Every time I start a book I tell myself I’m going to create a file to keep track of all the people who help me during the book with research or support. And I forget to do so Every. Single. Time. So, once again, I’m doing the mad scramble at the end of the process where I desperately try to remember everyone who held my hand. Eep!

Many thanks go to:

My awesome husband for being my biggest fan.

My beautiful daughter for snuggling me when I needed snuggles.

Dr. Mike DeFatta for continuing to answer my bizarre questions.

Cpl. Judy Kovacevich for refreshing my memory regarding crime scene procedures.

Daniel Abraham for the advice, encouragement, and support.

Carrie Vaughn for helping me work my way through the mid-series hump.

Ty Franck for being irreverent.

Walter Jon Williams for inviting me to the mountain.

Roman White for letting me bounce numerous ridiculous ideas off him.

Nicole Peeler for being the best critique partner EVER.

Nina Lourie for being who she is.

Matt Bialer for being a wonderful agent and friend.

Lindsay Ribar for EVERYTHING.

Betsy Wollheim for even more EVERYTHING.
