Stephen King and Owen King SLEEPING BEAUTIES

In Remembrance of Sandra Bland

It makes no difference if you’re rich or poor

Or if you’re smart or dumb.

A woman’s place in this old world

Is under some man’s thumb,

And if you’re born a woman

You’re born to be hurt.

You’re born to be stepped on,

Lied to,

Cheated on,

And treated like dirt.

—Sandy Posey, “Born a Woman” Lyrics by Martha Sharp

I say you can’t not be bothered by a square of light!

—Reese Marie Dempster, Inmate #4602597-2 Dooling Correctional Facility for Women

She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.

—Sen. Addison “Mitch” McConnell, speaking of Sen. Elizabeth Warren
