“No. No way,” I said.

“If you don’t, we’ll kill Faith, Tama and Janco.”

“Still no.”

“Heartless,” Ulrick said. “I guess we’d have to find someone you really care for. That Stormdancer, perhaps?”

As much as I desired to agree in order to spare Kade, I couldn’t. “Not even him.”

“You’re serious. Wow.” He studied my face. “But they won’t be harmed—not physically anyway.”

“Doesn’t matter. The answer is no.”

“I know I can’t force you to use magic with my magic. That trick only works for the Soulfinder.” He clapped his hands together as if making a decision. “Devlen’s been the most effective so far. After all, his methods convinced you to prick Yelena with Curare. You had to know Alea planned to kill her. This time, no one’s life is at stake.”

Still didn’t matter. The new Opal wouldn’t cave in. This time all of Sitia and Ixia were in danger.

“I’ll message Fulgor right away. But first…” He stood and gestured for me to precede him to the door.

Ulrick guided me to my room in the basement. But this time he cuffed me in the chains hanging on the back wall. He locked my arms above my head, but at least I could stand, taking my weight off my wrists. He left, sealing me in darkness.

Alone with my thoughts wasn’t fun. Not at all. The list of stupid things I had done circled through my mind. Janco. Delivered myself into Akako’s group’s hands and failed to have a backup plan. Kade’s advice to always think the best replayed. I should have waited and listened to Yelena’s advice. Then again…she should have trusted me and let me know what was going on. Unless she didn’t know. And what about Zitora? Did she really believe Akako’s story about Ulrick’s undercover mission?

I leaned against the wall. Considering how much of the last year I had spent in the dark, I should be comfortable. Perhaps Yelena never trusted me. Probably not since the day I had pricked her with Curare. I’d been naive to believe she forgave me for deceiving her. And my tendency to give in to Devlen’s pressure torture increased my untrustworthiness. I led him to the northern ice sheet to find his mentor. Yelena had to know Valek hid one of my glass prisons in a snow cat’s lair. If my escape plan hadn’t worked, I would have taken Devlen to the prison. I was weak—even I wouldn’t trust myself.

Perhaps I should just join the team. Help Ulrick and save myself days of pain. No. Ulrick was right. I cared.

My abilities and knowledge were dangerous to Sitia. Looking back, I was surprised the Council hadn’t locked me up when I wasn’t crafting the messengers. This exact situation could have been avoided.

I needed to take myself out of the equation. When Devlen arrived, I would endure as long as possible, and give in. The first opportunity I had, I would find a piece of glass and slit my throat.

My despondency lifted. It was the answer to everyone’s problem. A lump formed in my throat when I thought of Kade; being with him was the only reason to live. But it was a selfish reason. Very selfish.

I laughed suddenly. This situation wasn’t unique at all. I had thought of the same solution half a year ago on the northern ice sheet when I told Kade to use the blizzard’s energy to rip the station to shreds, killing everyone in it, including me. He should have heeded my advice.

Really. What did I do in the past three seasons? Craft messengers. Sitia could survive without my messengers, but not without Yelena and the Master Magicians.

A couple days, weeks or seasons passed—hard to tell when trapped in the dark. The opening door remained the only break in the constant blackness. Usually it was Len or Boar, bringing food, water and a few moments of exercise. Each time, I squinted into the bright lantern light unable to see who held the lantern at first.

When Devlen arrived, I smiled, knowing he brought a change of pace.

“Not the reception I expected,” he said as he closed the door and set the lantern on the floor.

“Your presence is another step toward the end point.”

“The end point as in you will agree to all of Ulrick’s demands?”


“Then why not skip this?” He flourished the clamps in his hand.


He shook his head. “I warned you about Gressa.”

“Yes, you did. Why?”

“You said you would not believe me.”

“Then. Now you don’t have a reason to lie,” I said.

“What if you escape?”

“Has Janco escaped?” According to Len, Janco tried three times without success. The only reason they kept him alive was for the information in his head.

“Point,” he said. “I warned you because I knew it would come down to this. Me, you and the clamps, torturing you to obey us. Tama and Gressa have been plotting to lure you to Fulgor. Gressa paid for the mock-assassination attempt. All part of the plan.”

“The attempt seemed rather extreme.”

“It worked. Tama convinced all the Councilors you were in danger. They ordered you home and assigned a guard to watch you at all times.”

“I didn’t see—”

“You were not supposed to.”

Information swirled around my head until I felt dizzy. He might have no reason to lie, but it didn’t mean he told the truth, either.

Sensing my disbelief, Devlen rolled up his sleeves and showed me his bare arms. “No tattoos. See? Tricky offered me a vial of your blood to regain my magic and protect myself from you. I turned him down.”

