Afterword & Acknowledgments

I have known several pathological liars over the course of my life, the preeminent one being my own father.

My dad’s big thing was lying about his medical training and experience. His lies rarely deceived me, because I knew not to trust him, but he constantly and effectively bullshitted his way into everything from crime scenes to car accident recovery scenes. He made friends with policemen and EMTs, learned their language and shorthand, found clothes that matched that community, and slipped into it with hardly a ripple.

GOD knows how many people’s health he sabotaged with this behavior. My father was a drug addict with no serious medical experience whatsoever. He was untrained, uneducated, but charismatic and clever. He was extremely bigoted, violent and abusive. He was also a big fan of Donald Trump. Make of that what you will.

This book was written during dark and exciting times. Dark, in that the international stage and politics in particular has taken a hard swing to the Right, where facts mean nothing and one man’s ignorant opinion is considered to be as important – if not more important – than facts. Exciting on a personal level, as I was married to my beloved Canth and am seeking to live with her in Seattle permanently.

As always, this book could not have been written without the help of my family and friends. All of House Decided and #House_Whitebird, Stacy, who did the copyediting, Toni and Aaron for their laughter and generosity, Tom R. for keeping me sane during 2015, Joey for dialogue sketches so funny they make me puke, and to all my other online and IRL friends for their many individual contributions to my mental and physical health.

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