Chapter Five

“Foul!” Sean looked up from his position on the wet concrete court where he’d sprawled after Derrick aggressively body checked his shot, causing him to miss.

Hands on his hips, head hanging low and breathing hard, Derrick conceded, “You got me.” He extended a hand and Sean grabbed it, allowing Derrick to pull him to his feet.

This was game five in the best of three-out-of-five. The score was tied two/two. If Sean made this shot, he’d win the game and Derrick owed him lunch. Dinner, now, since they’d long passed the lunch hour.

Derrick jogged over to retrieve the ball while Sean lined up on the free throw line. They’d played hard, first with a group of guys who’d already had possession of the court when they arrived, and later against each other after it began to rain and everyone left.

Ball in hand, Sean bounced it once, twice, then lined up his shot. Swoosh! All net. Derrick, positioned beneath the goal, caught the basketball and slung it at Sean for his second shot. Bounce. Bounce. Shoot. “That’s game,” Sean announced unnecessarily as the ball fell through the net.

“Good game,” Derrick acknowledged.

He laughed. “I take back what I said about you getting soft. You still play a mean game of B-ball.”

Derrick smiled. “Yeah, well, I’d like to know who said white men can’t jump. They never met you. That’s for sure.”

They headed for the park entrance.

“You’re still competitive, I see,” Sean commented.

Derrick shrugged. “What can I say? I like to win.”

Sean grinned at him. “So do I, which is why you owe me a steak.”

Glancing at his watch, Derrick said, “I’m going to have to give you a rain check on that. It’s after five and I still need to prepare for tomorrow. I’m preaching and need to finish my sermon notes.”

Sean took in both of their soggy, sweaty appearances and the sounds of their shoes squishing with each step. “I don’t think either one of us are in any condition to be going out.”

During their second game, the light summer rain had finally stopped, but by then they were both soaked.

Sean palmed the ball, dribbling it from hand to hand as they walked down the sidewalk to Derrick’s apartment complex. Occasionally, he passed it to his friend who made fake air shots before passing it back.

“Can I borrow your shower? I don’t want to travel like this.”

“Sure, man. Let me grab a towel and the bathroom’s yours. You want me to throw your things in the dryer?” Derrick asked.

“No, thanks. A plastic bag’s fine. I’ll throw them in the wash on base.”

As they entered the parking lot, Sean stopped by his car to grab his duffle containing an extra pair of fatigues and a t-shirt. His boots were in the cab so he brought them, too. No underwear, but it wouldn’t be the first time he went commando. The important thing was that he had an extra pair of socks.

In the apartment, Derrick called out from the bedroom, “I’m calling for pizza. Want some?”

“Naw, you got stuff to do. As soon as I’m dry, I’ll head out.”

Hooch came out of his room wearing a pair of low riding drawstring sweatpants of an indeterminate color, wet clothes in one hand and rubbing his head with a towel with the other. “Go ahead. I’ll shower after you finish. In the meantime, I’ll run these,” he held up the soggy clothes, “through a wash cycle. Extra towels and wash clothes are in the bathroom.”

“Thanks.” Sean picked up his stuff and headed in the direction Derrick indicated. Once through the doorway, he discovered the bathroom to the left and the bedroom was to the right. He glanced into the room as he went by, stopping in his tracks when he spotted the picture.

A quick look over his shoulder confirmed that Derrick was otherwise occupied. Sean stepped into the room. On the dresser was an eight by ten picture of Derrick and Von, which appeared to be fairly recent. In it, Von sat while Derrick stood behind her in a classic pose. The spotlight picked up the sparkle in her engagement ring. They seemed to be happy and very much in love.

Another glance around the room revealed several more photographs. Some tucked in the dresser mirror while others were in frames, in places of honor on the corner computer desk, on the walls and around the room. They showed the history of their relationship. From gangly youths to how they were today.

A nagging thought lingering at the back of his mind finally came to the forefront. Sean inhaled deeply. Walked over near the bed and did it again. Pictures of Von everywhere but not a trace of her scent. Why? Didn’t she spend any time here or did Derrick spend most of his time at her place? He hadn’t, and wouldn’t, ask Von about the sexual aspect of their relationship, but had assumed that as long as the two of them had been together, they were intimate. So why couldn’t he sense some sign of her presence?

He left the room and went to take his shower, conscious he’d been in there too long.