“There are other places to put tattoos.”

He stripped off his shirt and yanked his pants down, leaving his undershorts on. He spun around. “Should I take everything off?”

“No. I believe you.” No ink stained his skin. I glanced away as memories of lying with him bubbled to the surface of my mind. He kept in shape. Not an ounce of fat clung to his well-defined muscles.

“I thought you wanted your magic back,” I said. My voice rasped. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat.

“At first, I did and I do miss the magic. But I do not miss the obsession. The craving for more power that dominates every thought and action. I would rather be without the addiction.”

“Why are you still working for Gressa?”

“To protect you.”

I laughed. Who was going to protect me from him?

Offended by my outburst, he said in his defense, “I did rescue you from the Councilor’s Hall.”

I sobered. “Are you here to rescue me again?”

His shoulders sagged. “I cannot. Ulrick and Tricky have too much power. They will detect us before we leave the building.” He sounded upset.

I bit my lip, hoping the pain would zap a measure of sense into me. Devlen was a master manipulator. He had a plan. It involved using me. I needed to remember that. “Whatever. Let’s get on with the torture, then.”

“No. I am not going to hurt you.”


“I will not torture you.”

He was a master liar. This was a trick. He hadn’t put his clothes back on. Perhaps he thought I would be so relieved I would sleep with him.

“What game are you playing now?” I asked.

“No games.”

Yeah, right. “What do you want?”


Hard to believe. I thought about the implications if he failed to follow orders. “If Ulrick and Tricky find out, they’ll kill you. Or use you as a sacrifice.”


“You don’t seem very upset.”

“I do not have any control over what they do, so why should I worry about it?” He pulled his pants back on and found his shirt.

“Maybe they won’t find out.” I snapped my mouth shut, clicking my teeth. Why had I spoken aloud? Because I was an idiot.

“What do you mean?”

I figured out his plan. It was official. I was an idiot. “You know exactly what I mean. You’re being lazy. You know I’ll give in after a few days, so you’re saving yourself time by playing this I-won’t-hurt-you card. I’m supposed to fall for it and be concerned you’ll be killed. Then I’ll offer to pretend to be tortured and give in so you aren’t hurt.” And why was I distressed? I had been planning to break anyway. At least this way I would avoid days of pain.

His eyebrows shot up in amazement. “You still do not trust me.”

“And you’re surprised?”

“I have not lied to you or done anything to hurt you since we left Ixia. I told you Ulrick agreed to switch bodies—you know that is true. I helped you escape Gressa, and I am trying to help you now.”

“What about at the Bluejay Inn? You used pressure on my wrists.”

“You were trying to kill me.”

True. Kade’s words sounded in my mind. When forced into a desperate situation, you will defend yourself with the weapons available to you. But I still didn’t trust him.

He huffed. “People can change, Opal. I am free of the blood magic and have chosen not to go back. You have changed, too. And not for the better.”

“That’s supposed to convince me?”

“Okay. Fine. If my death will prove I speak the truth, so be it.” He strode to the door and yanked it open. His boots pounded on the steps. Silence filled the room. My breath rasped through my nose, sounding loud.

Distant voices reached me, then the heavy tread of feet.

“Damn it, Devlen. You left her door open,” Ulrick said.

“Do not worry, she is chained.”

“We have thought that before and she managed to escape.”

The two men entered my room.

Ulrick scanned my body. “You haven’t even started! What’s going on?”

What indeed?

“I am not going to torture her.” He braced for Ulrick’s response.

Son of a bitch!

Ulrick stilled. “Why not?”


“He doesn’t have to,” I said before Devlen could finish. “I’ve been thinking…”

“And?” Ulrick prompted.

I drew in a deep breath. My thoughts raced. “And, you’re both right. I’ll give in after a couple days so why waste my energy? Besides, I’m not going to hurt anyone.” I sounded as if I tried to convince myself, pretending to be a cowardly rat. Pretending?

Eyeing me with suspicion, Ulrick failed to appear convinced. “I figured you’d fight it for a while. Too easy.”

“He brought three clamps, Ulrick. Three points! Have you ever felt the pain of one point?”


“Show him,” I said to Devlen. “Please.” I let panic fill my voice.

The men glanced at each other. Ulrick shrugged. “I’ve always been curious.” He held out his arm.

Devlen grabbed his wrist, pinching the joint. Ulrick dropped to his knees. Surprise and agony flashed on his face. Devlen held the point a moment longer, then let go.

“That was…impressive.” Ulrick touched his wrist and considered. “Why did you bring three?”

“I used two on her before and she lasted two days. I hoped three would speed up the process.”

