Besides the usual Star Trek reference sources, I relied heavily on several books to help me capture the feel of a “realistic” twenty-first-century space mission to Saturn. Needless to say, any liberties I took were entirely my own idea and should not be blamed on the fine authors of the books below.
Asimov, Isaac. Saturn: The Ringed Beauty. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Gareth Stevens, 1989.
Becklake, Susan. Space: Stars, Planets, and Spacecraft. New York: DK, 1988, 1998.
Birch, Robin. Saturn. Broomall, Pa.: Chelsea House, 2004.
Graham, Ian. E.guides: Space Travel. New York: DK, 2004.
Linenger, Jerry M. Off the Planet: Surviving Five Perilous Months Aboard the Space Station Mir. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Miller, Ron. Worlds Beyond: Saturn. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-First Century Books, 2003.
Murray, Peter. Saturn. Chicago: Child’s World, 1994.
Ride, Sally, with Susan Okie. To Space & Back. New York: Beech Tree, 1986.