
So many people along the way have helped to make the book you hold in your hands a dream realized. I’d like to thank my agent, Bill Contardi, who took a chance on a debut author with no previous credits. I couldn’t ask for a better advocate, with such sharp business acumen and wit. And to my editor, Virginia Duncan, who worked with me tirelessly to improve the story and prose. I’ve learned so much from our revisions together. Your insight amazes me. Thank you to Chris Borgman, who created a stunning cover, and Paul Zakris, for the incredible jacket and book design. And to all the wonderful people at Greenwillow Books—thank you, thank you, thank you!

I know I would not have made it this far without the encouragement and camaraderie of my talented critique group friends: Janice Coy, Rachel Gobar, Rich Walsh, Amber Lough, Eveie Wilpon, Kirsten Kinney, Mark McDonough, and Tudy Woolfe. There is a part of you in this novel. I look forward to our future journeys together as writers!

My gratitude to my Chinese brush painting teacher, Jean Shen, for sharing the dance of the brush with me. And my fellow brush painting classmates—I look forward to our time together each week.

Two books were essential in my research for this novel, as both guidance and inspiration: The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, by Patricia Buckley Ebrey, and A Chinese Bestiary: Strange Creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas, edited and translated by Richard E. Strassberg.

I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made online through my blog and various forums. You’ve made me laugh, cheered and motivated me. I invite readers to visit my website,, to learn more about this novel, my writing, and my art. Click on my blog and leave a comment! I would love to hear from you.

And finally, chocolate kisses to my love, Mark, who watched after Sweet Pea and Munchkin for countless Saturdays, so I could write and chase my dreams.