As he washed, Sean pondered his decision to reveal to Von his love for her. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and those pictures revealed a woman with very strong feelings. But was it love? During his captivity, Sean managed to convince himself that Von was with Derrick out of habit. That her relationship with Derrick couldn’t possibly be as strong as her friendship with him. He was her confidante, the person she told things she told no one else. But, was it love as he wanted to believe, or was it the safety of distance? Had Von used her letters as a relief valve, figuring he was safe because they’d never met in person?

Sean didn’t know but before he left, he meant to find out.

A quick shower later, he exited the bathroom with his socks and boots in his hand, making sure to leave the bathroom as clean as he’d found it. He sat in one of the dining room chairs to finish dressing as a knock sounded at the door.

Derrick came out the kitchen, grabbing his wallet off the counter. “Must be the pizza. That was fast.”

A tantalizing scent hit his nostrils, causing them to quiver and his cock to stir. That wasn’t the pizza guy. An aroused Von stood on the other side of that door.

Sean stomped a foot into a boot. He needed to get out of here.

“What are you doing here? Why didn’t you call and say you were coming over?”

Sean paused, Derrick’s tone striking him as not right. The two were engaged. Why would she need to call?

“I wanted to surprise you.” The scent of Von’s arousal increased now that the door was no longer blocking a portion of it. Underneath was a hint of nervousness. Was she afraid?

Not his business, he reminded himself. He made quick work of his bootlaces and then pushed his foot into the other boot.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” she asked in a husky voice.

He couldn’t help it. Sean looked up, wanting to see the expression on her face. From where he was seated, only a small portion of the entryway was visible.

“Yeah.” Derrick stepped back and widened the opening, allowing her to pass him.

“I came over to finish what we started last night,” she said as he closed the door.

Sean swore under his breath, easily picturing Derrick covering Von, her hands griping his sweaty back as his hips pumped relentlessly between her own. No wonder she hadn’t responded to his email last night.

He laced up his other boot, shoved his stuff in his duffle and grabbed the handles of his gear, preparing to leave before Derrick could tell him to get out. Hooch and Von obviously had some unfinished business, the kind involving naked, sweat-slicked bodies. Suddenly Sean was aware of just how long it had been since he’d been with a woman.

She cleared the entryway and stopped in the open space between the living and dining areas with her head down, fumbling with the buttons of her dress. Is she doing what I think she is?

He didn’t know who was more shocked, he or Derrick, when she suddenly spun around and flung her dress off, allowing it to drop to the floor. Sean didn’t know what Derrick was seeing, but the view he had of Von’s butt in that itty-bitty thong had what was left of his blood rushing to his loins. Her hair was loose and curly, drawing attention to her naked flesh. He had no idea it was so long.

“Surprise!” Von launched herself at Derrick, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Ah, hell! Is there another way out of here? He looked around to confirm what he already knew. No way was he watching them get busy, but they were blocking the only exit. He glanced back at the couple to see if he had time to interrupt them before things got too awkward.

Derrick shoved her away and she hit the wall with a thud.

What the fuck? Sean rose to his feet and took a step forward.

“What is that...that...mess you have on? You look like a whore. Do something with your hair and for God’s sake, put some clothes on!” Derrick snarled in the meanest, coldest tone Sean had ever heard a man use with a woman. He gave her one last look of revulsion, ignored the beseeching hand she held out to him, and stormed past Sean into his bedroom. The door slammed shut with a bang that caused Von to jump.

She slumped against the wall, face in her hands, the scent of her pain and humiliation filling the room.

“Stupid damn fool,” Sean muttered in disgust.

At his voice, Von spun around, eyes wide and mouth open, giving Sean a full frontal view. He only had a second to enjoy it before she shrieked and crossed one hand over her breasts and the other over the juncture of her thighs. She glanced around frantically on the floor for her dress, scooping it up the moment she spotted it. Von struggled to get it on as she scurried for the door, her hands tangling the sleeves and making a mess of things. Whimpering when she couldn’t get it together, she laid her head against the door and her shoulders shook.

Sorry he’d startled her, Sean walked toward her, making soothing noises. “Shh, shh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Let me help.”

Had he been thinking, he would have stayed quiet so that she didn’t know he was there. But now that Von knew he’d witnessed what happened, there was no way he could see her hurting and not try to do anything about it.

He reached for the sleeve, attempting to untangle it. She resisted at first, clutching the outfit to her while pulling away and hunching close to the wood like she could burrow into it and hide.