Ulrick stood. “Two days…” He absently rubbed his arm, then turned to Devlen. “Are you sure she’ll cooperate?”


“Good. We’ve gotten word Master Cowan is heading our way. We must prepare for her arrival.”

“Zitora? Why is she coming?” I asked.

“Another one of your surprises, but this time it worked for us.”

“My surprise?” Now I was confused.

“Your soldier friend from Fulgor. Janco told her about the factory before he came here to rescue you. She took off. Instead of reporting your disappearance to her commanding officer or to Councilor Moon, she sent a message to the Magician’s Keep. I’d wanted more time to get ready, but the situation is perfect. I’d rather pick off one Master at a time than be attacked by all three at once.”

They left. Once again, my thoughts plagued me. Zitora headed toward a trap, and I had leaped to Devlen’s aid. Either Devlen told the truth or I had been manipulated. At this point, it didn’t matter.

Time moved. I marked days by meals. Three meals equaled one day. Devlen visited, explaining Ulrick and Tricky’s plans for surprising Zitora. I ceased to care. She would be safe from me.

My muscles ached from standing. Blood ran down my arms from donating to Tricky’s protection. At least he stayed on task and his hands didn’t explore.

I had failed miserably. My goal to prove Devlen and Ulrick had switched souls would never be achieved. I did hope my efforts would save Zitora. Once she knew about Tricky and the blood magic, she would put a stop to it.

After six days of counting, Devlen arrived to escort me to the kilns. My legs cramped and I held on to his arm as we climbed the stairs.

“Ulrick, Tricky and I will be in the mixing room,” Devlen said. “They have grafted a null shield onto the wall so Zitora will not be able to sense them. But they have drilled holes and can blow a Curare-laced dart at her if they need to. Len and Boar are your guards. There are orbs nearby.”

“Where is Aubin?”

“He has been sent away in case they are not successful. The plan is for you to siphon her power as soon as she enters the kiln area.”

I stopped on the top step. “Why would she come in? Won’t she be suspicious?”

“Yes, she will be. She believes you have been caught by Tricky and Devlen.” He gave me a wry smile. “She is here to rescue you. They have staged leaving the building and going to town, presenting the perfect opportunity for Zitora.” He hesitated. “You are not going to drain her, are you?”

I refused to answer.

“They will shoot her with a dart. They are protected from her magic.” He wrapped me in an embrace. “Whatever you are planning, I will help you.”

At that moment, I believed him. Why not? I closed my eyes, soaking in his warmth and musky smell. “You managed to fool me again.”

“No. You are starting to trust yourself. I would not have been able to fool you as Ulrick if you trusted your instincts.”

I created a mess when using my instincts. Logic failed to work, as well. My plan looked better and better. I only wished Kade held me for my final moments instead of Devlen. But at least I would be able to ask Devlen a few more questions.

I pulled away to meet his gaze. “How did you switch souls? Yelena said it was impossible.”

“A complete blood transfusion. Remember the device Tricky used on The Flats to siphon your blood?”

I nodded.

“My invention. Except I used a bigger and faster device to drain all the blood from Ulrick.”

“But he would have died.”

“Yes, except for magic. I told you I was a Story Weaver, but I also had a little healing magic. Enough to keep us alive while we exchanged blood.”

Like he had said, Blood magic with a twist. “You did the same for Akako and Tama.”



“I wish I had a more noble reason, but it was for money. I needed money and Akako paid me well.”

The door to the basement jerked open.

“What’s taking so long?” Len demanded. “The magician’s getting close.”

“Opal is weak. She almost passed out.” Devlen hauled me up the final step. “Help me with her.”

I pretended to swoon.

Len grabbed my arm. “Damn. Will she be able to—”

“Yes. She will be fine once she sits down.”

Our little parade ended at the gaffer’s bench. I “caught” my breath and took stock of my surroundings. Boar loomed on one side, and a couple of orbs rested on the floor next to the bench.

“Does anyone know how to gather?” I asked the men.

Devlen moved toward the kiln.

“No,” Boar said. “Tricky warned us not to give her molten glass.”

I huffed. “How are we going to convince Zitora I’m working for you if I don’t have a slug?”

“Here,” Len said, handing me an orb. “Pretend you’re inspecting the glass. Devlen, you’d better go.”

The orb throbbed under my hands, and I tried to sense Boar’s magic. Nothing. Odd. If he was protected by a null shield, Zitora would believe I was alone, which would blow the whole captured ruse. In fact, all she needed to do was read my thoughts and know everything.

Unless they had grafted null shields on the other walls. My head hurt. Too many possibilities. All that mattered was I held glass and I felt magic. I didn’t need to wait for Zitora. Break, cut and let my blood run.

