“Robin Wasserman’s writing cuts straight to the bone, even when it’s metal! This series is mind-bending.”

—Bestselling author Tamora Pierce

“Fast-paced … A thought-provoking bioethical conundrum that raises difficult questions about the definition of life, this text will intrigue and entertain readers.”


“[Shattered] is a wonderful follow-up to [Frozen]. The world Robin Wasserman creates is creative and fascinating, and even though the main characters are mechanical, many still find a way to be dynamic and evolve during the story. [Shattered] is the second in a planned trilogy, and I, for one, can’t wait for the conclusion.”


“This installment in the trilogy has intense action, a fast-paced plot, and interesting characters…. Give it to fans of Mary E. Pearson’s The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Holt, 2008) or Nancy Farmer’s The House of the Scorpion.”