“Von, baby, I’m trying to help.”

Her shoulders slumped and she allowed the dress to fall to the floor. She brought one hand to her mouth and muffled a sob. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. Sean scooped it up and straightened it out, eased her arms into the dress, and turned her around to do up the buttons. Then he gathered her close, biting back a moan at the intense pleasure of finally having her in his arms where she belonged.

Von rested her head on his chest. “Oh God, I’m so embarrassed,” she mumbled. “This...he...I...” She couldn’t finish, tears having her choked up.

Sean swept her up in his arms and carried her back to the chair on which he’d been sitting, and setting her on his lap, careful to keep her away from his erection. He held her while she cried.

“Hey, now. None of that. He’s the one that should be embarrassed. A beautiful, sexy woman like you offering yourself to him and he walks away? We need to revoke his membership as a male of the species,” he told her, trying to calm her down.

She looked up at him with tears sparkling on her eyelashes. “Really?”

He wiped one cheek with his thumb. “Sweetheart, if you’d have come here like that for me, I’d have been on you before the dress hit the floor. And I wouldn’t have let up until we were both satisfied.”

Von’s gaze went hazy, like she was considering his words. After a few moments during which the crying finally ceased, she asked, “So, it wasn’t me? I did it right?”

“Honey, any better and I’d have come in my pants,” he assured her.

A small smile peeped out. She placed her hands on his shoulders, arched up and gave him a peck on the lips. “You’re lying, but it’s still sweet of you to try and make me feel better.”

Von made to rise but Sean caught her across the thighs, holding her in place. “What was that?”

She laid a hand on his chest and the smile reappeared, a bit stronger this time. “A thank you kiss?”

He shook his head. “Oh, no, darling. That wasn’t a kiss. This is a kiss.”

Gently cupping her face with his hand, he angled it and held her still as he slowly lowered his mouth, giving her plenty of time to protest. She didn’t. He could see a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Then their lips touched.

Sean kept it soft and gentle. A mere brushing of his mouth across hers. Back and forth, nibbling on her lower and then upper lip. He wanted more. Much more, but satisfied himself with this.

Von, however, had a different idea. She parted her lips and her tongue eased out to lick the seam of his. Curious to see what she’d do, he opened his mouth and granted her access. She immediately took advantage, using kitten like flicks of her tongue to taste his inner recesses. For about ten seconds, Sean allowed it. Then he took over.

Their kissed became heated, a mating of tongues and teeth, each angling for the closest connection. Sean’s conscience screamed at him, demanding he stop. Von was vulnerable, unaware of what she was doing. He wanted her, but not under these circumstances. Then there was Hooch in the next room, liable to walk out at any moment.

He drew back. She followed, eyes glazed like she was drugged, clutching his t-shirt to hold him to her. He pried her hands loose and turned his head to avoid her mouth. It was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. “Baby, wait. You’re not thinking straight.”

Her eyes widened and she gave him a wounded look. “Yes, I am,” she denied. “Please, please don’t push me away. Please...”

Even though Sean was trying to do the right thing, Von wouldn’t see it that way, not after Derrick’s cruel rejection. Simply kissing her wouldn’t hurt, right? He could show her how desirable she was, rebuild her confidence in herself, and lay the groundwork for telling her later how much he loved her. Torn, he gazed at her. Her eyes pleaded with him as she rubbed his shoulders and chest.

With a growl, he capitulated. He snagged her by the waist and pulled her closer. When that wasn’t enough, he lifted and turned her so that Von straddled him. Throughout it all, the kiss never stopped. They breathed each other in.

Soon, mouth-to-mouth contact wasn’t enough. He unbuttoned her dress and it fell open. Von captured his right hand and dragged it down between her legs. “Touch me. I’m so empty.” Her voice shook.

The potent smell of her cream brought out his primitive side and Sean closed his eyes to gain control over his beast. He cupped the slick lips of her sex, slightly penetrating her with one thick digit. She gave a muffled cry and rocked on him, causing her breasts to sway. Unable to resist, Sean captured one peak with his mouth. Von held his head to her. “Sean!”

“Feel good?” he mumbled around his delicious mouthful of flesh.


“This will feel better.” He added another finger, setting up a steady stroking motion that caressed the sensitive opening of her vagina while rubbing her clit with his thumb. Pulling as much of her breast into his mouth as possible, he suctioned strongly.

