Carrie Vaughn

New York Times best seller Carrie Vaughn is the author of a wildly popular series of novels detailing the adventures of Kitty Norville, a radio personality who also happens to be a werewolf, and who runs a late-night call-in radio advice show for supernatural creatures. The eleventh and twelfth Kitty novels, Kitty Rocks the House and Kitty in the Underworld, were released in 2013. Her other novels include the Young Adult books Voices of Dragons and Steel; a fantasy, Discord’s Apple; and the superhero novel After the Golden Age. Vaughn’s short work has appeared in Lightspeed, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Subterranean, Wild Cards: Inside Straight, Realms of Fantasy, Jim Baen’s Universe, Paradox, Strange Horizons, Weird Tales, All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, and elsewhere. Some of her short stories are collected in Straying from the Path and in Kitty’s Greatest Hits. She lives in Colorado. Coming up is Dreams of the Golden Age, a sequel to her superhero novel, and more books in the Kitty series.

Even rogues need a place to drink and relax, like the Blue Moon Club in the suspenseful story that follows, although being in a place where rogues drink and relax, you’d be well-advised to watch your back—even if you’re a rogue yourself.
