and the press of his teeth, not biting, but helping raise the sensation level. He brought me to that trembling edge, as the weight grew and grew between my legs until, with one last kiss, one last suck, one last flick of his tongue, he spilled me over the edge and brought me screaming, hands reaching up toward the moon, as if I would claw my pleasure on the very surface of it.

Holly was suddenly there, taking my hands and putting them against his chest. Ash kept sucking, kept the orgasm rolling over and over, and I marked Holly's flesh with the pleasure of it, tracing my nail marks among the scars of battle, fresh red to join all that white.

There were crimson lights, green and gold shadows, and I realized it was me, my hair, my eyes glowing so bright that they challenged the glow of that huge moon.

Ash moved away from me, and I started to protest, to call him back, but then I felt him above me. I looked down from Holly's body to find Ash hard and ready, as he pushed his way inside me. Just him entering me made me cry out again. I was still spasming inside from the orgasm he'd given me so that my body squeezed and writhed around him as he shoved himself in.

Holly pinned my wrists to the clothes and grass beneath us, using one big hand for both of mine. Ash stayed up on his arms so that almost all that was touching me was that part of him that thrust in and out, his skin glowing in the white light. It took me a few heartbeats to realize that Ash's skin was glowing on its own. He was beginning to glow like a sidhe.

I gazed up at Holly to see if he had noticed to find that the blood I had drawn from his chest was glowing in crimson lines. I might have remarked on it, but he angled his body, and I knew what he wanted. I moved my mouth so that he could slide himself into it as his brother slid himself between my legs.

They both found their rhythm, and worked as if they'd done this before, or as if something helped them know just where the other would be, and what they would be doing, so that they mirrored each other, one in my mouth, one between my legs.

I raised my hips for Ash, and moved my mouth eagerly toward Holly, but both of them controlled what I did, Ash with his hands on my hips, holding me still so he could find the spot he wanted, Holly with his free hand in my hair, holding me a little away from him so he could stare down at me as he drove himself in and out of me.

I made small whimpering noises around Ash's body as he found that spot inside me, and began to work over and over it. The orgasm began to build again. Holly's hand jerked my hair, hard and fast enough for pain. It made me cry out, and press my mouth eagerly against him, trying to take all that long hard length into my mouth at once.

Ash began to lose his rhythm, shoving more deeply at the end of each thrust. I felt him fight his body to keep going inside me until I came first. That wasn't just being sidhe; goblins prided themselves on their stamina, and how many orgasms they could bring their partners. He fought his body, fought to keep some rhythm as he began to thrust more and more deeply, losing his concentration, but he didn't need it, not anymore. He'd done his work well, and from one thrust to another, he brought me. He brought me screaming my orgasm around his brother's body. Holly cried out above me and thrust into my mouth so far and deeply that during anything but full-blown orgasm it would have been too much, but in that moment, at that second, it was exactly right. The sensation of both of them inside me at once brought me screaming again, bucking around both their bodies.

Holly spilled down my throat in a rush of heat, crying out again. Ash thrust one more time, deep inside me, hitting the end of me with the end of himself, like a battering ram, but it felt so good. It brought me again, screaming and writhing around them both.

Holly pulled himself out of my mouth, and let me scream my pleasure at the moon. He knelt above me on all fours, head down, one hand still pinning my wrists. His hair glowed like yellow fire around his face, and he blinked eyes that glowed with the same crimson fire of the blood that still dripped down his chest.

Ash drew himself out, and collapsed beside me. He threw one hand over my waist, and lay there panting. He blinked eyes at me that glowed like emerald fire. His hair was a halo of gold and yellow fire against the ground.

Our glows began to fade, like fire banked for the night. Holly collapsed on the other side of me, a little more of him curving around my head so that I was cradled against his chest.

Ash took one of my hands in his and raised it for us all to see. Our skins glowed together, mine white like the moon, theirs as if they'd swallowed the gold of the sun. Holly reached down and laid one of his hands over both of ours, and it was like we'd all swallowed the lights of the sky into our veins.