Von’s hand left his head to land on his shoulders where her nails dug in tight. She threw back her head and abandoned herself to her pleasure. Sean couldn’t get over how beautifully responsive she was. How would she react when he buried his face between her legs and tasted her sweet pussy? The thought caused his already swollen cock to tighten dangerously.

No, he wouldn’t come in his pants like some untried youth, no matter the provocation. When he lost it, he would be buried deep within Von’s tight, wet vagina. He added yet another finger, stretching her opening and preparing her for his cock. He would have her. Maybe not today, but she would be his and he wanted it to be as painless as possible. He’d never been small to begin with and becoming a Lycan had enhanced his already large portions.

Von slammed her mouth down on his and sent her fingers fumbling with his pants. Sean sucked in his stomach to give her room and she slipped her greedy little hands inside.

“I want to see you, touch you,” she gasped.

She managed to unfasten the button and had her hand on the zipper when he cautioned, “Careful, darling. Let’s not snag the jewels.”

She eased the zipper down, reached in and tugged his cock free. Her hand on his sex was exquisite and he closed his eyes to regain some of the control he’d lost. Von stroked once, twice, like she was measuring him. Then she knocked his hand from between her leg and rose.

Sean thought she had come to her senses, realized what she was doing, and had a change of heart. God give him strength because if she had, he didn’t know if he could let her go. He’d never forced a woman but he’d also never wanted any woman as badly as he wanted this one.

Instead of leaving, she angled his cock toward her opening and lowered her body.

Though he was relieved, Sean still needed to be sure this was what she really wanted. Once he took her, there’d be no going back. He caught her hips when the tip of his head lodged at the mouth of her vagina, tempting him to forget all thoughts of honor and take what they both seemed to want.

“Are you sure?” he asked through clenched teeth with the last small bit of conscience he had functioning.

In answer, she sank down. The head of his penis hit her hymen and she stopped, wincing in discomfort as she let out a small cry of pain.

Von’s a virgin? Every possessive instinct in his body rose to surface, canceling out any other thought. He held her hips as she rose up and tried again, and again, until his eyes were crossed and still he was less than halfway inside. He gritted his teeth, determined to let her do this her way.

“Help me,” she pleaded, frustration strong in her voice.

“Put your hands on my shoulders.” When she complied he told her, “Now close your eyes and hold on.”

Von braced herself, tensing above him. That wouldn’t do at all. He flicked her clit, rubbing lightly in circles until she rocked with him, focused on the sensation of his finger and not what was going on inside her vagina. In his mouth, he felt his canines grow along with the urgent need to bite, to mark her in some way as his.

When Von was loose and limber, totally focused inward on the pleasure of her body, Sean leaned forward and bit her breast at the same time that he thrust up, piercing her maidenhead and embedding himself deep inside. He immediately stopped, giving her a minute to adjust, despite how his beast was snarling to claim her in a way she’d never forget. The faint scent of her maiden blood mingled with the blood in his mouth driving him crazy.

“You okay?” he asked in a strained voice, the need to move riding him hard. To distract himself, he licked the blood welling from the teeth marks he’d left.

“I think so,” she said in a hesitant voice. She made a small movement with her hips and they both caught their breaths.

“Do that again, sweetheart.”

Von did, moving this way and that until she found her perfect rhythm. Sean gritted his teeth and let her have control. She rode him magnificently and seemed fascinated by the sight of his penis disappearing and reappearing inside her body.

Sean couldn’t take his eyes off her. Everything faded except for the two of them, the slick feel of her pussy gripping and releasing his cock. The bounce of her perky breasts with their dark brown puckered nipples. The ripple of her stomach muscles as she rose and fell. The ecstasy on her face as she took her pleasure. The feel of her taut ass in his hands and he helped her ride him.

He noted when her breathing increased and the muscles of her vagina began to ripple along his shaft, signaling her imminent release. She began to falter and looked to him with panicked eyes. He stroked her clit. “Ride me, baby. Listen to your body. It knows what it needs. Do it,” he encouraged.

Taking him at his words, she tightened her grip on his shoulders and bounced on his lap, faster and harder until with a sharp cry, her body arched and her head snapped back.


It took Sean a moment to realize Von had been snatched off his cock by an enraged Derrick. He came out of his shock when Derrick slammed his fist into the side of Von’s face and she crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

With an infuriated roar, he was on Derrick. Sean grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. Then followed to finish him.