I lifted the sphere, aiming for the edge of the metal rod holder on the bench. The crack rang louder than the kiln’s hum. A perfect piece with a sharp edge remained in my hand. I pushed it against my throat.

“Opal, stop!” Zitora stood at the door, pure fury radiating from her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Boar and Len moved closer to me. Their weapons were drawn.

“Run away,” I shouted. “It’s a trap.”

She entered the room, but kept her distance.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Now fury claimed me. “Of course you wouldn’t listen to me! Poor deluded Opal.” I gestured at her with my glass shard. “Who can’t be trusted. Go away. I can take care of all the problems I have caused right now.” I placed the shard on my throat. Yet I hesitated.

A cold wash of sudden knowledge drenched me. I realized Zitora had come. If she didn’t care for me, she wouldn’t be here. She trusted me with her life and that was considerably more important than a few secrets.

Taking control of my situation hadn’t caused the trouble. The real trouble started long ago because I had let others decide. Those small rebellions over the glass messengers were a child’s temper tantrum compared to how I should have reacted. I should have demanded to be involved from the beginning. Should have trusted myself. Devlen was right. I almost laughed.

Zitora sensed my emotions, yet she pretended otherwise. “What are you waiting for?” she asked. “Slit your throat and take the coward’s way out.” She stepped forward. “Or do you want me to do it for you?”

I understood. “You would enjoy that, wouldn’t you? Payback for not letting you know about my siphoning powers. I knew you were angry.”

“You’re right.” She closed the distance between us.

By this time, we were almost nose to nose.

“Well, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything, but you didn’t have to shut me out!” I shouted.

“I was trying to protect you, but I realize now it was the wrong thing to do.”

“Too late.” I scooped up an empty orb. The glass pulsed under my fingertips.

“Feel better now?” she asked.

“Yes. Thanks.”

“Anytime.” She spun. Hooking her ankle behind Len’s calves, she yanked his feet out from under him. She backed toward the wall as Boar lunged for her.

The wall! I forgot! “Watch out for—”

Two puffs sounded as Zitora dived for the floor. The side door opened. Tricky, Ulrick and Devlen rushed in.

“I hit her on the arm,” Devlen said. “She’s not getting up.”

Ulrick rounded on Devlen. “You said she would cooperate.” He punched him in the stomach.

Devlen doubled over. Tricky pulled his sword and pointed the tip at him.

Confused, I wondered why Tricky hadn’t used his magic. Since no one paid any attention to me, I assessed the others through the orb’s glass. I felt no magic from Tricky or the other men. Again with the null shields…yet Zitora’s magic burned hot, which meant Devlen lied about hitting her.

“You can’t drain her now,” Ulrick said to me. “The Curare in her will block your magic.”

Devlen straightened and tugged his shirt down. Snap. I understood. The null shields had been woven into their clothing to protect them from Zitora’s magic just in case I refused to cooperate. If I ripped their shirts open, I wondered if the shield would break.

Len scrambled to his feet.

“Len and Boar, carry Zitora downstairs. Tricky—”

“Kill Devlen.” Tricky stepped forward as the other two bent over Zitora.

She gained her feet and yelled, “Now!” She tossed me a switchblade, then targeted Boar and Len.

I caught the weapon in midair, triggering the blade. Ulrick brandished his sword and Devlen dodged Tricky’s attack.

Ulrick advanced on me. A switchblade was no match against a sword.

“Put the knife down,” Ulrick ordered. “We’ll wait for the others to finish.”

“No.” I bolted for the line of pontil irons and blowpipes, grabbing an iron as I ducked his swing. I countered his next stroke with the iron. The harsh clang vibrated through my hands.

I managed to protect myself from his blade, but I knew my arms would soon tire from wielding the heavy rod. I glanced around. Zitora knocked Boar to the ground. Impressive. I didn’t know she could fight. An unmistakable thump meant Len joined his friend. Devlen and Tricky wrestled for the sword.

Countering a lunge, I spun to the side. Zitora rushed to help me.

“No. Help Devlen,” I said.

She shot me a confused look.

“Help Ulrick, then.” I backed away from another strike.

But the real Ulrick stopped trying to disarm me and pulled off his shirt. “Time for magic.”

Tricky shoved Devlen, letting him take the sword. He ripped his shirt off. Len and Boar stayed on the ground, but they yanked at their clothes. Tattoos covered all the men’s torsos. Magic saturated the air. Zitora’s magic cooled and disappeared as a null shield surrounded her.

The orb almost leaped from my hands, yet my blood in the men’s skin protected them. I couldn’t siphon their power.

Four magicians against one were terrible odds—even for a Master Magician.
