A huge thank-you to my husband, Rodney, and children, Luke and Jenna. Their encouragement and support never wavers.

During the writing of my books, I’m thankful to have a wonderful network of supporters. My critique partner, Kimberley J. Howe, is always willing to read and comment on my first drafts. My friend Judi Fleming has encouraged me in many ways. Our contest to see who could write the most words in a day was what I needed to finish the story. Thanks for the incentive and the wine!

After visits to Harlequin’s Toronto, New York City and London offices, I was amazed to learn how many people are involved in getting my manuscript transformed into a published book. I like to thank them all for their hard work and effort on my books!

My excellent editor, Mary-Theresa Hussey, thankfully continues to give me invaluable advice and inspiration. Thanks to Elizabeth Mazer, a vital member of our team.

The art department has done a fantastic job with this bright cover. Many thanks to all the talented artists, designers and photographers for your creative efforts.

A special thank you to my friend Kathy Flowers. She arranged for me to take a tour of a maximum security prison and then played tour guide for the day. It was an enlightening experience and a bit scary as we mingled with the inmates. And a shout out to the Black Sergeant, visitor number one-three-six-five thanks you for your time.

And a huge thanks to my massive army of Book Commandos! Your efforts have helped in spreading the word about my books. Special mention to those who have gone above and beyond the call to duty: Louise Bateman, Justin Boyer, Elizabeth Earhart, Michelle Gottier, Jane Gov, Jimmy Grogan, Jen Grzebien, Kelley Hartsell, Kate Ladd, Heather Lloyd, Denise Löchtermann, James Pellow, Kelly Plaia, Erica Rowe, Greg Schauer, Laura Schibinger, Jessica Scott, Larry Smith, Ashlen Stevenson, Julie Walsh and Sarah Weir. Valek may try to recruit you to his team.
